Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

I agree with what he's saying. Visuals aren't the most important part of a game and it's not all about how advanced they are but they are important.
DarthBartus said:Skyrim... You mean TES V: Retard? Goddamn, they've already told that they're gonna reduce number of skills even further, and that gameplay will put more emphasis on combat :/
Walpknut said:yo used the word retard in your message, you are instantaneously witty and insightful.
Oblivion or Fallout 3 would be a good candidate for that.Surf Solar said:.., while things with tons of shaders and relatively good and "realistically" looking thing can look good, but is nothing special and will eventually get replaced by the next "cool, thats special".