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The Tactics mod scene is actually just as active if not more active than the other two og games. The tools are better but the open world in Xconn's Ripoff is pretty much the one to look for if you want og Fallout style in the least bit, meaning open world side quests and still having the main game. Bad part is Tactics was not made for this so Xconn had to perform high level alchemy to get it to work so there will be bugs. Don't get a quest in some area and then forget about it and go to three other spots for thirty hours and think you can go back and still clear that quest for instance because it might fuck a script up and then you will need to go ask @xkcon in the thread how to fix it. So be a good RPG player not a sperglord and you should be fine.
having failed to exhaust the dialogue

There's one situation similar to this that locks you out of a good ending
Once you get to Little Hub in Sedit you can talk to Demetre from Crimson Caravan (the same guy from Fallout 1).

If you ask him about the company he'll ask you about your story. If you know about New Hope's grain surplus you get a quest to sign a trade agreement. If you ask for the job first you lose that opportunity forever.

The game has crashed twice now during the Rat Hole end fight against Alexa's men. I've been close to completing it and then crash to desktop with everything lost. It's a difficult fight because you need to keep Julian alive and that chic with a SMG is lethal. So annoying! Dare I attempt it again?

e: God damnit! I managed to beat it without a crash but Alexa killed Julian on her last turn before being killed herself. Now I have to replay it again hope Julian survives.

e2: Two more failed attempts where Julian died.
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I would recommend stealing every single drug Leonard's mercs have before you take the money from the bar. Finding Maria's murderer also allows you to finish the conflict peacefully.

This time I had a very smooth playthrough regarding the crashes, but the first time was rough.

The worst part was Albuquerque where every time I saved outside of the Empire the game would crash and the save was corrupted. Had to save outside the city and then go inside. Then I accidentally saved in the city and not only the game didn't crash, random crashes while travelling also stopped.
Ok! I have to figure out how you can solve the quest peacefully then. It's not talking to Alexa or Julian...
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but COA1 was lost with the old forum.
If you find any file that was available on the old NMA (as long as it's not available in the archived forums) but not on this new one, send me a message and I will see if I can upload it.

Years ago, I got permission to do this with any file that existed in the old NMA but not in the new one, as long as it's not available on the old archive and is the latest version (no need to clog the download section with outdated versions).
If you find any file that was available on the old NMA (as long as it's not available in the archived forums) but not on this new one, send me a message and I will see if I can upload it.

Years ago, I got permission to do this with any file that existed in the old NMA but not in the new one, as long as it's not available on the old archive and is the latest version (no need to clog the download section with outdated versions).

Thanks for the information. I'll send you a message once I check if it even works.
Thanks for the information. I'll send you a message once I check if it even works.
I checked the archive NMA downloads section and it seems like the entire section is gone?
I just get an error page every time I try to access any file's page.

I made a new thread over at the Site section asking if it's gone for good. Because if it is, that means I can upload any file that was on the old site and not on this new one. Makes my life easier (I don't have to keep checking if files still exist in the archive) but more work uploading stuff (more to upload). :roffle:
ah finally an other excuse to play through fallout 1 and 2 again
Welcome onboard! Fallout: Nevada was great so I would recommend that as well.


After some additional attempts I just managed to defeat Alexa and her gang without anyone of Julians people getting killed. Downing the two chicks with the SMG's as soon as possible was crucial for success. I'm now drowning in loot...

I didn't find out how to solve the conflict peacefully, could you spoil it for me Alphons?
I googled now and saw that if you have high enough speech you can convince Alexa to kill herself? That fight was epic though.

I didn't find Leonards body, is it lying around somewhere? The cave in under Leonard's base has a tunnel blocked by stones, I tried some dynamite on it to see if you were able to remove it but to no avail.

Rat Hole was a very well designed location IMO. You get your first companion, there's two factions battling it out and you get to solve a murder mystery. There were different ways to approach and solve things. I also like the general atmosphere and I would like to see more of it in Fallout. People were starving and thus very short tempered. Most people weren't specially polite towards you or happy to see you. There were dead bodies all around from the fighting. A man shot and killed a child that pick-pocketed him. Very dark.

As I said I'm swimming in loot now. From being very poor to this... I guess it's Sedit next.
You can't find the body. Some other stuff you can do in Rat Hole:

  • Young junkie near the ruined truck in North Side- you can give her some caps for Karma. Later you can ask her to buy the doctor's bag if you can't convince Alexa to sell it. You can also convince her to have sex with you for caps. And then refuse to pay her.
  • Mugger near Leonard's store. He's very aggresive, but if you give him caps and don't kill him, at night you can find him at the bar. He's much friendlier and you can have a few drinks with him. He's unconcious after the fact and can be pickpocketed.
  • Gravedigger can be threatened or bribed to dig up other graves. You don't get the Gravedigger that way.

A man shot and killed a child that pick-pocketed him.

You can save her. Kick her in the head before she pickpockets the mercenary and escape.

I guess it's Sedit next.

Scripted encounter on the way there is pretty fun.
I checked the archive NMA downloads section and it seems like the entire section is gone?
I just get an error page every time I try to access any file's page.

I made a new thread over at the Site section asking if it's gone for good. Because if it is, that means I can upload any file that was on the old site and not on this new one. Makes my life easier (I don't have to keep checking if files still exist in the archive) but more work uploading stuff (more to upload). :roffle:

It's nice with little things like that to find out over multiple playthroughs. I shot that junkie but I really like the thought of drinking with him. Nice!

Scripted encounter on the way there is pretty fun.
Hehe it was pretty though, it took some attempts before I finally got them. SMG with burst was good against them.

e: So far the game mimics Fallout 1 almost 1 to 1. Let's see if it continues that way.

New Hope = Shady Sands but you start in the Rad Scorpion cave.

Rat Hole = Junktown but with Julian vs Leonard instead of Killian Vs Gizmo.

Sedit = The Hub, a trading city with three caravan companies and one of them being the actual Crimson Caravan.
Sedit is even made up by people from the actual Hub providing a link back to Fallout 1. The Hub was destroyed by the Super Mutant Army when they departed after the Master died. Most people settled for Sedit that is located far east. So Fallout: Resurrection makes the Hub being invaded as a prerequisite ending from Fallout 1.
Where is the Resurrection world map located compared to Fallout 1?

Invested a lot into Gambling to buy books in Sedit
Man those books are expensive and I was thinking not taking comprehension this time. All my loot from Rat Hole can only afford two books....
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I played the first Fallout: Tactics mission just to check it out. What settings are preferred? I'm thinking difficulty and combat mode. What's fast turn based? The first mission was very easy on the normal difficulty mode which is default but should one go with hard or insane? With changes introduced in the Equilibrium mod it will probably be a bit more challenging as well.

Well, time to continue with Resurrection...

Hub has 2 endings- it gets destroyed by Supermutants or it survives the attack. In Resurrection it's in between- the Supermutants damaged the town and many people left, but the remaining population rebuilds the town.

Let's see if it continues that way.

If you liked the Thunderdome, then you'll love Corath.

Where is the Resurrection world map located compared to Fallout 1?

@Golbolco made this map of the West Coast that includes the locations from main Fallout titles (1, 2, BoS, Tactics, NV, Van Buren), Total Conversions and Wasteland games. Spoilered, because it has both the secret Resurrection location and Sonora locations.
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Great map! That was exactly what I was looking for.
Thanks @Alphons for sharing the map, and thanks to you for the kind words! It's a bit out of date--a newer version exists with Fallout Tactics: The Sum attached, some of the Southwestern area modified, and trails/rivers/rails displayed differently, but because of its size it's best not to be posted on the forum. And at this point, Sonora has more locations than what I have depicted on there. Still trying to figure out how to work Olympus 2207 and Last Hope onto the map as well.
Man I wish I could inject that syringe with FEV into myself and become a Super Mutant!

I have a question about Demetre and the Crimson Caravan. When yo first talk with him he says he wants a supply route between New Hope and Sedit and then he tells you to ask his daughter about it. However she gets upset about that and instead becomes your companion.

I have no quest about setting up that supply route and Demetre himself only says:
What is it, what are yo waiting for? Lives are at stake somewhere out there and you're not there. Damn, and the caravans are waiting!

I think I will just go to New Hope and see if I can fix that route.

e: Nope! There must be someone else to talk to before you go to New Hope... @Alphons?
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