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If you kill the Khans it says that nobody ever hears about them again. So I guess the canon ending is that you rescue Thandi without a fight, if they are to appear in Fallout: New Vegas.
The canon ending, as established in the Vault Dweller’s Memoirs, is that the Vault Dweller killed every Khan except Garl’s son Darion, who must’ve been on a raid or something at the time. This leaves Darion the sole surviving Khan, which leads to him forming the New Khans sometime before the events of Fallout 2. I think the Fallout Bible later confirms that he gets killed by the Chosen One. The remaining New Khans apparently stick around and continue to harass the NCR until they are pushed out of their territory towards New Vegas. At some point they drop the “New” from their name and add “Great”.

So yeah, that ending slide got kinda retconned, unless Ron Perlman was simply referring to the fact that the “Khans” are never heard from again, but he didn’t say anything about “New Khans” or “Great Khans”…
Even if you kill everyone in the Khan camp you can still get the encounter with the lonely Khan, but you can't talk to him anymore, because he attacks you for "killing them all".

Who knows how many others were out in the Wastes just like him?
The canon ending, as established in the Vault Dweller’s Memoirs
Thanks! I hadn't actually read that, I got my copy of F2 in a box (this one) and I don't think there was a printed manual. However I just read it, so thanks for pointing that out. What I can see it says the following about the Khans:

Vault Dweller's Memoirs said:
After a small problem with some raiders, who would continue for years to plague not only myself, but the Tribe, I found myself in Junktown.
I would say that you are correct in that some Khans, who were out on patrol, kept the group going.

e: I will add The Vault Dweller's Memoirs as a recommended read before playing Fallout 2.
Thanks! I hadn't actually read that, I got my copy of F2 in a box (this one) and I don't think there was a printed manual. However I just read it, so thanks for pointing that out. What I can see it says the following about the Khans:

I would say that you are correct in that some Khans, who were out on patrol, kept the group going.

e: I will add The Vault Dweller's Memoirs as a recommended read before playing Fallout 2.
I just reread the memoirs and I could’ve sworn he said more about the Khans, but I guess I was wrong. I specifically remember him saying something about “removing their souls from their bodies”, but that line is nowhere to be found. I must be confusing it with something else. Sorry for the misinformation.
At least something... I just arrived at Rat Hole btw.

e: Rat Hole is just like I picture the post-apocalypse. People are starved and easily agitated, there's no room for politeness. There's even a man that plans to eat the dog he has captured.

The starting town of New Hope produce more food than they can eat whereas Rat Hole is plagued by starvation. I'm thinking a trade route would benefit both parties. But Rat Hole needs to solve it's conflict first.

It will be interesting to see where this game will take me!
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I'm thinking a trade route would benefit both parties.

There's nothing left in Rat Hole, the only reason to stay there is the conflict between Julian and Leonard. Once it ends everyone will move on.
You can set up the trade route with someone else though.

BTW, Adam's quest with letter delivery is absolutely hilarious with low Intelligence
His brother tells you to wait a day for his response and then tries to explain the concept of night and day with the sun going to sleep and being replaced by the moon, but then just gives up with a sigh. If you get the letter back to Adam he pets you like a dog and gives you a meat jerky instead of caps.
I'm trying to do the jobs in Rat Hole for both Julian and Alexa but it's so expensive to get hold of all the stuff. I was so happy when I stumbled upon on tablet of Buffout lying on the ground. That was a great find!

e: Stole a pack from one of the guards as well.
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You can steal majority of items from the mercenaries on both sides.

You may find it harder later on, as they will actually use these items. Leonard's men will have more guns and Julian's will have the meds.
I really like the detective quest to find Maria's murderer. I almost completed it on a previous save but I decided to start from the beginning and do things in a smarter order. So now I'm doing the quests first as too not upset someone to early.

e: Are you on Tactics now?
That's quite impressive! Let's hope some of them are good. Fallout Enclave sounds interesting and Fallout Tactics: Crusade is a NMA mod I think.

I got stuck on the Marias Murderer quest this time. I dunno why? I have unearthed her grave and then shown the note from there to the doctor. I have then talked to her father, the Mayor. But then what? I get no new information from Alexa no matter what I click.

I remember last time I did it I could reply -"You can make poison?" when she told me why she was as good as Leonard at running the store. I can't get that reply this time though. But I don't even know if that's what will trigger the next conversation with the Mayor. When I speak to him now my only option is to say that I need to find out more. I did progress one step further than this before but I cannot grasp what's the next step. Maybe I'm just too tired.
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Marias Murderer

Have you talked with the gravedigger? He'll tell you who ordered to bury the doctor and Maria in the same grave.
Edit: Or ask the priest about funeral arrangements.

You can make poison?

Should be one of the questions regarding the store. Alternatively do her first quest and complain that you can't kill doctor Moore. She'll make you a batch. That should unlock the dialogue.
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Thanks! It was just me being tired and having failed to exhaust the dialogue with the grave digger.
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