Pete Hines Talks to IGN

FloodSpectre said:
You people are just like the people over on the Jagged Alliance 3 forums. Terrified of a little change.

Actually, we're people who understand that a game series dies when it loses what makes it special, including the presentation.

Isometric doesn't matter. The game world, the story, and the gameplay matter.

Which isn't going to happen in Bethesda's style. The presentation is also in the game's design, I'm sorry if you're too ignorant to understand that.

For all you know, when the man says it won't be isometric, he could mean you might be able to rotate and pan the camera. Christ, that's sacreligious though, isn't it ?

Isometric would be a stable point of focus versus that is capable within any view system that can be adjusted on a focus. If they don't do "top-down isometric" (cute term, Petey Boy), what makes you think they'd do something that could be isometric, McMoron?

You need to learn how to read. Read the entire question and answer for your clue.

Hell, while we're keeping things the same, I suggest keeping in the car that splits in two, and stealing from teammates to get your shit back.

Hyperbole that has no relation to game design, unless you're talking about stealing your gifts back from teammates and a sloppy programming job. I'm not surprised.
Sarkus said:
It is way too early to declare Bethesda's treatment of Fallout as crap.

isn't too early to see that so far, Bethesda looks to be saying one thing and meaning another. also isn't too early to see that the Fallout of Fallout 1 and 2 is in danger of being abandoned totally, because Fallout fans can now be safely made a non-factor.
jr. said:
Sarkus said:
It is way too early to declare Bethesda's treatment of Fallout as crap.

isn't too early to see that so far, Bethesda looks to be saying one thing and meaning another. also isn't too early to see that the Fallout of Fallout 1 and 2 is in danger of being abandoned totally, because Fallout fans can now be safely made a non-factor.

So why the hell did they go after the license? Why did they counter-bid over Troika? Jeez, you guys are conspiracy nuts. "Hey," some guy at Bethesda (hardly a huge conglomerate, by the way) says, "let's blow some cash on the Fallout license and then screw over everyone by making some crap. After the HUGE SUCCESS that FOBOS was we know they'll buy anything." Try thinking about this rationally.

Just because you may not like the style of Bethesda's previous games doesn't mean even the majority of Fallout fans agree. Try reading a few other websites once in a while rather than hanging out at the pit of negativity known as NMA.
Sarkus said:
So why the hell did they go after the license? Why did they counter-bid over Troika?

Obviously, a franchise to exploit, as they aren't interested in keeping to the franchise's design or theme. Fallout implies a CRPG, not a dungeon crawler. Some children need to learn the difference.

Jeez, you guys are conspiracy nuts. "Hey," some guy at Bethesda (hardly a huge conglomerate, by the way) says, "let's blow some cash on the Fallout license and then screw over everyone by making some crap. After the HUGE SUCCESS that FOBOS was we know they'll buy anything." Try thinking about this rationally.

We are. We've listened to what the devs have said, and have found some key points. The first and foremost is that this appears to be the same treatment as F:POS, according to Petey Boy. Take what they do good and throw Fallout's setting into there. That didn't quite work out well for the last batch of pretentious twits who claimed to be developing a Fallout title. You're just replying like some moronic chimp that doesn't have a clue, all in reflex.

Just because you may not like the style of Bethesda's previous games doesn't mean even the majority of Fallout fans agree. Try reading a few other websites once in a while rather than hanging out at the pit of negativity known as NMA.

Maybe because I don't care. A lot of those people can only formulate any kind of coherent grasp of a game system unless it's in their own hands. I have been able to see that certain changes, even small to begin with, will result in a lot of problems throughout the entire character system and game world. Real Time combat in Arcanum, for instance. People thought that was a bright idea until they found out how crappy it really was, and how it affected the game because someone decided it should just be in there.

Any chef knows that just because two things taste great, that doesn't mean you should mix them together. It also doesn't help to put hot cocoa mix into beef stock to thicken it up; it doesn't suit the recipe. I hope at least this metaphor might educate you, although with the blissful waffling you've done so far, my time has been a waste.
Sarkus said:
So why the hell did they go after the license? Why did they counter-bid over Troika?

why does Interplay have the Fallout liscense? why didn't they sell it? because they want it. does wanting the Fallout liscense mean good things for the Fallout liscense? is FO:BoS a good thing?

Sarkus said:
Jeez, you guys are conspiracy nuts.
"Hey," some guy at Bethesda (hardly a huge conglomerate, by the way) says, "let's blow some cash on the Fallout license and then screw over everyone by making some crap. After the HUGE SUCCESS that FOBOS was we know they'll buy anything." Try thinking about this rationally.

no one said anything about a conspiracy. Bethesda can also make a commercialy successful Fallout 3 if every Fallout fan on Earth hates it. try thinking about this not-crazily.

Sarkus said:
Just because you may not like the style of Bethesda's previous games doesn't mean even the majority of Fallout fans agree.
Try reading a few other websites once in a while rather than hanging out at the pit of negativity known as NMA.

Shadow Paladin?
alright, alright, alright!

We still got weather like in April, at least just here,
but that's ain't no reason to make such bad jokes.

It's just morning, I came from a doc for whom
the hell wouldn't be enough, and now you wanna
try to tell me Beteshda is on the works for the next Fallout?

That's very ill kinda joke. :evil:

I loved playing Morrowind, wasted many a hour of my time
making holidays Vvardenfell, I loved it, for it is.

So I love Fallout for what IT is.

It's not the problem that I can't imagine who it will be,
the problem there is, I DON'T WANT to.

That has nothing to do with being negative or pessimistic.

Remember the time when almost every one around
at the market thought 3D IS THE FUTURE, and they went
to do so, and it was bad, many a game that lost it self.

Like said before, there's nothing bad with modernizing,
the world moves on, but that is nearly a Re-Invention,
and has the potential to kill the spirit of the original.

That does not mean the game is going to be bad one,
but the question there is in how far a Fallout it will be...

Like said before, it will sell itself good, if not great,
cause of the Morrowind/Elder Scrolls Fanbase,
and till there Cthullu from Beteshda comes,
that will even enlarge their Fanbase.

I came from the Doc with a fucked up back,
now I will return with gastric ulcer.
Consoles. First person viewpoint.

I don't know what to say. Keep pressing the devs, signing petitions, making yourselves heard - it probably won't do any good but now is the time to make a noise before they Chuckie the game.
Join their forum and make sure they know. The more, the better. And do as Mr. Teatime suggested, put

Fallout 3 must have:

S.P.E.C.I.A.L system
Isometric perspective
Turnbased combat

in your sigs, and we'll see how Bethesda "listens to their fans". Maybe it's "pays their fans to say the right thing".
Wow, I can't believe how completely I disagree with just about everyone.

Turn based combat like the systems seen Fallout, Finaly Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, Breath of Fire, Cronotrigger, and any other "RPG" has one major problem. It is allways the same. It really doesn't matter who you fight, be it the end boss or some rat in a cave, you point, you click, you watch them point and click, and then combat ends.

Seriously, the last fight in KOTOR was no different from the other fights I had been in. Same with both fallouts (allthough FO1 didn't really have a last boss). It gets boring and dull.

That isn't the case with FPSs. Even morrowind had more entertaining combat that FO.

I personaly feel that one could nail the feeling of the fallout universe without having to have isometric/turn based combat. So long as I still get to blow peoples limbs off with a close range burst of JHP ammo.
i found kind of a few problems with your post, but i'm low on time. i can only fix one:

Thrawn said:
the case with FPSs you point, you click, you watch them point and click, and then combat ends.

i hope that's good enough for now
I don`t think Bethesda is putting spin on this thing, giving diferent views on the same subject at the same time, i believe that they are really in a confusion. Just go anywhere on the gaming forums, or places like .dot and you`ll see the overwhelming reactions, not all positive. They really need this week to structure the discourse and what they really want to do.
i think besheda will youse the story that all thechnology is lost and magic apeared and boom the same as morowind but called fallout3
Wow, I have to say I'm pretty surprised by some of the reactions I've read over the past couple days on these forums.

I know I am one of the biggest fans of this series in the world. I've put thousands of hours into the first two games alone, which lead to me eventually start speed running both games (though I haven't yet put up a run for the original Fallout).

But, I can't imagine being already so damn pessimistic when none of us know jack shit about what's coming. You've got a bunch of "what if's" and "maybe's" in your hands and you're acting like they're warm piles of horse shit. It makes me wonder if most of you would actually rather just bitch until the end of time instead of actually seeing another Fallout game.

Yeah, we know Fallout's probably going to change. I think we knew that before any of these announcements came. I, for one, am not going to sit around and piss all over a game I haven't seen, heard or played however. I mean for crying out loud all you guys know is it "might not be isometric" and the torches and pitchforks are already starting to come out. Give me a break.

It seems pretty obvious that most of you won't actually wait to play this game before you judge it, but at least wait until you have a screenshot, a video, or even a decent description before you damn it eternally.
It's called a pre-emptive strike. We need them (the devs) to know how we react to even mentioning consoles and FPS games in the same sentence as Fallout. We need to make them know that we won't take that kind of shit, and that we want clear and precise answers to all our questions. They bought the license, and they don't seem to know what they're going to do with it. This makes me and many others very worried, ya see.
got a bunch of "what if's" and "maybe's" in your hands and you're acting like they're warm piles of horse shit.

We re certain they wont be using the iso view and thats enough to tell me they wont be sticking to any of fallouts original features.
Like someone already said before me, when there will be screenshots and videos its going to be too damn late to change anything.
I know; I'm anxious too about what they're going to do to the franchise.

I just think it's pretty ridiculous to flip the hell out like some people have done over the ONE detail we know about it that isn't even fully confirmed. The absolute only thing we MIGHT know about the game and people are already dropping loads in their pants.

Calm, people! Breathe! Fallout 3 isn't a console 3D RTS just yet! :D
sick of that MW forum now, they censored the word "fooking"...yeah right like theyre going to make the game Mature rating when they censor swearing there....
not all is doom and gloom for me as12 lowenbrau bottles are chilling away! =/
I've been an avid reader of both NMA and DAC for years. After yesterday announcement and all the comments i've read here i felt the need to finally register and say a things or two.

You know, gamers everywhere are excited by this big deal btw BethSoft and lousy Interplay. But no.. not here at NMA, home of the so called "hardcore" Fallout fans.

I dunno, i was hopeing to read positive comments here, because after all BethSoft won many, many awards for their games, not to mention million copies around the world.

But reading the news comments here, seems like Morrowind was a crappy game, BethSoft are a bunch of morons and the Fallout franchise is doomed more than ever. Hell .. true production hasn't even started but you ruled it unworthy already, amazing .. hey .. if you got the magic sphere to see the future, could i have a look as well? ^_^

Umm.. right.. well maybe then BethSoft should throw back all the awards they received and .. maybe just go and give back all the millions dollars to the people who picked up a copy of their games during all these years (hey.. BethSoft was making RPG way back Fallout came out.. but i guess this is irrilevant).

Hehe.. it's really funny.. how many replies has this thread.. 40? How many ppl post on these boards .. 50 .. let's say 100 to be generous? Well .. i don't know what is that you think but you guys aren't the "voice of the people" if you know what i mean.

Seems to me that few of you realize you don't represent the whole market. While 100 of you here might think that isometric is the way to go .. well maybe the rest of the gamers out there would like full 3D instead (hey .. KOTOR soud million copies but i guess it sucks cos it isn't isometric after all hehe)

I'm concerned, you're never happy, nothing is done right ..

They still in pre-production, they didn't announce a signle feature or spec about the game but it doesn't matter because you already decided BethSoft isn't worthy to develop Fallout. So it doesn't matter if it will have stunning gfx but it will be full 3D, it doesn't matter if it will have awesome combat system but not turn based and it doesn't matter if it will have a great skill based system but not SPECIAL. In short, it doesn't matter if it's gonna be a great game .. it sucks already because it's not gonna be exactly like you want (aka exactly like a 1997 old game was). As i said already, gladly you don't speak up for the whole market.

Well .. that's all i wanted to say more or less. What i hope is for BethSoft to develop a great game where it isn't the single feature that matters but rather the game as a whole.. And maybe in a few years some of you will say "Well i was wrong, this is the best Fallout game ever" ..

I wouldn't hope so tho .. you guys live in your own utopian world made of SPECIAL, Isometric View, Turn based combat and BIS or ex BIS developers.. the rest.. is out and unworthy! ^_^