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Lystra's brother
If you have her with you, she'll leave if you don't look for him. Talk to the guy at the caravan parking and then head to Corath.

The Imperial City

You can talk to the guide bots and find a terminal somewhere (I think it might be in the Vault) that talk a bit more about it's history. Remember to return in a few weeks, as you'll get another quest from new Emperor.

There're 3 side quests in the second part of the IC (the one next to Dead Quarter) by the way.
Talk to the kid in one of the houses.
Talk to the guy that whispers to you to help him (stands on some grass next to the wall).
Talk with a crying woman in the long apartment building.

Also the name Mutant Hunters for a faction is a bit lacking. Sure they are mutant hunters but I would have them named something different like Albuquerque National Guard or in the vain of that.

At the same time they aren't really protecting Albuquerque. They hunt mutants and it just so happens that ghouls attack Albuquerque. They don't have problems with Vex or Falber murdering people. They murder people themselves if they have mutations like the girl with extra toes or one of the tribals with a strange growth on his back.
I got a holodisk with some Imperial city lore, don't remember from who.

Thanks! I've done all the quests except that man on the grass that whispers, I haven't found him yet. I've also traveled with Lystra to Corath so that's done.

Currently I'm about to blast same aliens in the vault. The Mutant Hunter's are said to be down below so that will be interesting to see. Then I will go to the Mutant Base with the Super Mutants.

The light plasma rifle is a really cool new gun I think.

I agree that the Mutant Hunter's are cold blooded and that their name is a good description of what they do. I still feel they would probably call themselves something more self important to shift attention from the bad. The Regulators comes to mind.
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Xkcon modified the Kansas City mission a bit.

Instead of usual "20 seconds before the attack, then some waves from West and a horde from south", the entire cathedral gets swarmed by 60 mutants with miniguns and my entire squad gets shredded in 90 seconds.
Once you're confident in your skills (especially Science and Repair) you might want to explore south of Rat Hole.
You need over 100 Science to get the option to return there and get some extra lore. Repair is needed to restart the generator and repair the sentry bot to get extra stuff and extra dialogue near the end of the game.
I found the location. Is that a place you will end up in if you follow the story or is it unconnected?

I'm almost done with Albuquerque now. I must just lure Sebastian to the Mutant base.
I found the location. Is that a place you will end up in if you follow the story or is it unconnected?

As far as I know it's not marked on your map by anyone and can only be found by exploring. If you explore it thoroughfully you can unlock some extra dialogue.
With tons of drugs and ammo I've saved all ghouls. Afterburner gum, some Psycho on top and Buffout for desert and you can just run into the crowd of SMs. Their bullets have low penetration and they just kill each other with bursts.


  1. Ok so I lured Sebastian to the Mutant Camp, had I known you would finally get a Power Armor I would have went there much earlier. You get a lot of story at this location and I found it really interesting. Now I finally know what's going on!
  2. I've tried to find Cole at night in the Imperial City but to no avail.
  3. I have now travelled to the that special location that's located straight west of Albuquerque and slightly to the south west of Rat Hole. Having done the Mutant Camp first gives me some better understanding on what's going on at this place. After this it's just the Rebirth base left.
  4. I haven't had a single special encounter yet...
  5. Second task will show up at doctor's office after a few weeks since your first visit. I was never able to pass that skill check, but Lystra (good companion from Albuquerque) can help with that.
    I also have this to do.
I've tried to find Cole at night in the Imperial City but to no avail.

He's there all the time. He looks like others, but when you examine him he's called a man, while others are called dwellers.
I haven't had a single special encounter yet...

Didn't get any this time either...

I also have this to do.

Miner with brain damage is brought there after a cave-in. I've had him spawn this time after dealing with the rioters for Nelson (I came there early, went back to Sedit and did some quests in Albuquerque before returning with Lystra and doing the rest of Corath).
He's there all the time. He looks like others, but when you examine him he's called a man, while others are called dwellers.
Thanks but I've spoken to him already. I meant on his second appearance, should have been clearer. From the walkthrough I got the idea that he would return at night but I can't find him anywhere.
Walkthrough said:
After he runs away he'll return to the same part of town at night.

Didn't get any this time either...
That's a shame, I hope I get them eventually.

e: I got the Spammers special encounter now.

Miner with brain damage is brought there after a cave-in. I've had him spawn this time after dealing with the rioters for Nelson (I came there early, went back to Sedit and did some quests in Albuquerque before returning with Lystra and doing the rest of Corath).
Interesting. We'll see if that happens to me, I think there's been quite a long time already since I left Corath after completing it.
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Thanks but I've spoken to him already. I meant on his second appearance, should have been clearer. From the walkthrough I got the idea that he would return at night but I can't find him anywhere.

Never helped him myself, reward from the guards is too good even for the evil characters. Hopefully you'll find him, as I'm interested what else happens.
Never helped him myself, reward from the guards is too good even for the evil characters. Hopefully you'll find him, as I'm interested what else happens.
I tried to apprehend him for the police. But on my first attempt he ran away. I took it from the conversation with Brad Sneed that he would return.

Anyway I booted the game up now just to double check Brad Sneeds name before I wrote it above. When I were with him I could see Cole standing outside the window. I swear to God however that I have looked at that particular spot for him several times as I thought it likely he would hang out near his old apartment. He attacked me, I reported his death to Sneed. Got 1000 xp and 1000 caps.

e: Was it at the PROGEMA facility you could blow away rock to get better access?

e2: Explosives on the second floor of PROGEMA will make the ceiling collapse.
There's also a combat armor on the second floor of the facility.
On the floor of the first floor there's a holodisk lying on the ground in the small top left room.
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How did you find PROGEMA? By accident or had you read about it somewhere? I wonder what the developers intention with the place was...
I got the final location marked and there was still an empty space on the map side bar.

Went north from Albuquerque, went towards New Hope exploring the northern border of the map and then went south of Rat Hole.
Hi, I have not fully finished Nevada but as you know I like it so far. As I mentioned in other posts there is a problem with the dog in SLC. I spent hours trying to coax it with all foods including pizzas lol. I ended up losing my temper and kicking it to death as there is no solution. Also the guy in silver hotel mentions Wendover and again I spent hours asking. I was told by Mr Prole Wendover was dropped so I am just advising really, don't bother wasting time. No way are these complaints just stuff that maybe fixed. Also I tried to blow the doors in train station too early as it worked out but using explosives then nothing happening seemed a bit weird. To be honest if games are a bit flaky they are more fun. I enjoy blowing slavers (blowing up not BJ's lol0 As I am a righteous fucker but not one of those ' Morons' from Salt Lake who used to have many wives as long as their total age was not > than their own hehe.
You have progressed quite far by the looks of it!

This post contains a summary of everything written about Nevada in this thread so far, it might by helpful. Unfortunately you have to kill the dog. I was very sad about it. Here's a half-decent walkthrough to glance at if you're stuck.

e: With Science 134 I was able to do everything on the first floor of the Rebirth base.

I could give myself clearance for all floors and I could hack the security and control the turrets.

e2: Rebirth is like a new age sect in some regards. It takes years from the time you join to even come close to getting a "rebirth".

e3: 101 in repair is enough to figure out what's wrong with the Mr Handy on level 2. However you need to find spare parts to fix it.
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Destroyed the Buffout Lab and killed Tony and his right hand. Freed the lab slaves and the sex slave guards kept joined as a recruit.
Their chemist begged to spare him and that he'll return the favor in the future, so I left him alive. Became the capo for JC mob, but they still don't allow me inside their lab.

Found Clip Town- they have a bar and a store open to outsiders, but the town itself is open only to the locals.
They asked me to investigate the community to the north- 2 girls went missing there along with Fortress City guard that wrnt looking for them.
Chili Clan didn't see them, but I'm welcome to look inside if I get rid of all non-humans in my party (I have ghoul Babs). So I'll return there later. Everyone outside has portraits from the Chainsaw Massacre movies, so I can guess what will happen.

Became the champion of JC boxing ring. One of the fighters was Snoop Dogg. Mickey the boxing trainer had a heart attack during the final match against Mr T, but before he died he asked me to continue my career in Fortress City.

Got hired at a brothel as a pimp and shot another porn movie. The treaty Brotherhood signed allows them to operate a small outpost in Fortress City with a recruit master.
At the fighting ring I could sign a contract with 1 of 2 companies- former boxer wanted 35% of the earnings while a shady guy wanted 33%. Went with former boxer and signed a contract for 5 fights. After them he offered a new contract for 10 fights and only takes 25% after I earned enough fame on the ring.
You have progressed quite far by the looks of it!

This post contains a summary of everything written about Nevada in this thread so far, it might by helpful. Unfortunately you have to kill the dog. I was very sad about it. Here's a half-decent walkthrough to glance at if you're stuck.

e: With Science 134 I was able to do everything on the first floor of the Rebirth base.

I could give myself clearance for all floors and I could hack the security and control the turrets.

e2: Rebirth is like a new age sect in some regards. It takes years from the time you join to even come close to getting a "rebirth".

e3: 101 in repair is enough to figure out what's wrong with the Mr Handy on level 2. However you need to find spare parts to fix it.
I have finished Nevada. Rebirth is in FO resurrection . With the game being a bit flaky quite a lot went a bit glitchy and stuff seems finite. I could no longer pick berries or voca nuts but that's my fault fucking about. I have no idea where the items on vault city's list where. I found 1 I think.