Mildly Dipped

The Saudi-Arabia owned supertanker The Sirius Star was hijacked by Somali pirates several hundred miles off the eastern coast of Africa on Saturday (Nov. 15, 2008). The pirates plan on using the 25 crew members (of various nationalities) as hostages until the $10 million ransom demands are met. The tanker is fully loaded with 10 millions barrels of crude oil (worth $100 million U.S.)
Piracy in the region has been on the rise recently as governments routinely cave in to ransom demands and lawlessness in Somalia prevents them from being caught when on shore. Most of the attacks occur in the Gulf of Aden (stemming off the Red Sea and lying between Somalia and Yemen), but some are occurring as far south as off the shores of Tanzania. The U.S. Navy stated that the pirates are striking with such a broad range, in areas with such a high shipping traffic that policing the entire area is impossible.
Typically the pirates approach the vessel in speed boats and fire warning shots with machine guns and brandish RPG launchers. If the vessel does not follow their instructions (typically to stop) then they fire towards the vessel's bridge (where the controls are). Once aboard the vessel the pirates are safer since they have hostages and governments are unwilling to see their citizens killed in a rescue attempt. Then the pirates negotiate a ransom which can run into the millions of dollars (U.S.). Thus piracy continues to rise as it is seen as a high reward, low risk criminal enterprise. Meanwhile the coastal villages in Somalia where the pirates take port are becoming boom towns as the ransom money trickles down.
Got any thouhts on piracy? Ways to deter or destoy pirates?
Piracy in the region has been on the rise recently as governments routinely cave in to ransom demands and lawlessness in Somalia prevents them from being caught when on shore. Most of the attacks occur in the Gulf of Aden (stemming off the Red Sea and lying between Somalia and Yemen), but some are occurring as far south as off the shores of Tanzania. The U.S. Navy stated that the pirates are striking with such a broad range, in areas with such a high shipping traffic that policing the entire area is impossible.
Typically the pirates approach the vessel in speed boats and fire warning shots with machine guns and brandish RPG launchers. If the vessel does not follow their instructions (typically to stop) then they fire towards the vessel's bridge (where the controls are). Once aboard the vessel the pirates are safer since they have hostages and governments are unwilling to see their citizens killed in a rescue attempt. Then the pirates negotiate a ransom which can run into the millions of dollars (U.S.). Thus piracy continues to rise as it is seen as a high reward, low risk criminal enterprise. Meanwhile the coastal villages in Somalia where the pirates take port are becoming boom towns as the ransom money trickles down.
Got any thouhts on piracy? Ways to deter or destoy pirates?