Plastic surgeries

Well, horribly disfigured body is a sign of social status in some cultures, so those women with huge synthetic breasts don't surprise me at all. They look like a vulgar sluts to me, but to each his own I guess. I don't question a neck of this good gentleman either, even if I'm considering it pretty stupid:


Pretty sure that neck has been photoshopically altered :D
Sometimes it can be great, and can make some definite improvements.

Sometimes people can end up being sliced and diced straight into the uncanny valley.

I know neck-rings are real, and I'm not saying for total sure the pic of the bearded man is fake, but it just seems a tad bit too long to be real. Maybe it is real, and I learned something new, but the internet is full of pictures altered to make more of an impression

I'm just thinking, there is a real physical limit to how long you can stretch 7 cervical vertebrae, and that man seems to have surpassed the limit :D
rings push the shoulder down also, and his whole torso seems fine, considering the swan-neck
I know neck-rings are real, and I'm not saying for total sure the pic of the bearded man is fake, but it just seems a tad bit too long to be real. Maybe it is real, and I learned something new, but the internet is full of pictures altered to make more of an impression

Fake, like a pair of plastic tits.
Paying a large amount of money just for bigger breasts and muscles. People will do anything to satisfy themselves.
Quote from South Park on the subject of cosmetic surgeries:

"But you made him black?"
"No! I only made him look like one!"
Though I personaly make a difference between something people do because of historical and cultural reasons out of traditions or if some stupid slut with one braincell wants to increase her tits to give someone a boner or pumping their face full of botox to follow some twisted vision of beauty. Not that I really understand cultural body-changes, and I think it would be better if they would simply drop them, but well, at least those are understandable. Someone blowing up his lips or throwing silicone in his chest? Those have usually other reasons, like mental problem or such things. They would rather need a good therapist then a surgery.
To be fair, plastic tits are a lot better than shit like feet binding or those elongated necks or whatever, at least in my opinion. That shit's mutilating, dangerous and irreversible.
true enough, and I would love if all of that dissapeared. But certain surgeries people do here in the name of beauty are just as bad, if not even worse in some cases.
Though I personaly make a difference between something people do because of historical and cultural reasons out of traditions or if some stupid slut with one braincell wants to increase her tits to give someone a boner or pumping their face full of botox to follow some twisted vision of beauty. Not that I really understand cultural body-changes, and I think it would be better if they would simply drop them, but well, at least those are understandable. Someone blowing up his lips or throwing silicone in his chest? Those have usually other reasons, like mental problem or such things. They would rather need a good therapist then a surgery.

Uh... not to be a jackass, but why, if not for cultural reasons, do you think anyone does go in for cosmetic surgery? No one is born wanting ridiculously pale skin or eerily perfect teeth or cleavage NASA could land a rover in. That's all inculcated through cultural osmosis. People tend to get myopic about culture-- modern culture is superficial and frivolous and arbitrary, whereas older cultures were...? Superficial, frivolous, and arbitrary-- BUT-- they should be respected. Because reasons.

I've been accused of bordering on Tumblr levels of retardedness when it comes to being open-minded, but I've still never been able to understand that line of thinking. Cultural relativity exists, but sometimes, shitty is shitty and stupid is stupid, period. Doesn't matter if people have been doing it for hundreds or even thousands of years. Doesn't matter if it's demanded by your God or it was venerated by the founders of your country. Doesn't matter if it happens half a world away in a culture I'm not a part of and it made sense back when people started doing it and the people who've been inured to it over a cycle of generations are kinda sorta okay with the shittiness. And calling it out certainly doesn't imply that you think your own culture is, on the whole, less shitty.

So. Yeah. Tangent. On topic, plastic surgery mostly creeps me out, but I'm inspired by the fact that we've reached an age advanced enough in both its technological and ideological development to allow people such a high degree of agency over the physical aspects of their being. If it was cheaper and didn't tend to look so eerily wrong when done poorly, most of the stigma attached to it would dissipate overnight, and that's precisely what's going to happen. Unless there's some kind of knee-jerk culture shock reaction because it comes on too fast, gene finagling and biosculpting are likely to be as common as laser eye surgery sometime within our grandchildren's lifetimes anyway, if not our childrens'. As minor procedures come down in cost and increase in effectiveness, the beauty standard will move on to something less attainable by the masses as it always does, and we'll be left with bored teenagers working part time jobs at ear-piercing-and-nose-reshaping booths in front of Hot Topics in malls across the western world.
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Uh... not to be a jackass, but why, if not for cultural reasons, do you think anyone does go in for cosmetic surgery?
because they have mental problems? No clue. I am talking about healthy normal looking people, getting a needle in their eye for colour changes, donut shaped garbage in their forehead, 5kg tits or what ever. There is the cosmetic surgery as life improvement, for those that really suffer from issues, accidents etc. and there is the cosmetic surgery that people do because they are addicted to it, or because they have serious mental issues with their self esteem. It don't claim to know every individual reason here, nor that I understand every person whos getting some botox in his face. But there are a substantial number of people where every good doctor would give them the advice to seek a professional therapist and psychologist instead of a surgery to fix their issues.

Kultural reasons most of the time have reasons that have to do with traditions, the history of a tribe. That doesnt mean its healthier, but I guess its something which I can understand better. But as said, just to make this clear, if I had a say in all of it, I would like to see it dissapear any kind of mutilation or cosmetic changes. I mean, People should be free to decide on their own without any preasure. You want your lips have the size of a car-wheel? So be it. Its your body. But I dont understand the desire for it.
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Kultural reasons most of the time have reasons that have to do with traditions, the history of a tribe.

I think Yamu's point is that cosmetic surgery is cultural: it's based on the values and standards of beauty of our own particular modern culture and its associated subcultures. This includes fake breasts, subdermal implants, and everything else you mentioned. It's no different from neck stretching, etc.
But what good is 4 arms when you only have 1 penis? Altho I think some of them have both Penises and vaginas.

There was this guy born with two, and his girlfriend convinced him to have it removed surgically; (yes this is true ~afaik). They broke up soon after.

I was going to bring this up at first; not this story in particular, but the truth behind it.

This woman has [had] an offset face (eyes and nose, it looks like); but after the surgery it's lessened or gone entirely... but her face looks artificially symmetrical now.
I don't know if surgery could do it, but any of the split toed tribe could have benefited from re-constructive surgery; if they left their home region and wanted to live elsewhere.
(That doesn't mean they would do it though ;it's totally natural/normal to them.)
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Well, horribly disfigured body is a sign of social status in some cultures, so those women with huge synthetic breasts don't surprise me at all. They look like a vulgar sluts to me, but to each his own I guess. I don't question a neck of this good gentleman either, even if I'm considering it pretty stupid:


Pretty sure that neck has been photoshopically altered :D

It's a practice several African tribes (mainly in central and eastern Africa) use. Basically they add rings until their head is held high and their neck extended to full extent. Then as their neck stretches from being forced upward 24/7 they add more and more rings, stretching the neck even more. To accomplish something like that though in the picture above, takes many, many years. He probably started using the rings when he was a young adult, adding more over the years as they stretched out his neck.

The Mayans used to purposely disfigure their children when they were toddlers (sometimes even earlier) in order to make them more "attractive". and give them desirable traits in Mayan society (I specialize in Meso-American history). These things include filing down their teeth to points, carving holes in their teeth and adding jade (or replacing their tooth entirely, kind of like the gold tooth, but with jade), using a board (two boards binded to the infants head) to stretch out their head (you know how when babies are born, many of them have misshaped heads that are enlarged in the back) this is what Mayans would do, attempt to give their kinds a sloped-like forehead. In case you were wondering, yes some children did die in this process, but it had no effects on their intelligence. however in a more permanent manner. They found cross-eyed (some slightly, some all the way, it differed between city-states and personal opinion) people to be of particularly great beauty. Males and females tattooed their body or performed scarification "art". Clothes weren't as important as today's society feels they are, instead the Mayans focused on head-dresses. The bigger the head dress, the more important you were. Big noses were attractive. The Mayans considered many things to be "attractive" than any society today might find repulsive.
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