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The highlight all button

Should be the option in the config file. I turned on the option that only worked with the motion sensor.

Resurrection: Remembered my favourite bad ending in all Fallouts.

New Hope didn't survive your killing spree. It took only one person to turn this small village into another dead place in the wastes.
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I remember when I first found that dynamite in a locker in Vault 15. -Aha! I thought to myself, you need to use this dynamite to blow one of the stone piles away in order to find an area that was previously blocked by it. So I saved and loaded and tried to explode that dynamite everywhere but to no effect.

However it would be cool though if you could clear some rubble away and access a new room or something (maybe for a character with an explosive weapons build?).

e: Noticed the two GECKs in Vault 13 as well as vault 13 jump suits, a nice little addition.

I also encountered a Baby Rad Scorpion which I think is nice. I would like to have some of them in the Rad Scorpion cave actually. Seth talks about have the Rad Scorpions always come back no matter how many you kill. That place should be crawling with the little babies I think.

e2: The doctor in Shady Sands mentioned that Tandhi and Seth had a little fling for eash other. Maybe Seth should have some dialogue that acknowledges that when Tandhi is kidnapped...
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Or die buried under the rubble due to your lack of skill.
Resurrection has one location like that.
That would be something.

Travelling between Shady Sands and Junktown I got a random encounter where I found two gold nuggets. I didn't save and then I got killed by raiders in the next random encounter. I could have been rich!!

e: The Gold Nuggets are an addition from Fallout Fixt, that's why I didn't remember them. It's a Fallout 2 item.
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Spoiler for a secret Resurrection companion

Girls don't like Drools.
Haha a pet floater, nice!

I took the Comprehension perk this time as well. After completing all business around Shady Sands, I went down to Junktown, befriended Dogmeat and continued to the Hub. There I bought all the books in the library to improve my skills. I'm now going back to Junktown to do all quests there.

It appears that if you anger Killian during your first dialogue with him he will react very badly towards you. I was casually asking questions about Junktown and when he had told me about it I managed to select the option "is that all you can do in Junktown?", then he got mad. Now he looks very angry upon me every time I speak with him. I hope he will change his opinion after my coming shoot-out with Gizmo.

e: Fallout 1 is actually quite bare-bones compared to Fallout: Nevada. For example I was just in the Bar in Junktown when the Skulz started a shoot-out in there. One person died and the barkeep yelled at them to leave. But after that I couldn't talk to him or anyone in there about what happened. The only reaction I could get was from the girl on why she cried for Saul. If the game was more fleshed out you would be able to talk to the barkeep about the incident as well.

Also, I remember that there is some dude that tells you about Dogmeat and his former owner. That person tells you that the previous owner had a strange accent which implies it was actually an aussie like Mad Max. Some sort of easter egg I guess. However I haven't encountered that person and no one in town has told me about Dogmeat.

e2: I suppose it's Phil I'm thinking of but he only had floating lines of text this time.

e3: Junktown was much more barebones than I remembered.

You can talk to Doc Morbid about Iguana Bob even though you don't know who that is. You can't tell anyone in town that he serves Human Meat even though that would be of great interest to the residents there. Who are the people that are being made into Iguana Bits? Shouldn't you be able to supply Doc Morbid with fresh corpses?

If feels like there's something more to Saul and Trish but they wont talk to you. Trish works at the bar and was hit by the member of the Skulz. She cries for Saul and you can ask here why she did. But you can't tell Saul or Neal about the incident.

It's easy to fuck everything up involving the Skulz. I feel you should have more dialogue options with them and others that are affected by them like Neal at the Skum Pitt.

After you have killed Gizmo there's no special dialogue with Killian about it. When Gizmos dead his sign will stop rotating and the neon lights in it will be turned off. However if you click it it still says that it rotates, the text is the same as before.

There's much room to make Junktown better by adding little reactions everywhere to reflect your actions. There's also some empty houses and not that much dialogue. And where's all the junk? This location could be heavily expanded.

However I do like the sleekness of Fallout 1 where there's only the dialogue that's necessary and no filler content. It's good if you want to experience an adventure and are short on time.

e4: There are Donkeys in the Fallout universe. Irwin who you meet in the Hub and whose farm has been taken over by raiders mention that they killed his donkey named Pugsley.
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Here are some good tips on how to make a character from @DwayneGAnd.

e: I got a new special encounter based on the Guardian of Forever but this time you arrive in the Temple of Trials.

I'm done with the watership now. Heading to BoS so that I can visit the Glow.
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I distinctly remembered finding power armor at the Glow/West Tek Research Facility on my last Fallout run, some ten years ago. Good thing with replaying is that you can correct your memory.

I'm at BoS now. Do you take down the Master first and then Mariposa?

The motorcycle is a really neat addition in Fallout Et tu. I like it a lot. Had this been Fallout: Nevada you would be able to get upgrades for it in Junktown.

e: you can actually upgrade it in Adyton. However there's no quest attached, just you paying for the upgrade.

I asked some questions about Et tu to Lexx and here are his answers:

On radiation around the Glow:
In et tu, the zones around the Glow on the worldmap will actually radiate you. This is a feature that can be disabled in the settings, but doing that is lame. :> (Those zones are defined as "Radiated x" if you stop and move the mouse over the green triangle)

Also you get rads in encounters around the Glow. This was an addition by Fixt (vanilla only has 1 glow map with radiation, with Fixt it's in all of them), but I kept it because why not.

On Tycho's prefered weapons:
Tycho can now use everything but big and energy weapons. However, his allowed weapons are still limited to sledgehammer, spear, pistol, smg, and rifles (sledge and smg are new).

Technically the critter can also use knife and club weapons, but I kept it disabled to stay a bit more true to the original. Other non-party member critters of the same type will be able to use those weapons now, though. (For example the skullz in Junktown are equipped with knives but were never able to use them due to lack of animations)

/Edit: I'm wondering now if I should allow knife and club weapons. Though I do like that party members have limited arsenals ... makes them feel more unique if they can't just use anything.
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If feels like there's something more to Saul and Trish but they wont talk to you. Trish works at the bar and was hit by the member of the Skulz. She cries for Saul and you can ask here why she did. But you can't tell Saul or Neal about the incident.

If you are playing et tu, then there is restored content. However, as with most of the restored content in Fo1, it's quite shit. The tl;dr is, you need to talk with both about the other partner (the names must be mentioned), and then there is a hidden speech check which enables another dialog option at Saul, which will then progress their story further. It's still quite bare bones, though, and I really hate it when people call this a "quest" (it's really not).

When Gizmos dead his sign will stop rotating and the neon lights in it will be turned off. However if you click it it still says that it rotates, the text is the same as before.

It says that this is a motor that rotates the sign. It doesn't say that it necessarily spins it *right now* which is why I didn't change the text for it.
Finished Resurrection:




Turned on the loud self-destruct, majority of ghouls were able to escape. Their failed dream haunted them forever.
Prisoners were able to get Rebirth robes and escape without raising an alarm. There weren't enough robes for everyone and those that had to stay behind commited suicide to avoid further tortures.

Rat Hole
Conflict died with both gang leaders. Their mercenaries left, looking for another war to make money on. There was nothing left but ruins.
George grieved over his daughter's grave until his death, despite her killer's being dead.

New Hope
Thanks to the trade agreement the settlement prospered. For the first time you could hear the laughter of children in the village.

For his role in getting rid of the ghouls, Senor Rodriguez earned the trust of the locals. Bribes and occasional threats strengthened his position in the city.
Frederyk's Dream prospered, showing others that caravan business could be founded on honesty and decency.
Demetre continued to run the company. Crimson Caravan lost some employees and customers, but there was always someone else who needed his goods delivered fast.
Kerri became a wandering gun-for-hire, never settling down properly.

With Uncle finally gone, Nestor's profits skyrocketed. With partial mechanization of mining operation it could be expanded further. Near the end of Nestor's life Corath was an industrial metropolis, ruled by him with an iron hand.

The wall between Empire and the rest of the city was abolished, both communities integrating.
After the destruction of Dead Quarter hospital there was nobody to perform more difficult surgeries on the wealthier immigrants. On the other hand the poor stopped dissapearing.
Tribals decided to stay in the city, despite some tensions between them and more civilized people.
Without Vex life in the suburbs became easier. William's business prospered, but his happiness wasn't long. After his first wife died the second one left him. He shut himself in his house, conducting business through messengers.
Mutant Hunters fought between themselves for Sebastian's position. Empire forces easily pushed their remnants out of the city. The survivors formed a raider band, that harassed the caravans coming into the city.
Lystra returned to the city and assumed a position of the hospital director, opening it's doors to the more vulnerable people.

They headed further east, where no human could or was willing to follow them.

Interesting build, did it work well with small guns and unarmed? Are there a lot of gambling I Resurrection?

Care to explain the thought behind dumping Endurance?
small guns and unarmed?

Used small guns entire time (zip gun-> hunting rifle-> browning rifle-> sniper rifle), had some skill points before the final area, so I dumped them for ring fights in Sedit.

Are there a lot of gambling I Resurrection?

Only one casino that belongs to Rodriguez- so if you work against him you can't use it. There's a bookstore that regularly restocks books so my plan was to gamble a lot and buy tons of books. Overshot a bit and ended donating 30 000 to charity to get some Karma.

Care to explain the thought behind dumping Endurance?

It's not important if you kill them before they have a chance to react. :wiggle:

Also stat increases cost a lot and good characters probably would think twice about getting them (how many you can get is governed by Endurance).
It's not important if you kill them before they have a chance to react. :wiggle:
Hehe yeah sure!

Also stat increases cost a lot and good characters probably would think twice about getting them (how many you can get is governed by Endurance).
Could you elaborate a little on that please?
The first time I made Zimmerman in Adytum listen to the holotape recording that incriminates The Regulators, the guard that is supposed to kill him MISSED. Unfortunately Smitty died in the following battle so I had to reload. Now the guard oneshots Zimmerman everytime I reload and I can't seem to keep him alive. I must have been very lucky that first time. I think he's supposed to die so I don't know if he even has some dialogue should he survive.

I was also a bit disappointed that there was only one Deathclaw down in that basement. What's the challenge in that?
Once the dialog with Zimmerman closes, you have to hammer the A key to start the combat first.
Could you elaborate a little on that please?

You can get the stat increases by getting organ transplants at the hospital in Albuquerque. Organs come from people captured by the mercenaries working for the doctors or those that couldn't pay their bills after surgery (you can die that way too).

They're really expensive- Intelligence costs 30 000. You can get 50% discount on a surgery by donating your companions and their organs. Gabriel gives discount on Strength, Kerri on Perception and Lystra on Intelligence.
Once the dialog with Zimmerman closes, you have to hammer the A key to start the combat first.
I can imagine and I will probably do so instead of reloading until he misses again.

It was a nice surprise that he missed the first time though. Then I killed him with one shot from the alien blaster. God damn that those regulators managed to kill Smitty.

@Alphons: So with low Endurance you can hardly take that many stat increases?

I re-did the fight with the Regulators and now only Lorriane died. Since she isn't that important I find it an acceptable outcome.

As I suspected Zimmerman doesn't have any dialogue post-fight. He was probably meant to die but it would have been nice with some reaction other than the floating text about his son having been avenged.

e: I re-did the fight a third time and Lorriane died this time as well. And Sammael got badly hit. Smitty and Miles are also involved in the fight and taking damage. Smitty died the first time as I wrote above.
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He has at least a new floating text line!

Weird, though, I didn't have any dialog-npc die in the fight in a very long time. That said, kinda happy I didn't release the new patch yet. Probably going to not release it until you are done with the playthrough, just in case. :>