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I have a question about Demetre and the Crimson Caravan. When yo first talk with him he says he wants a supply route between New Hope and Sedit and then he tells you to ask his daughter about it. However she gets upset about that and instead becomes your companion.

He's not right in the head, as Keri tells you. She doesn't work for him anymore.

His new assistant is the guy with a baseball cap standing in the other room. He handles all the details.

Man I wish I could inject that syringe with FEV into myself and become a Super Mutant!

There's actually a reason why it doesn't work that you'll learn near the end.
His new assistant is the guy with a baseball cap standing in the other room. He handles all the details.
I did three special missions for him and now he says he don't have anymore work unless I want to guard caravans. No info on that route though.

There's actually a reason why it doesn't work that you'll learn near the end.
Oh interesting!
I did three special missions for him and now he says he don't have anymore work unless I want to guard caravans. No info on that route though.

I don't think you should be able to get the other missions if you talked with Demetre about the trade route, but didn't finish the deal.

I remember doing the other quests without talking with Demetre about the trade route on my third playthrough, but I don't remember ever doing the other quests before it.
I don't think you should be able to get the other missions if you talked with Demetre about the trade route, but didn't finish the deal.

I remember doing the other quests without talking with Demetre about the trade route on my third playthrough, but I don't remember ever doing the other quests before it.
I loaded an earlier save to see what's up. You have to tell Demetre your story to get the quest to set up a trade route to New Hope. To do that you must first ask how he knows Crimson Caravan is the best and then you need to ask why they moved from the Hub. Then you can tell him your story and later get the quest to set up a trade route between New Hope and Crimson Caravan.

I have begun anew a few times in Sedit just to try things out and on my latest save I must have forgot to ask Demtre about the move from the Hub. And if you miss that opportunity you get the three other quests from Johny, the first one being the deal with the farmer.

e: So far I like how Keri is commenting on stuff that happens and that you can ask her opinion on it. I love reactivity like that.
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So far I like how Keri is commenting on stuff that happens and that you can ask her opinion on it. I love reactivity like that.

Companions have loads of dialogue in Resurrection. They react to your choices, give their opinions, offer help and talk with each other.

Keri is neutral, so definitely has the most lines.
Ok so i started with Nevada, and i have to admit it. I hate it, it started strong and then i get to new reno and i get quests where i basicly have to use a guide to progress and with most quests being locked behind a level and the progression is also just bad and mind you, i love ATOM rpg. Maybe im missing something, but i think im gonna pass on Nevada
most quests being locked behind a level

It's just like in Fallout 2- bosses of Reno will work with you if you're someone experienced or impress them with something specific. Every boss has 4-6 ways to impress them.

In my opinion you'll miss out if you skip Nevada.
Ok so i started with Nevada, and i have to admit it. I hate it, it started strong and then i get to new reno and i get quests where i basicly have to use a guide to progress and with most quests being locked behind a level and the progression is also just bad and mind you, i love ATOM rpg. Maybe im missing something, but i think im gonna pass on Nevada
I was a bit stressed while I played Fallout: Nevada and I had to take little peeks at a walkthrough and get cues from Alphons. That didn't bother me much though, with more time I would have been able to figure things out for myself (I think). But I understand that it can be off-putting to read what to do and then perform it in-game. I didn't want to miss out on anything and that was why I used the walkthrough, however I think that Alphons have found out most things for himself by playing the game multiple times and that's very commendable.

One thing Alphons mentioned about Fallout: Resurrection actually bothered me with New Reno in Fallout: Nevada:
Alphons said:
Faction quests restrict you from working for the other side.
It's the fact that in New Reno you can do most quests for every faction but the last one. The walkthrough even suggests an order for you to do them:

Fallout: Nevada walkthrough said:
If you want to access the maximum number of quests, then use this order: Bertolini (fail the last quest; see Bertolini quests for details) and/or Luciano (do not pass the last quest or acquire the reputation title - basically turn down his offer), Wright (Uranium City will suffer a little bit), then Thompson or Stryker (your choice, details below), but they seem to give 1 quest each, if performed in parallel. Big Louis doesn't really affect New Reno.

My personal taste is that faction quests should be mutationally exclusive to a large extent. If you do too much work for one boss you will get a certain reputation and others will perceive you as having an allegiance to that guy. To limit content in that way warrants more playthroughs to see everything.

Fallout: Nevada still set a pretty high standard in terms of gameplay and I've been missing features from it in the games I played since (Fallout 1 and Resurrection). Even though I have some minor issues with it I still liked it overall and there were some locations, quests and characters that were really strong. No matter what you do I will gladly see your comments on the other games as well.
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also should we be updating the walkthrough? lots of errors


There’s a Fallout: Nevada walkthrough in English that is serviceable but not totally up to speed. It also appears to be translated from some other language and is thus sometimes hard to follow. To complete it somewhat I’ve put together all information on Fallout: Nevada that has been gathered in this thread so far (it's mainly a compilation of @Alphons posts since he is the main infogiver). It’s not exhausting in any way and looking at what we've written about the locations it's just little bits and pieces.

I've been meaning to do this compilation of posts for a long while but haven't had the time. I hope it’s a bit useful to new players joining Fallout 22 at a later stage so that you don't have to wade through the thread in search of answers. Beware of spoilers!

Please quote the post and add stuff, or if you want you can tell me and I'll add it. I'm a bit unsure on how to structure it so if you have a better idea go ahead!


Tip for using traps- in combat they won't activate if character doesn't end their turn on a tile with them. Just stand next to the trap to force enemies to step on them if they want to attack you.

Empty flasks
You can use the empty flasks on wells to fill them.

Weapon Upgrades
You can do certain upgrades yourself (extended mag for 10mm for example). Nobody will upgrade your weapons for free but there are different people around the world that will do it for a price.

Special Encounters
@Alphons has put info about the special encounters here.

There's one big safe in each major city. There's some minor loot inside and they can be used as storage. Cracking them all gives a special perk that boosts Lockpicking. If you use them with high enough Perception you get different clicks depending on the number you've pressed:
  • Quiet click. Wrong number, it's not adjacent.
  • Loud click. Wrong number, it's one of the adjacent ones (you picked 2, heard a loud click, so it's either 1 or 3).
  • Clear click. Correct number.
Ammo is scarce in the beginning.

There's no companions but if you’re interested in the companion mod see this post. @Hubal, how did it work? Your thoughts?

If you change the difficulty (harder), it will lower certain skills by 10-15%. Hard combat setting gives enemy NPCs two action points extra per turn. They will shoot at you twice per turn.

With Enhanced Battle AI opponents reposition themself quite intelligently.

Majority of enemies are melee, later around New Vegas and Salt Lake City you get more advanced enemies with ranged weapons.

Some special encounters might ruin your run.

Majority of quests aren't that dangerous.

Final boss can't be avoided and he has a few nasty surprises.

Character creation
There are no companions soaking up damage so you will get shot at a lot. Low Endurance can be though, depending on difficulty of course. There are perks given as quest rewards that will raise your Endurance, it can be raised twice.

See this thread about how Charisma works in the Fallout games. In Fallout: Nevada Charisma is used for pole dancing (women) and jazz (men), Charisma 6 is needed for pole dancing or playing jazz. Charisma also helps down in New Vegas and Salt Lake City (Investigations and Nuka Cola trading).

Fallout: Nevada a has few Charisma interactions, but other skills can be used instead. For example price of the Nuka Cola license depends on your Charisma and Barter. Signing a Cola deal depends on your Charisma but also Reputation and Barter/Speech.

There's an item (the Beauty Kit) that raises Charisma permanently.

Caramels can raise your Charisma temporarily, but will lower Intelligence. They are a post-war drug derived from mentats and anti-smoker (calms you down and makes you more confident, but loses intelligence altering properties) stuffed into caramel candy.

There're some smaller investigations and one big in Las Vegas. Completing all smaller ones or the big one gives you Private Investigator perk which boosts Intelligence and gives extra dialogue options with law enforcement members.

Nothing to raise Agility aside from the level up perk.

Can be raised as a quest reward.

Skill books
Of note are the new skill books- Traps, Barter and Energy Weapons have several copies each. All vanilla books are still present.

Skill checks
Huge number of later checks are hybrids- for example fixing arcade machine in New Vegas checks for a sum of your Science, Repair and Gambling.

Signing Nuka Cola contracts and buying a license is determined by your Charisma, Barter and Speech.

Sneak allows for some cheesy stuff during combat. Some quests have special outcomes if you use sneaking (one in Salt Lake City can't even be started without it). Infiltrating certain hostile location without any alarms also gives a small permanent boost to your Sequence.

First Aid
Not that useful and can be raised by books.

Can give you access to special stock at traders.


Used for skill checks while using the metal detector.

You don’t have to choose a perk immediately upon level up. You can “store” perks. Perks that were worthless in Fallout 1 and 2 are now worth considering.

This perk allows you to see requirements for every dialogue option. Is that really worth though?

Better Criticals
Can be taken at level 9 if you have Luck 6, Perception 6 and Agility 4.

Karma is basically worthless. It’s only checked one time (?) and that’s on joining Big Louie at the Lovelock raider base. There are few consequences for being a bad guy and there are no bouunty hunters as in Fallout 2. However some consequences are:
  • if you steal around the hotel and general store, they'll raise their prices,
  • murdering Wright and slum dwellers spawns a group of vigilantes armed with molotovs and some melee weapons (including unique baseball bat),
  • finishing Louis' quests locks you out of Nevada Express in Reno and any unfinished Cheyenne quests,
  • poisoning Nuka Cola plant for Provo locks you out of selling Nuka Cola
The way Karma is calculated is sometimes baffling:
  • Stealing $100 from a drunk or robbing a chest in Black Rock -5 Karma.
  • Strangling someone (whether he's evil or good) with a wire -5 Karma.
  • Poisoning entire communities (Gerlach, Big Louis and his gang, Provo) -50 Karma.
  • Stealing a Pip-Boy upgrade -80 Karma
Energy weapons
  • There are two Police Laser Pistols (18-35 damage, 5/6 AP cost) in New Vegas. One in LV PD and one used by Neon Gangster (random encounter around Vegas).
  • There's a certain secret Energy Weapon that needs to be repaired before it can be used and it requires over 100 Science (plus Repair and parts), at the Casino in New Vegas (UFO victim's room).
  • After having completed the Vault 8 warehouse assignment you can choose from several items, including laser and plasma rifles.
  • With high enough Barter you can buy some special merchandise from the trader in New Vegas, including Energy Weapons.
  • Apart from Hawthorne there's a second military base with a powerful Energy Weapon inside.
The Car
List of all car upgrades:

New Reno:
  • Frank can install fuel cell regulator- car uses 50% less fuel.
  • If you caught the graffiti kid for Silver Legacy receptionist, but convinced him to paint instead, kid will hang out next to Eldorado and can repaint the car.
New Vegas (not really in city). Ask Tibbit (shopkeeper near the Vegas sign) about ugrading the car and he'll mark the location of Tire Disposal Site. Ghoul there can upgrade:
  • Speed upgrade using Chryslus Motors magazine. You can get it from librarian in SLC by bringing him heart pills (bought from doctor in Winds of War).
  • Trunk upgrade
  • Fuel cell regulator
  • Headlights
Battle Mountain- Phil:
  • Speed upgrade
Salt Lake City- mechanic at Nuka Cola plant:
  • Second trunk upgrade. Requires the first one.
Upgrades you can do yourself:
  • Chryslus Motors magazine. Requires 50 Repair and Tool Kit.
  • Fuel Cell Regulator- requires 60 Repair and fuel cell regulator (can be stolen from family living in a mobile home- special encounter).
Power Armor
Assemble the Power Armor
The mechanic at the Nuka Cola factory in Salt Lake City will help you assemble the Power Armor from the parts you have gathered. If you kill him you can still assemble it yourself.

If you have a broken Power Armor from Phil, Wesker or the final boss you can use them as a replacement for schematics or rad suit and gas suit.

The central proccesing unit
The central processing unit for the T-51b Power Armor is located at Hawthorne

Gas pressure suit
There’s a gas pressure suit to be found in a locker under the Nuka Cola plant. Other methods to obtain one are:
  • You can buy a suit.
  • The dead body of the Ghoul in Reno sewers has one, if he is killed by his former wife's new husband.
  • You can get one from the administrator lady in the Nuka Cola factory if you complete her quest (framing one of the 2 employees).
Metal Detector
The metal detector is connected to the Outdoorsman skill, some items need 90+ invested in the skill for you to get them out of the ground. It can be upgraded for longer reach.

Some items you can find with it:
  • Unique 10mm pistol near the wrecked car next to Silver Hotel, sewer entrance connected with a small quest on the same screen
  • a pendant for a drunkard in Cotton Club is hidden near the bunker next to Stryker's
  • shotgun at the Hawthorne railway station, glasses for a junkie next to Hard Rock
  • guitar string on the same screen, casino lucky chip under the Vegas sign (It supposedly gives you bonus when Gambling)
  • unique knife next to Vegas PD
The locations
Vault City
If you have charisma above 2 then you can get xp from Sam in the warehouse if you blackmail him after having found his Cat's Paw magazine.

You can get a 10mm SMG from Gerlach himself if you save Steve when you arrive. You have to pass a Speech check, then wait 3 days to receive the weapon.

Make sure to have Steve fix the Lovelock water tank before you influence the residents to move to Vault City, otherwise you will miss the opportunity.

A few months after the the residents have moved, something will happen in Gerlach… If you recruited Gerlach population as servants for Vault City and return after a few months, you can witness Gerlach's suicide.

Black Rock
The note on the table next to Milo’s wife is just there in case she's no longer around when you are on the find out what happened to Milo quest. Otherwise just talk to her.

If you tell Justin what you’ve learned about Eugene from grave digger Rob then Rob will be killed by Eugene.

Smith dies after some time and entire Black Rock organizes his funeral.

To fix the watertank you can ask Steve in Gerlach or you can hire the handyman at the New Reno train station (you can Barter his price down). You can also repair it yourself with scrap metals.

Lovelock surgery.
Before you begin you have to earn the trust of chief, then shaman tests your knowledge and abilities (including your SPECIAL), then you collect the required tools whose quality affects the outcome of the operation. You can't begin if you're addicted, irradiated or infected. Your skills and choice of tools can end the quest in 4 different ways. And if you take too long the kid will die from infection.

If your Karma is too high Big Loui won't believe that you want to join them and he will attack you.

On the Big Loui quest to kill the couruier you can get Bertollini's package without the courier and his escort dying. Run up to them, Stealth and Pickpocket the package, turn off Stealth and the courier will escape the map. Console said that I failed the mission, but I was able to progress normally by handing the case to Louis.

There's an extra quest that kinda changes things if you finish all Big Louis quests and get the Cheyenne Raider perk. Read the newspaper clippings in his desk and finish a certain side quest in Vegas. If you save the owner of Hard Rock Cafe you can make a deal with him and have Louis perform as a jazzman there.

Ripper becomes boss after Big Loui and he isn't happy with how things tuurned out and asks you to kill Loui. Alternatively you can kill Ripper for Loui.

If you kill the raiders, Lovelock gets destroyed by bandits that were scared off by Louis and his guys.

New Reno
Easter eggs
You can find Salvatore and Bishop and see what they were up to back then. Mr Wrigt is in the game as well. Salvatore is the bum in green next to Wright's house. Occasionaly he starts yelling at the closest guard. Bishop works for Bertollini and organizes fights.

The ghoul in Reno sewers has a Gas pressure suit that you can loot if you tell his wife's new husband about him. The new husband will kill the Ghoul. The suit is used as a part when you assemble the power armor.

Silver Hotel
In the lobby of Silver Hotel in Reno you can find a vending machine. It's empty, but if you can find all the items (7 in total- 2 in Reno, 2 in Vegas, 2 in SLC and 1 in Battle Mountain) you can assemble a Beauty Kit. You can use it for Charisma, Health and regen boost or sell to Mordino for $1000-$2000.
  • Razor blades- Bertolinni's (first floor)
  • Bath salt- Luciano's
  • Toothpaste- casino in Vegas
  • Water- Hard Rock Cafe in Vegas
  • Towel- motel in SLC
  • Soap- one of the houses near sheriff's office in SLC
  • Wet wipes- ruined hotel in Battle Mountain
Chemist Terry (Nick Devero)
When they are all assembled in the hotel room you can give them a rope and they escape through the window. You can also deal with the pursuers if you're Stryker's or Thompson's made man. Alternatively you can pay them $1000 or scare them off with Int 5 and Speech 75. If you help them further, you can escape the field without fighting anyone by removing boards on a back wall with crowbar or high Str. If you kill the pursuers you will find a 10mm pistol with a Flashlight underneath the barrel.

Bertollini has a separate armory you can break into.

Cotton Club
Women can bring a comic to Cotton Club from Vegas.

Uranium City
Earth Worms
The Earth Worms have 300 hp each. You can skip the fight by buying the brahmin Betsy from the Chinese couple and rigging it with explosives. Mechanic in Reno can combine your dynamite sticks with a timer to make it (he can also disassemble bombs into dynamite sticks).

Nelson's shotgun
You can't give the shotgun back to Nelson. You can repair it for your own use though.

Owner of the Mine
Nelson, Mr Wright or the Union of Atomic Workers can be made owners of Uranium City.

Find and grab the central processing unit for the T-51b Power Armor.

To deal with the forcefield on the second level of the administration building you can use Repair or Science on the emitter or blow it up.

Find the pistol found on an officer in Hawthorne that killed himself in the bathroom. Hold onto your Awarded 10mm pistol, someone later will be interested in buying it, included the uniform you find in a locker (if you do a certain quest for a chemist in Reno you'll get a better 10mm pistol, so win-win, just saying).

If you are on a quest from Big Louie to Hawthorne then the two guys he sends alongside you will be hanging behind a destroyed building on the last map, south of the fence, when you’re done. You need to speak to them (after all defenses are shut down) so they can return to the Raider's base in Lovelock and get your reward from Big Louie.

Deal with the robot in the hangar before deactivating the reactor if you want to electrocute it.

Wind of War
Best place to get Snap-Off tools and scalpels.

New Vegas
Location quest
The big quest for this location can be screwed up if you do things in the wrong order. If you screwed up the quest you don't get the best ending, but you can still get a good one by killing everyone involved (preferrably with explosives, poison or stranglehold).

To solve the quest you have to precisely collect 6 parts of evidence:
  • Talk to the drug dealer at Hard Rock and record the conversation (unavailable if lab was eliminated)
  • Receipt in one of the desks at the lab (building with bathtubs and slaves)
  • Receipt in Vortis' safe (lure him out using the radio or kill them all)
  • Receipt in Davis' pocket (steal it)
  • Receipt in Parker's pocket (steal it)
  • Lab reported and secured by LVPD
Doing this removes Vortis, Davis, Parker and casino owner from the game. It could be worth it to silently kill casino owner as he has a unique Colt revolver. This also cleans up reputation of freaks and they can be employed at Hoover Dam.

-Slavers (can be killed normally), casino owner, Parker (guy in the office under mayor's) and Davis (police chief).
-Find the drug lab:
Talk with the drug dealer or Raul (crazy junkie that runs away during first dialogue) at Hard Rock and then with the black caravaneer near the exit grid from Parking to Hard Rock. The easiest way is to use the radio on the Parking and then use one of their wagons and you'll be taken to lab that way. You can't free the slaves there unless you kill every single guard, lab assistant and merchants that took you there.

Reporting the lab to cop at reception desk without freeing them gets them all killed. Reporting to Davis destroys the lab (bad ending).

Other stuff

If you want to kill people silently there's a guitar string to be found, using the metal detector that allows you to instantly strangle humans if your Stealth is high enough (you always lose Karma and don't get EXP.

The merchant near the entrance to New Vegas sells a Plasma Rifle and Laser Rifle, but only if you convince him to show you his special stock with Barter (I think 90 or 100).

The ghoul mechanic at the Tire Dump near Vegas is Skeeter from Fallout 2.

Salt Lake City

There's a sequence bonus in SLC. Townsfolk organize fake lynches from time to time to satisfy their bloodthirst. You can ask them to hang you.

One of the traders will tell you about Harrelson, it’s not a quest, it’s just a place that you can loot for generic items to barter. There are three ways to get the location:
  • Talk with Phil at BM
  • Buy a Salt Lake map and use it
  • Complain to one of trader brothers about high prices (you only get this dialogue if you choose to Barter and exit), ask him about opportunities to earn money (he won't say anything without Caravan Drivers: Idolized status, or passing either a Barter or Speech check)
The Nuka Cola Plant
The administrator at the Nuka Cola plant has lost her keys. There are different ways to solve it. It’s possible to get your hands on a Gas pressure suit, needed to assemble the Power Armor, while on the quest. The quest rewards are: one Nuka Cola with Cherry Taste, 100$ and 1+ Intelligence for completing the detective thing.

Find the dog for the kid
The dog is on the sewage dumping site. It has a collar. Unfortunately the dog has gone feral and you have to kill it to get the collar. You can’t be nice to it and feed it Iguana on Stick. If you lack the Speech to make the kid understand, you can give it's tag to sheriff and he'll do it for you.

Water filter
You can give the water filter to different people which will result in different endings for the location. There're 4 choices for the filter- give it to pharmacist (bad for plant, good for environment), sheriff (neutral), Skinner (good for plant, bad for environment) or install it yourself (good for environment, doesn't affect the plant).

Area 51
You can:
1) Activate the power and the doors will start open and close by themselves.
2) Activate force fields and have them kill some aliens. You can control the force fields remotely.
3) Find the codes to the safes and collect gas canisters and gas the aliens to death.
4) You can activate the security turrets. The aliens outside get killed off-screen.
5) Activate facility self destruct.

The Government Vault
If you don't kill the Reaper at the Government Vault (sneak by for example) he's in Vault 8 during the endgame instead of the Colonel and you can talk with him some more.

Vault City

You can get sergeant Graves as a companion. He is lying on the final level in the big meeting room. He joins if you untie him.

If you have the mysterious device you can activate automated turrets from the computer at the secret level.

Blow up the lab- good ending, kill the attackers- neutral, hand over the device- bad.
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Is Uncle the good guy and Nestor the bad in Corath? I mean none of them sounds good but is Uncle less bad?
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Is Uncle the good guy and Nestor the bad in Corath? I mean none of them sounds good but is Uncle less bad?

Have you watched Mad Max: Thunderdome? It's very similar here.

Nestor is disliked and you lose reputation in Corath working for him. With Uncle it's opposite.

Uncle leeches off Nestor's business and tries to take him out. Nestor has Blaster but chooses not to escalate the situation.

Their first quest- Uncle sent a saboteur to start a strike. Now he wants him killed. Nestor wants to interrogate him instead.

Deeper spoiler
If you help Uncle, Nestor respects the law and leaves Corath. Uncle ignores the verdict if he loses and makes a last stand against the police in his compound.

At the end if you helped Nestor he finally has enough money to improve the mining equiment and Corath prospers.
If you help Uncle he makes money until he depletes the easily accessible ore and then moves on, leaving Corath to slowly die off.
Yeah I've seen it alright! Well Nestor sounds like the greater guy just like Master probably was better than Tina Turner's character. Appearances can be deceiving as Uncle seems to be slightly better at first impression. Nestor cheating the law with Blaster fighting for him made him appear like a crook.

Some reflections on Fallout: Resurrection
There's a lot of empty shelves and containers in Fallout: Resurrection, just like in Fallout 1. Also people don't guard their stuff so you can just enter peoples homes and start looting. That was not the case in Fallout: Nevada for example, they would get angry and attack you. Wouldn't sneak be more encouraged if people reacted to you going through their stuff?

I just stole the gold nuggets from the sheriff in Sedit. That was too easy, the safe wasn't even locked. Only his desk was locked. Compare that to when you steal that briefcase from Bertolini's safe in Fallout: Nevada, there you had to blow up the safe.

e: There's not even any loot in the locked rooms in Falcon's Flight. So there's almost no point in lockpicking them.
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Late to the party here, but I'll catch up. Haven't played fallout Nevada, resurrection or yesterday! Excited to try them out with the others!!!
Late to the party here, but I'll catch up. Haven't played fallout Nevada, resurrection or yesterday! Excited to try them out with the others!!!
Welcome! Some fresh meat to the grinder. We'll be delighted to see you post your impressions of the games in this thread.

I hadn't played them either but this is a great opportunity to finally do so. Fallout: Nevada was great I think. I'm on Fallout: Resurrection now but the crashes to desktop that I have gets annoying. Just now I had finally gotten the upper hand against the raiders in Lost Town. There was just a few raiders still standing. This was my fourth attempt at beating them and then comes the crash, naturally. So now I have to replay again and hope the game is stable enough. It's getting frustrating...

e: Got them now and I'm swimming in loot!
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Weird that you get so many crashes.

Does it happen only in combat?
Only in combat! Just now I had almost defeated those Ghouls that attacks Crimson Caravans going to Albuquerque, I've had some difficulties with them and this was the first time I would have beaten them. When there was only the guy in power armour left, being blinded and low on health, the game crashed. It's so good damn frustrating.

e: Killed them eventually and got a nice laser rifle.
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Welcome! Some fresh meat to the grinder. We'll be delighted to see you post your impressions of the games in this thread.

I hadn't played them either but this is a great opportunity to finally do so. Fallout: Nevada was great I think. I'm on Fallout: Resurrection now but the crashes to desktop that I have gets annoying. Just now I had finally gotten the upper hand against the raiders in Lost Town. There was just a few raiders still standing. This was my fourth attempt at beating them and then comes the crash, naturally. So now I have to replay again and hope the game is stable enough. It's getting frustrating...

e: Got them now and I'm swimming in loot!
Thanks, I will do that.
I just rescued the Sheriffs kidnapped son.
You are forced to fight that kidnapper at the Albuquerque caravan post and when he attacks you he says he works for Vex. When you go to Vex you can't mention the kidnapping, only fight him or ask to work for him. I have 120% Speech but that doesn't give any options to solve things peacefully. Then you rescue the child by killing everyone. You don't get that many reactions around the Sheriffs villa when you return. That 10k reward is nice though. Or is there a peaceful solution?

I guess I'm done with Sedit now.
Can you deal with Nicol in anyway through quests?

I've helped the Ghouls escape and I've done work for both Frederyk and Demetre. I also killed all the Mexicans in Lost Town. I also done a lot of caravan tours to gather loot that I've used to purchase weapons.

I've already done some smaller quests in Albuquerque and Corath when I've been there with caravans. I think I will go finish Corath now.

e: The day and night cycle is implemented in a really minimal way. Characters never sleep, like the Sedit Sheriff for example. I will never get at his locked desk now. In Fallout: Nevada the day and night cycle was implemented rigorously which gave the game some additional flavour.

e2: Doors are locked in the Imperial City during night. But no one's asleep.
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Sheriffs kidnapped son

No peaceful solution as far as I know. There might be something if you bring Gabriel along (guy with CAWS in Rodriguez casino). He's the Evil companion.
You can kidnap the kid yourself if you work with Vex before getting the quest to rescue him.

Your first job working for Rodriguez is guarding the meeting with Carpenter's deputy Tyler. You can then help him replace Carpenter by getting poison, eliminating Nicol (if Frederyk is alive and you didn't work for Nicol he says that Frederyk isn't dangerous and he gets to live) and finally kill Carpenter.
It's slightly better than killing everyone in Sedit as Tyler eliminates all opposition and his dictatorship ruins the town.

I guess I'm done with Sedit now.

Did you get the Junkyard quest? Since you've slaughtered Mexicans you probably missed out on the ring fights and deliveries for Father Malcolm.

Once you're confident in your skills (especially Science and Repair) you might want to explore south of Rat Hole.
You need over 100 Science to get the option to return there and get some extra lore. Repair is needed to restart the generator and repair the sentry bot to get extra stuff and extra dialogue near the end of the game.