Picture of the collector's edition content, clothes coming ?

LOL, apparently some have never heard of Hello Kitty, which has zero background and a brand based entirely of merchandising their products/image. Be glad that it hasn't gone that far yet.
ah c'mon people, I can't believe what I'm reading here. That CE sucks donkey balls. Ah making of DVD? colour me impressed....can't wait to watch the Toddler explaining step-by-step how he raped the Fallout franchise.

The art book looks more like a art pamphlet, what format is it, postcard size?

The booblehead? No comment...

Leaves us with the lunch box...uh, yeah, whatever I guess. Why actually a lunchbox? I don't really get the connection to Fallout, someone care to explain it to me?

To sum it up, even if this was the CE of a really great game and not of an abomination that will propably rape our all most favourite franchise, it still would suck because it has written "cheap crap sold to nerds= extra $$$" all over it. Compare it to the Age of Empires 3 or WOW CEs which offered a lot more stuff for a better price.
MrBumble said:
bonanza said:
Compare it to the Age of Empires 3 or WOW CEs which offered a lot more stuff for a better price.

They were sold for less than an extra ten dollar bill ?

I meant relativly speaking, although yeah, here in germany the AoE 3 CE costed about 10 Euros more than the regular edition.

As far as the amazon.com listing tells me, the FO 3 regular edition will be 50 bucks and the CE will be 70, so that actually 20 bucks difference. I'm pretty sure it will translate to 20 Euros difference in Europe.