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items on vault city's list where

Thompson's and Stryker's bunkers in Reno.
Winds of War vault (ask someone to take you there or hack their computer)
Mechanic at Hoover's Dam sells a part for pizza or money
One of the bunkers hidden in SLC slums has the last one
Yeah I was just talking a little bit about my current playthrough of Fallout: Resurrection. I'm in the Rebirth base now.

Congratulations on completing Nevada! Will you continue with Fallout 1? Here's a little questionnaire for you to answer about your recent playthrough:
-Going into the game what are you looking forward to?
-What's your thoughts on the main quest in Nevada?
-How would you improve it if you were to re-write?
-Does anything apart from the main quest need improvement?
-What's the game's strengths and weaknesses?
-What would you like to change in the game?
-What build did you use during your play-through?
-What's your weapon of choice?
-Describe your favourite quest and why you like it!
-What's your favourite location in the game?
-What ending did you get?
-Does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
-Could it be considered as part of the Fallout canon?
-After having completed it what did you think of the game?

I actually gathered everything for the Vault City Warehouse assignment when I played Nevada. It took a long while though and the reward was not the best if I recall correctly.
Yeah I was just talking a little bit about my current playthrough of Fallout: Resurrection. I'm in the Rebirth base now.

Congratulations on completing Nevada! Will you continue with Fallout 1? Here's a little questionnaire for you to answer about your recent playthrough:
-Going into the game what are you looking forward to?
-What's your thoughts on the main quest in Nevada?
-How would you improve it if you were to re-write?
-Does anything apart from the main quest need improvement?
-What's the game's strengths and weaknesses?
-What would you like to change in the game?
-What build did you use during your play-through?
-What's your weapon of choice?
-Describe your favourite quest and why you like it!
-What's your favourite location in the game?
-What ending did you get?
-Does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
-Could it be considered as part of the Fallout canon?
-After having completed it what did you think of the game?

I actually gathered everything for the Vault City Warehouse assignment when I played Nevada. It took a long while though and the reward was not the best if I recall correctly.
Thompson's and Stryker's bunkers in Reno.
Winds of War vault (ask someone to take you there or hack their computer)
Mechanic at Hoover's Dam sells a part for pizza or money
One of the bunkers hidden in SLC slums has the last one
Thanks for your heads up on that. I probably forgot to pay the mechanic who was into pizzas. I was aware of the smaller vaults in SLC but never found one . NW of SLC on the map an area looks scrubbed out, erased. On the pip boy one place was left to find on the map list.
Yeah I was just talking a little bit about my current playthrough of Fallout: Resurrection. I'm in the Rebirth base now.

Congratulations on completing Nevada! Will you continue with Fallout 1? Here's a little questionnaire for you to answer about your recent playthrough:
-Going into the game what are you looking forward to?
-What's your thoughts on the main quest in Nevada?
-How would you improve it if you were to re-write?
-Does anything apart from the main quest need improvement?
-What's the game's strengths and weaknesses?
-What would you like to change in the game?
-What build did you use during your play-through?
-What's your weapon of choice?
-Describe your favourite quest and why you like it!
-What's your favourite location in the game?
-What ending did you get?
-Does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
-Could it be considered as part of the Fallout canon?
-After having completed it what did you think of the game?

I actually gathered everything for the Vault City Warehouse assignment when I played Nevada. It took a long while though and the reward was not the best if I recall correctly.
It's a good idea you put forward but a few months ago I did go retro and play Fallout 1 then 2 then I looked for mods. I had played Atom RPG and the early release of Trudograd. I also bought Encased a while after full release. I never bothered with Fallout76 as my own lil protest against Bethesta. ( stroppy me lol ) I did play Obsidian's ' The Outer Worlds ' which was as bad as Bethesta because the stuff you picked up (buffs and meds) was far too plentiful making it meaningless. It's all about dressing up lol. Devs are getting lazy! Age old formula of barging into peoples dwellings to take meds, food etc, even fresh fruit from manky dungeons. The hype around Pillars of Eternity in mags and the net made me buy this new comp about 3 years ago. My old comp running win7 is still my workhorse where I make videos aka Chestikov2011. I have many ideas for isometric Fallout. A friend of mine who is very computer literate said my ' Top down ideas are often very good'. Hope you guys are all well.
Alright! Trudograd is very good I think. I'm going with Fallout: Tactics as soon as I've finished with Resurrection. Then Fallout 2 and New Vegas. Have you played New Vegas?

And there's always Olympus 2207 for you to try out: https://olympus2207.com/en/o1-en/
Alright! Trudograd is very good I think. I'm going with Fallout: Tactics as soon as I've finished with Resurrection. Then Fallout 2 and New Vegas. Have you played New Vegas?

And there's always Olympus 2207 for you to try out: https://olympus2207.com/en/o1-en/
Yes, I've played New Vegas twice.On my old computer on normal level. Then I bought the version with all add ons cheap in a GOG sale with the intention of modding the graphics a bit. But I ended up playing it on very hard level. As lots of people say it is probably best of the FP newer type of Fallout games. I uploaded a video from Olympus2007 here. A bug created one character to be in 2 places at 1 time lol. It crashed quite a lot so I abandoned it. Some of my earlier videos used footage from NV and Fallout3 which is good but lonnnnggggg. If you have free time check out my video ' Date in New Vegas'. The last few minutes are RAD lol
I'm a tad bit late to the party, but I just finished Fallout with Et Tu a few days ago. I'm not sure about Sonora, forgot more from Russian that I want to admit, but I could go for a Resurrection redo.
Welcome! How about Fallout: Nevada? It plays out before Fallout 1 on the timeline. Resurrection is in between Fallout 1 and 2. I'm at the final location of that game and it has been great. See the first post of this thread for information!

Care to fill out the questionnaire for Fallout 1? (answer only relevant questions).

-Going into the game what are you looking forward to?
-After having completed it what did you think of the game?
-What would you improve?
-What's your thoughts on the main quest?
-If old, does the game still hold up in 2022?
-If not Fallout 1, does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
-What's the game's strengths and weaknesses?
-What would you like to change in the game?
-What build did you use during your play-through?
-What's your weapon of choice?
-Describe your favourite quest and why you like it!
-What's your favourite location in the game?
-What ending did you strive for/get?
-If the game is on Steam then write a sentence that would catch the NMA perception of it and that we could use for our Steam curator.
-If the game is a total conversion mod: Could it be considered as part of the Fallout canon?
-Do you consider Fallout: Tactics to be canon?
-What do you think of the combat oriented approach in Fallout: Tactics compared to the other games?
-What do you think about how the combat is implemented in Fallout: Tactics?
-Is Fallout 2 a good sequel to Fallout?
-Is Fallout: New Vegas a good sequel to the previous games?
-Do you consider Fallout: New Vegas to be canon?
I first played Fallout2 20 odd years ago. The unpatched European , English version and loved it. I still have the CD. The thing about RPGs is that they often contradict themselves ie In Oblivion and Dragon Age 1 (both good games) certain things say Necromancy are frowned upon, taboo but you can upgrade your character with skills which are from that skill set. In Fallout 2 you start as a tribal, fair enough, tribals would not have armour. Playing say Nevada you get sent from a vault that uses Combat Armour but they don't give you any. Therefore your own vault is shady and not to be trusted or common sense goes out the window. Overseer: " Go walkabout in the wasteland and do stuff for us ": Player " You give me armour and a Jackhammer or you can fuck off " Erm Game Over.
@Alphons do you know anything about power armor in Resurrection? I got one from the mutant leader in the Mutant Camp for luring Sebastian there. In the "walkthrough" it says there will be one in the western most locker as well but I only found an ultra stimpack there. I would like one more for carrying capacity. It's not a big deal though.

e: As Alphons pointed out further down there's a Power Armor in a locker in Vault 16. You need over 80% in lockpick to get it. You can get a third one in the Rebirth base armory if you claim to be Darrell.
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Welcome! How about Fallout: Nevada? It plays out before Fallout 1 on the timeline. Resurrection is in between Fallout 1 and 2. I'm at the final location of that game and it has been great. See the first post of this thread for information!

Care to fill out the questionnaire for Fallout 1? (answer only relevant questions).

-Going into the game what are you looking forward to?
-After having completed it what did you think of the game?
-What would you improve?
-What's your thoughts on the main quest?
-If old, does the game still hold up in 2022?
-If not Fallout 1, does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
-What's the game's strengths and weaknesses?
-What would you like to change in the game?
-What build did you use during your play-through?
-What's your weapon of choice?
-Describe your favourite quest and why you like it!
-What's your favourite location in the game?
-What ending did you strive for/get?
-If the game is on Steam then write a sentence that would catch the NMA perception of it and that we could use for our Steam curator.
-If the game is a total conversion mod: Could it be considered as part of the Fallout canon?
-Do you consider Fallout: Tactics to be canon?
-What do you think of the combat oriented approach in Fallout: Tactics compared to the other games?
-What do you think about how the combat is implemented in Fallout: Tactics?
-Is Fallout 2 a good sequel to Fallout?
-Is Fallout: New Vegas a good sequel to the previous games?
-Do you consider Fallout: New Vegas to be canon?

Hey. I played Nevada once already, but honestly I got bored around Vegas, checked out Salt Lake but never finished the main story in the end. I was thinking of the Crazy Edition but I'm not sure the English translation for it is finished or not.

QT answers:

-Going into the game what are you looking forward to? / I was curious about how it look under F2 engine.
-After having completed it what did you think of the game? / Not bad but nearly not as good as F2, so the usual.
-What would you improve? / With Et Tu, mostly I'd just restore cut content.
-What's your thoughts on the main quest? / Always liked it, but the time restrictions were annoying.
-If old, does the game still hold up in 2022? / Of course
-What's the game's strengths and weaknesses? / Strength was the fact that it established the franchise, the weakness was always the fuckon of bugs.
-What build did you use during your play-through? / Energy weapons, doctor, science, speech combo as far as tag skills go. That's my default.
-What's your weapon of choice? / Turbo Plasma Rifle at the end, but energy weapons in general.
-Describe your favourite quest and why you like it! / Rescuing the recruit for the BoS because it gave me a PA.
-What's your favourite location in the game? / Adytum - Gun Runners place.
-What ending did you strive for/get? / I usually go for the good guy ending, then the bad guy, I did it all with the vanilla F1 and 2.
-Do you consider Fallout: Tactics to be canon? / Semi but yeah. There's a ton of contradictions with the original canon already, that should be fixed officially, and some of the wonky stuff, but I like the canon of it in general.
-What do you think of the combat oriented approach in Fallout: Tactics compared to the other games? / The fact that it's combat oriented wouldn't be a problem if they wouldn't have completely gutted the rpg story elements from the game, like the conversations or the non-linearity.
-What do you think about how the combat is implemented in Fallout: Tactics? / I was always fine with it, wasn't a fan of the real time aspect but otherwise fine.
-Is Fallout 2 a good sequel to Fallout? / Perfect.
-Is Fallout: New Vegas a good sequel to the previous games? / Better than F3, but NV lore made its own fuckups imo.
-Do you consider Fallout: New Vegas to be canon? / Yep, much more than 4 or 76.
@Alphons do you know anything about power armor in Resurrection? I got one from the mutant leader in the Mutant Camp for luring Sebastian there. In the "walkthrough" it says there will be one in the western most locker as well but I only found an ultra stimpack there. I would like one more for carrying capacity. It's not a big deal though.

There's one in the entire Mutant Camp- if you kill the SMs or sneak past them it'll be in the locker. If you help help them then they give you the armor from the locker.

There's a second one in the Vault- it's in one of the lockers (if i remember correctly it's right next to anti-materiel rifle).

There might be a third one in the Resurrection base, but I don't remember finding any.
Finished Tactics.


Geoffrey and Nova are from xkcon's and you get Babs for saving ghouls in Quincy.

Micah had the Reaver prototype, Farsight had pulse rifle, Babs had a Gauss and the rest had plasma rifles (Geoffrey had CAWS for emergencies).




Developed others similarly as long range snipers.

Didn't finish everything in xkcon's- one of the boxers literally decapitates Micah with one punch. I wonder how feasible would be pure unarmed solo run of Tactics.

Pimping didn't suit my Good character, but it looks like it has an entire questline.

Found a third major city- South Lake. Mein Kampf I bought earlier belongs to Hitler worshippers that think his book Mind Camp is about achieving purity of soul and mind. One of them was kidnapped by local gangsters, so I shot up their place.

Got an offer to pull off a couple of robberies, but declined.

There might be more locations, but it's really hard to explore the map with how frequent random encounters are.
There's a second one in the Vault- it's in one of the lockers (if i remember correctly it's right next to anti-materiel rifle).
That was a difficult lockpick check. No matter how many tries I couldn't open it with 70% in lockpick. I had to grind for a new level and raise it to 80%, then it was fairly easy. And I used the expanded lockpick set, of course. But it feels good to have a companion with PA, that will make things much easier. I have had some problems with carrying stuff as I took small frame and my petit lady followers wont carry that much either.

I tried to take the Tech Wizard perk that adds a one time bonus of 20% to Science, Lockpick and Repair. I thought that could be good since I needed lockpick to get the Power Armor and then Science and Repair at the Rebirth base. However it didn't do anything to the numbers of my skills. Is it "invisible" so to speak? That you have 70% in lockpick, as I had, and then it adds 20% on top of that? Or how does it work? I ended up taking Sniper instead as I was a bit unsure.

e: Nevermind I found the answer in this readme:
Issue: New perk didn't give me bonus to skills as it was supposed to.
Solution: If a perk is supposed to give bonus to some skills (for example Tech Wizard perk), it might be necessary to close character screen after taking perk in order to get skill bonus. If you open character screen again, you'll see that points to associated skills were added.

There might be a third one in the Resurrection base, but I don't remember finding any.
I will try to find out!

I got to the third level at the Rebirth base when I decided to load an earlier save and do things a bit differently. Get another PA among others. But I'm now back at Rebirth and it's time to beat this game. I went up to Corath again, before going to Rebirth, but I didn't get that quest involving the doc and Lystra. It must be because of the order I did things.

Do you thing the main goal of the PROGEMA facility was to create Deathclaws? There's one deathclaw in the cave when you escape and you can encounter Deathclaws around there on the world map.
I also like the Raygun you fin there which is in all effects an Alien Blaster.

Finished Tactics.
Congratulations! What did you think?

Found a third major city- South Lake. Mein Kampf I bought earlier belongs to Hitler worshippers that think his book Mind Camp is about achieving purity of soul and mind. One of them was kidnapped by local gangsters, so I shot up their place.
Haha that's actually hilarious!
Congratulations! What did you think?

It's alright, but runs worse than older Fallouts. Had to lower the resolution, use the FT Booster and it still had problems in major cities in xkcon's and later missions like Canyon City or Buena Vista.

It would be a great game if it retained more parts of the Fallout core. Side content like in xkcon's, normal dialogues and some choices that would affect entire playthrough and not just one mission.

Maybe give the option to spare Horus in Brahmin Wood and press gang the raiders into BoS, which would lower your Karma but gave you much better recruits than the tribals.
In Macomb you could have the option to give supplies away to bandits and civilians, which would prevent some of the fights and give you Karma, but Barnaky would demote you for wasting supplies.
Ok! Did you use realtime combat?

I'm trying to figure out how to release the prisoners on level 4 as well as destroying the reactor. You can talk the Savior into blowing up the base but in that case you will have to enter combat on level 6 if you want to release the captives. And you only have 300 seconds to do that...

You can also skip the discussion with the Saviour and go straight for level 6. Deactivating generator 2 will cause everyone to get hostile. After killing them I couldn't blow the reactor nor enter the Saviours room. You can also start by blowing the reactor and then fighting everyone on level 6. Hopefully you don't have to fight all your way to the surface as there's only 300 seconds. I haven't figured out what the key you get from Geoff actually does yet. It's of no use at level 6 and it can't open the door to the Saviour either.

I have to take a break now but I will start by blowing the reactor on my next attempt.
@Alphons I probably agree with your criticism, I'm excited to play the game myself and find out. It sounds like you were happy with xkcon's?

Maybe Tactics should be ported to the classics engine with additional content?
Saviour's room can be unlocked by using the computer in the previous room.

Saving both the prisoners and the ghouls is very hard without Stealth. No matter which generator you disable at Level 6, everyone turns hostile.

No idea what Geoff's key does. Maybe it disables the forcefields.

Fun fact: ghouls were named after some of the Fallout fathers- Leonard (Boyarsky), Chris (Avellone), Brian (Fargo), etc.


Playing xkcon's with turn-based combat apparently causes some bugs, so I played RT.

Xkcon's is a great mod, but I wouldn't recommend it on the first playthrough as it messes a lot with the balance.

It fills the void between the Tactics missions in a fun way.

Porting it into a Fallout engine with more content could be interesting, but it would probably lose the tactical parts of gameplay- if done correctly I think it would be a fair trade.
I played it through TB but I did run into one or two bugs. And yeah play it vanilla first like I said this is not a lore friendly mod...if you care about that sort of thing.
Trying to save the captives by disabling the generator before the facility blows is god damn frustrating. If you disable the generator first then you can't destroy the reactor by having the Mr Handy crash itself into the coolant. So you have to first initiate destruction of the reactor and then disable the generator if you want to go that way. However you loose a lot of time if you fight a big battle whilst the countdown on 300 seconds have already started.

I decided to first free the captives and then have the big battle on floor 6 as a result of it. Then I went up to floor 5 and had a big battle there. Then I talked with the Saviour who initiated facility self-destruct. Then I took the elevator to floor 3 and had to fight my way to the yellow elevator. I'm currently trying to fight my way out of floor 1 with only 130 seconds to go. Lystra keeps dying by that gattling laser dude. These long fights with a lot of slow ghouls are frustrating. And having to fight during a count down makes it super tense. I have no more time to play today so I will have to resume this tomorrow.

@Alphons how can you use self to your advantage? I gained two levels by the end so I can get it up to 70%+ but that doesn't seem to help. Can you free the captives if you go the peaceful route?

I wish an alarm had sounded so that all the Ghouls would flee instead of staying in the facility.

e: I took some extra time and I finished it! Man that was the most tense endspeil yet! Comments coming later, I'm exhausted.
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