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Finished the game! I've successfully avoided spending a single skill point on offensive skills.

Here's Harvey.

Got +3 ST from PA and +1 from Vegas couch, +1 CH from beauty kit, +1 INT from Private Investigator and +1 Luck from Businessman.


Plus the people I've strangled or poisoned:
  • Ripper (Louis' right hand)
  • Harrelson
  • Drug lab staff (without merchants)
  • Slavers (aside from Vortis who was eliminated by mayor and smoker outside who can be left alone)
  • Provo bandits (convinced Gilmore to turn himself in, poisoned the rest with the poison they gave me for Cola plant)
  • Clone near the train (kept killing the train driver)

Karma 699 (Shield of Hope)
Caravan Merchants: Idolized
White jazzman
Hero of the slums
Uranium City sheriff
Private Detective
Nuka Cola Courier
Honest Driver
Big Louis' Right Hand
Death Gambler
Cola Maniac
Thompson's Man
Luciano's Consigliere

  • Vault 8- Harvey sacrificed himself and destroyed the lab. Overseer title was abolished.
  • Black Rock (no ending slide)- cured Jasmine and hooked her up with gravedigger, disabled their collars and got a job for slaves, convinced William to forgive Bolt, convinced Eugene to leave the gang and saved caravaneers.
  • Gerlach (no ending slide)- repaired the pump and stopped the execution, left them alone.
  • Cheyenne- left Lovelock and found a safer place somewhere in the mountains.
  • Big Louis- retired as a raider and started to play jazz again. Someone killed him for what he did.
  • Hawthorne- looted by scavengers
  • New Reno- civil war ended and while there were some riots, order finally returned.
  • Uranium City (no ending slides)- helped Burch take over the mine, used the brahmin to kill the worms, healed Tony, got them the fuse.
  • Bridgeport (no ending slides)- secured a caravan route for them, restored their power grid and cured a kid.
  • Winds of War- Wesker lost his patriotism and faith in his people. Decided to start helping others and WoW became a major caravan stop between Reno and Vegas.
  • New Vegas- mayor was able to keep the city in order and the town prospered.
  • Freaks- received the rights to live in the city.
  • Drug lab- LVPD secured the intact equipment and the city decided to use it to manufacture medicines.
  • Provo- with everyone dead, the trade routes were secure again.
  • Salt Lake City prospers and becomes a major caravan stop, with new businesses constantly opening. Thanks to the water filter health of the citizen improves a lot.

I'll write up answers for the questionnaire later (either edit or new post).

I'll be taking a short break before Fallout 1.

Good luck!
Last edited:
That's very impressive! Well done.

With your great meta-knowledge you must have been able to plan your play almost perfectly. Since you have such a intrinsic knowledge about Fallout: Nevada it will be very interesting to hear your opinions after yet another playthrough. If you think the questionnaire suck you're free to re-formulate the questions. It's not perfect and some are overlapping. You could also add some if they don't cover everything you want to share.

I wish I could play a game that fast, looks like I will be stuck with Nevada a bit into March... I'm not complaining, yet, but it will be nice to have it done.
-Going into the game what are you looking forward to?
After playing it 3 times before I was hoping to find stuff I haven't seen before (and succeeded). I was interested to see how Fixed version fixes the part near the end (older translation was kinda gibberish there and plot getting confusing resulted in quite a mess).

-After having completed it what did you think of the game?
An amazing experience, that sadly starts to show cracks near the end. Nevada was restarted 4 times if I remember correctly and was almost entirely made by one guy.

-What would you improve?
In that order: fix the pacing of the main quest, add some extra quests to Vegas and improve the drug investigation, restore some cut content like Mormons and Wendover.

-What's your thoughts on the main quest?
Really bad pacing- in other Fallouts you achieve your smaller goal (water chip, GECK, Platinum Chip) and then have to confront the antagonist (Master, Enclave, Legion or NCR). In Nevada you achieve your smaller goal and then spend couple dozen hours in Battle Mountain, WoW, Vegas and SLC. Then you meet the antagonist and BAM the end. Writing is much better in Fixed Edition. I'm not a fan of
Vault 8 being the cloning facility

-If old, does the game still hold up in 2022?
It runs like butter and sFall allows you to easily tailor the experience.

-If not Fallout 1, does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
Nevada explored a really interesting time period- you still have certain elements of the Old World and even normal people born before the war, but it slowly fades away. Opal Mine (future site of Vault City), Cheyenne's post-war culture, post-war history of Reno, Vegas and SLC are all great additions. Seeing Skeeter, the Kings and Reno families before 2 and NV was interesting. Like I said before I'm not a fan of what the ending adds.

-What's the game's strengths and weaknesses?
The world is really reactive and full of different interactions. Classic Fallout skill set is used to it's full potential. Loads of quests with different solutions that depend on your skills, karma titles and equipment.

Weak parts are Karma system, low amount of memorable combat encounters, main quest with bad pacing and questionable ending.

-What would you like to change in the game?
Monkey paw situation. I would only add things mentioned before, I wouldn't change anything else because I could always make it worse.

-What build did you use during your play-through?
Low Strength and Endurance, high Intelligence, Good Natured and Skilled (first time picked this trait). Tagged Speech, Sneak and Doctor. Picked perks that would get me the most skill points (Comprehension, 3 ranks of Educated) and then Ghost.

-What's your weapon of choice?
Old Revolver! Requires only 1 Strength and my low Small Guns required me to shoot point blank. It's 4AP shot allowed me to shoot 2 times if I didn't move. Stranglehold was also pretty effective against humans once I got my Sneak up.

-Describe your favourite quest and why you like it!
Lovelock surgery. Before you begin you have to earn the trust of chief, then shaman tests your knowledge and abilities (including your SPECIAL), then you collect the required tools whose quality affects the outcome of the operation. You can't begin if you're addicted, irradiated or infected. Your skills and choice of tools can end the quest in 4 different ways. And if you take too long the kid will die from infection.

-What's your favourite location in the game?
Reno. You probably spend around 50% of the game in and around Reno. Jazz and strip club questlines, the 5 bosses, various misc quests, different consequences of your actions.

-What ending did you strive for/get?
Achieved the best one.

-If the game is a total conversion mod: Could it be considered as part of the Fallout canon?
I think yes. The controversial part becomes irrevelant in "canon" ending
Blowing up the cloning facility
Rest of the game nicely fleshes out the period between the war and Fallout 1.
Las Vegas appears to be all screwed up for me! I can't do anything with the Mayor's quest. I think I will just skip it. I can't find the drug lab and I don't appear to get the right dialogue options with others.

Hide in the "black caravan" wagon
also should we be updating the walkthrough? lots of errors
Very nice Alphons, I will comment on that when I get the time.

In the mean time, nothing happens when I click the radio in the vicinity of Vortis. Do you need to stand on a specific spot? It's the same when I use the radio on the parking spot of the caravans...

Hide in the "black caravan" wagon
Thanks I know. I will deal with the others first and then the drug lab.

also should we be updating the walkthrough? lots of errors
That we should! I will try to compile everything we written in this thread at least. And Alphons is a living walkthrough of sorts.
In the mean time, nothing happens when I click the radio in the vicinity of Vortis. Do you need to stand on a specific spot? It's the same when I use the radio on the parking spot of the caravans...

Do you use it from hand like metal detector? Is it a working one? It should work from anywhere.

You can also get some extra XP if you use it at the freaks' motel.
Man I feel stupid! I feel a bit stressed every time I play since I never finished the game so it read it too quickly and thought it said "operational" but I now saw it said "not operational". Repaired it and lured Vortis out. Also eavesdropped on the police near the ghouls. However nothing happens at the parking lot but that might be due to things I've did previously.
Try talking with drug dealer or junkie at Hard Rock. Ask about being hired as chemist or getting psychedelics and they should spill the beans.
Alternatively talk to a smoker near the slavers' base. You need high Strength or Level 12 to intimidate him.

Also checked and to use the radio you have to kill the dealer and get a holdisk with radio frequencies.
I think I screwed that up by talking to everybody before getting the quest from the Mayor. I remember talking to the black caravan guys, having the option in dialogue to record them but then it said something went wrong with the recording. I talked extensively to the dealer exhausting all dialogue and after getting the quest I couldn't get back to the subject (I killed the dealer now and didn't get any frequencies). The drug addict wont tell me any specific either. It was also odd that they had that cop shot by a sniper from the roof but then you couldn't tell anyone about it, not even the police themselves.

With the pointers from you I will be able to do this anyway. It's now time to start killing people!

If they continue to improve the Fixed Edition I think they should try to make sure you can't botch Las Vegas by doing things in the wrong order. At least minimise the risk for that.
Started Fallout 1 Et Tu.

Made my way to the Hub and noticing stuff that shows that the designers weren't experienced with their tools (especially when you look at 2, Resurrection and Nevada).

Level design is very simple, every single cop has over 100 shells or 200 bullets and 5 stimpaks, which makes stealing very lucrative (I might just make enough for a combat armor, since every cop has items worth at least 1000 caps).
Vance the drug dealer and his guards don't count as citizen of Hub and can be killed easily (Vance has Desert Eagle, guards have sledgehammers) to score at least 10 of every drug in the game.
I don't think I saw 11 Psychos in the entire Nevada and here I get them for free.

I don't see it as a major negative, plus there's something charming about stuff like that.
Thanks for the summary Alphons. A pleasure to hear your thoughts!

I was interested to see how Fixed version fixes the part near the end (older translation was kinda gibberish there and plot getting confusing resulted in quite a mess).
Was there any difference?

the Writing is much better in Fixed Edition.
That might be the answer to above...

Started Fallout 1 Et Tu.

Made my way to the Hub and noticing stuff that shows that the designers weren't experienced with their tools (especially when you look at 2, Resurrection and Nevada).
Haha I can imagine that! I'm really looking forward to Et Tu and see that for myself.

I'm at my parents this weekend so I won't progress much in Nevada. I'v killed every guard at the lab though. The slave in the shed thanks me for freeing him meanwhile the other slaves are just confused. Do you think they count as freed?
I'v killed every guard at the lab though. The slave in the shed thanks me for freeing him meanwhile the other slaves are just confused. Do you think they count as freed?

Yes, if you leave and come back they'll be all gone. If you tipped the police before freeing them they would also be gone, but slave pen, bathtub room and the shed would all have blood pools.
Count me in! New member here. I've been thinking it would be great to replay the originals and after hunting around online for some eye candy to use on my stream I came across this site and in particular this thread, how serendipitous! All the fallouts in chronological order? Heck yes. Fallout mods I've NEVER played? Hold me back. This will be my FIRST play through of Fallout of Nevada, Fallout: Resurrection AND Fallout: Yesterday. I feel pretty lucky to have so much content to explore and so I have been actively avoiding spoilers but I do look forward to sharing my experience here.

If you're interested in watching, I'll be posting my schedule up on twitch soon, I'll probably only have a few nights a week to play (if that) so these games are going to take a while! But I'm in no rush. Hell, this could take me all year and I'd be happy with that.

You can find me here

Feel free to swing by and offer help/advice or laugh at my failure and shortcomings!


Welcome to Fallout 22!

It's an event that will run during all of 2022 and where we play the Fallout games together in chronological order.
  1. Fallout: Nevada
  2. Fallout
  3. Fallout: Sonora (for those who speak Russian)
  4. Fallout: Resurrection
  5. Fallout: Tactics
  6. Fallout 2
  7. Fallout: Yesterday (the latest build)
  8. Fallout: New Vegas
Feel free to join in at any time and let it be known by reporting in this thread.

Post your impressions here while playing. Give us some examples of gameplay, describe what you have played through. We will then try to summarize our impressions into joint reviews for each game.

It's encouraged to write as detailed about your impressions as you can. Use the questions from the questionnaire below. Take some screenshots while playing and post them here. Try to catch references and other fun things.

The Games

Fallout: Nevada
Installation instructions to be found here. That's also the place for bug reporting. If you get stuck look for answers here. NMA review of it here. Keep it in mind when you play. Do you agree with it?

Fallout comes in different versions. Run either Fallout et tu or Fallout Fixt. Tell us of your choice and motivate it!

Fallout: Sonora (Russian only)
Installation instructions found here.

Fallout: Resurrection
NMA thread. Download here.

Fallout: Tactics
Play vanilla or with Redux and Equilibrium.

Fallout 2
Play vanilla, UP or RPU. Tell us of your choice!

Fallout: Yesterday (the latest build)
Thread with installation instructions.

Fallout: New Vegas
Either play it vanilla, use Viva New Vegas, IHeartNewVegas or tell us about your preferred mods. Read the NMA review of New Vegas from 2010. Keep it in your mind while playing. What has been fixed by mods and what issues remain?

@Agent BJ09 wanted us to create lore based loading screens for F:NV. Now's our chance to help him. For more information go here.

Please post your answers to the following questions while playing the games. Some questions are only relevant to specific games.

-Going into the game what are you looking forward to?
-After having completed it what did you think of the game?
-What would you improve?
-What's your thoughts on the main quest?
-If old, does the game still hold up in 2022?
-If not Fallout 1, does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
-What's the game's strengths and weaknesses?
-What would you like to change in the game?
-What build did you use during your play-through?
-What's your weapon of choice?
-Describe your favourite quest and why you like it!
-What's your favourite location in the game?
-What ending did you strive for/get?
-If the game is on Steam then write a sentence that would catch the NMA perception of it and that we could use for our Steam curator.
-If the game is a total conversion mod: Could it be considered as part of the Fallout canon?
-Do you consider Fallout: Tactics to be canon?
-What do you think of the combat oriented approach in Fallout: Tactics compared to the other games?
-What do you think about how the combat is implemented in Fallout: Tactics?
-Is Fallout 2 a good sequel to Fallout?
-Is Fallout: New Vegas a good sequel to the previous games?
-Do you consider Fallout: New Vegas to be canon?
I noticed I could get on the caravan carts, probably from a tip in this thread... But then I got the location from the guy smoking outside the slavers by intimidating him. I got that cue from the walkthrough I think. And then I took the car there so that I could bring all loot back with me.

However a problem in Nevada is the lack of cash at at merchants and they restock on money far too seldom so you end up with a lot of unsold stuff in your trunk.