Plastic surgeries


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!

Just had a random thought about normal looking people (not including those who had some kind of an injury, or were born with deficiencies) who get plastic surgeries... Now i'm not an expert on this subject, but from what i have seen, the end product is almost never better than the original, and often is just terrible. Is this a major scheme by these plastic surgeons, or am i missing all the surgeries which were done so good that you can't spot them?

I'm just perplexed how so many people often don't see that a body has a natural symmetry, that is a sum of all parts, you can't just take of or add whatever you want to without breaking that symmetry. But maybe i'm wrong, has anyone actually seen surgeries that ended up improving the original look?
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It can be done well. You typically don't notice it when it is. A lot of the old potrait-of-Dorian-Grey smoke-leathered upper-class Reaganite housewives I knew through the would-be in-laws when I lived in Texas had years restored to their dessicated deathmask faces through well-executed facelifts and procedures. I've had a couple of friends who've had undetectable nose jobs that I'd venture were an improvement on the original, too, one of whom I never would have guessed at if someone hadn't mistakenly posted a "before" pic to Facebook. Minor things like the removal of a particularly egregious mole can improve attractiveness without encroaching on issues of body ethics much, as well.

In general, though, I think you're right-- it's usually noticeable, it's usually not worth the risk, and in all but the most extreme cases the person looked just fine (or better!) beforehand. They're the arbiters of their own self-image, though. It'd be nice if they could be alright with their natural selves, but not all cosmetic surgeries are the result of societal pressure or self-esteem issues, and in the end it's the individual's reasons and their own opinion of themselves that matter, not mine or anyone else's.

Wow. Just wow.
But it kinda looks fishy to me. Very fishy. Still, it's a wow.

Regarding the topic, I tend to agree with Yamu.

I've met a small number of people who have had plastic surgery, since it is not something overly popular in this parts, but looking through various photos and videos over the years, I can easily say that usefulness of plastic surgery is as big as its curse.
While it is of great importance and is a blessing for many people out there who have a real need for plastic surgery (deformities, scars etc.), the modifications of what is already a healthy human body are horrifying to me.

An adult person should have complete right to do anything they want with their own body, but for me, personally, the results are often disgusting.
The ravaging of thousands of healthy natural female bodies so that they could fit this ideal of a "perfect" woman is so appalling to me that I oftentimes find myself hard to look. It may sound weird, but whenever I see a nude picture of a "highly modified" woman, it makes me sick in a way.
Over the years, I've learned how to ignore it, but it's still unappealing to me. There are very few women out there who've undertook major plastic surgery that I find attractive.

I'll always find it funny how there are people out there who are willing to pay great amounts of money for surgery in order to lose fat, since they're too lazy to exercise at all. Not counting those people with actual medical problems.
Well, horribly disfigured body is a sign of social status in some cultures, so those women with huge synthetic breasts don't surprise me at all. They look like a vulgar sluts to me, but to each his own I guess. I don't question a neck of this good gentleman either, even if I'm considering it pretty stupid:

It can be done well. You typically don't notice it when it is. A lot of the old potrait-of-Dorian-Grey smoke-leathered upper-class Reaganite housewives I knew through the would-be in-laws when I lived in Texas had years restored to their dessicated deathmask faces through well-executed facelifts and procedures. I've had a couple of friends who've had undetectable nose jobs that I'd venture were an improvement on the original, too, one of whom I never would have guessed at if someone hadn't mistakenly posted a "before" pic to Facebook. Minor things like the removal of a particularly egregious mole can improve attractiveness without encroaching on issues of body ethics much, as well.

He, the interesting part is that people often don't even notice the eye colours of their close relatives, so some changes can fly past you also, but then what's the point of the whole operation, if nobody even notices it (which means they never had a problem with that in the first place). I too haven't noticed a nose job or two at first, but when you look at the picture, the only improvements i ever saw was if the nose had a very noticeable hump, or some strange birth defect.

I'll always find it funny how there are people out there who are willing to pay great amounts of money for surgery in order to lose fat, since they're too lazy to exercise at all. Not counting those people with actual medical problems.

Not only fat, but there is a trend for "muscle" implants. This is a major scam, since these poor folk think they are making their figure better, but since they don't exercise and don't know anything about muscle structure, they don't notice that their figure looks ridiculous after the implants. When you see their protruded biceps or chest, you only have to look at their necks and forearms to figure out that they have implants, since you don't develop those muscles having a pencil neck and pencil forearms.

Well, horribly disfigured body is a sign of social status in some cultures, so those women with huge synthetic breasts don't surprise me at all. They look like a vulgar sluts to me, but to each his own I guess. I don't question a neck of this good gentleman either, even if I'm considering it pretty stupid:

Is that real person?

In any way, i think their should be more control over these voodoo doctors, because they are disfiguring people who often have only psychological problems.
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I have a cousin that when she was little she was playing with one of those alcohol lamps. The lamp exploded because she messed too much with it and she needed extensive plastic surgery to not look like Two-face.
Now that is a understandable reason to go through plastic surgery, otherwise it's just the shallowest wastes of money. Specially those muscle implants..... like what is even the point?
The point is that we're now three or four generations into the dominance of a popular culture that pushes grotesquely unrealistic bodies as symbols of status and worth, if I don't miss my guess.
I don't know, in the second photo her face looks stretched back and those rigid tits look ridiculous.
It also depends on what she was eating and drinking. Bodybuilders (amateur and professional) dehydrate themselves to contract the body and emphasize the muscle tone. This might be the case.
It also depends on what she was eating and drinking. Bodybuilders (amateur and professional) dehydrate themselves to contract the body and emphasize the muscle tone. This might be the case.

Not in this case and that's what sparked my initial thoughts about this bs. Young good looking women going under the knife and ruin their natural look.
To be fair, her tits looked kinda fake even before surgery.

Yeah, looked really fake.

You sure that pic isn't just "I went from A implants to B implants"?

Do you really care, fake or real - as long as they're nice looking, not everyone can have perfect tits. The only time I object to fakes is when the size defies God's reality...stupid Christian God, I think the Indian God's love this sort of shit.


The original X-Men - :V

But what good is 4 arms when you only have 1 penis? Altho I think some of them have both Penises and vaginas.