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I think there're 5 in total of progressing difficulty.
I want to do it properly!

I just went down into Vex's cellar to sleep. I've made that into my personal hideout and also store some loot there. I was taken by some surprise when I found out that three new enemies had spawned there. One of them even had the key to the cell door so now I have double copies.

e: There are three Gecko hunts and on the fourth you are ambushed. Then you get the quest to find out why.
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I've got it! Didn't get any gay romance with him though, guess that's bound to Charisma...

With the .223 Pistol you can pretty much one-shot Golden Geckos with aimed shots.
Sex encounters in Resurrection
Rat Hole
  • Junkie on the North Side. Tell her that she could earn money for drugs. After sex you can refuse to pay.
  • Gregory the librarian. Charisma 8 and Male. His dialogue changes and he answers your questions in-depth, but sometimes randomly takes you to his bedroom.
  • Prostitute in the bar where you take Frederyk's men for drinks. Sex without condom gets you infected with HIV, which takes a point of Endurance after a few months. Can be cured in Albuquerque Vault.
  • Sedit Caravans prostitutes. You can hire several at once, even for your companions. Gabriel might beat them if you hire them for him.
  • Ivet the ghoul waitress. Only males. Sex with her poisons you, gives you rads and lowers your Reputation in Sedit.
  • Dolly the brahmin- choose the cheap option in the whorehouse.
  • Corath prostitutes- choose a normal option in the whorehouse and choose the one you want. You can get a threesome if you recruit another girl when asked by the owner.
  • Crying tribal. Lie about the earring, might require Charisma.
  • Chuck. Clean up his basement when he asks you to. Might not be possible if you sleep with Browman or if you are female (not sure). If you're low on health he can accidentally kill you.
  • Zachary Browman- one of the Empire officers in the palace. Accept when he proposes sex.
  • Prostitutes from the brothel in MH Territory. You can hire even more than in Sedit! Gabriel might beat them if you hire them for him.
Nice! My character will remain a virgin by the looks of it.

Is that from the top of your mind or are you qouting a walkthrough?
Day 2 of playing Tactics.

Went to Quartz- it's just like in Wasteland 1 with some extra stuff. Broke it pretty badly and lost tons of Karma (down from Shield of Hope to Sword of Despair), but don't know why.
Went around talking to people and killing hostile raiders (plus 15 roaches in one house). At the graveyard I found a hostile SM and 2 ghouls plus some flowers. In one of the houses named guy attacked me. On his body I found credit note worth 14000$.

At sheriff's office I found out that I can bail Ace for 10000$. Went to mayor Pedros in courthouse and bought a bail bond for the credit note.

Ace went to the local bar and told me that for one drink he'll tell me what happens and for a second he'll fix a Humvee of a missing BoS guy I was asked to find. In the toilets some guy was attacked by 2 thugs, so I saved him. Ace explained that BoS guy was kidnapped by Ugly and is kept in his base.
Told me that guy called Flanders has a key to the roof. Flanders wanted me to earn his trust for the key, but I didn't know how and I have stolen it.

The moment I got up on the roof earlier neutral Ugly's men started shooting civilians on the street, so I reloaded and started the fight to save them. Once inside had a long firefight. Like in Wasteland, mayor's wife was strapped with explosives and I had to finish the fight and defuse explosives before she was killed. Did it after a few tries and found the BoS guy in the basement. Mission accomplished!

Returned to mayor and got the bail bond for free. Now it's useless, but still worth 10000.
Went to the bar and gave graveyard flowers to waitress. She invited me to her motel room. In one of the rooms were 2 dead civilians and a bunch of bandits. In a cabinet was a Visa card (gave it to a guy in bar and he invited me to Rail Nomads camp, but nothing was marked on my map) and a dictionary for a writer in another room (didn't get anything and he went to bar with his friend). In the room where I was supposed to meet the waitress was her sister, who told me that Ugly's men took mayor and courthouse hostage. I left my squad at the mayor's office, while my main character explored, so they were able to kill them all the moment they spawned. Instead of mayor I found clone of Barnaky I could not interact with.
Cleared Rock Falls without a problem. Mobile execution squad style. Saved Nanuk and Diesoon.

Decided to kill the raider for the mob.
Had around 50 guys with FN FALS and AKs. Collected around 100 stimpaks from their bodies. Raider boss himself had a sniper rifle.

On my way there found another location- village attacked by infected (green civilians armed with their fists and some melee weapons). Afterwards talked to village elder who promptly died. Shaman gave me some supplies and asked to kill raider boss who collects protection from them.

Went back to Jackson City and talked to mobsters. I was allowed to enter into the first room when another guy asked me to whack their another competitor operating Mentats Lab south. Returned to bounty office and found out that they guy 14k I killed in Quartz was the next job, so got the quest and completed it at the same time.

Went to Bunker Beta and was asked to deliver a treaty to Fortress City, so BoS could open a recruitment center there.
Is it gamebreaking when you have victories like that (fighting 50 guys)? At what level are you now? Is the new content good or cringe?

For me the fight against the hospital became much easier after I recruited some much needed support from the Empire. I didn't find any key for the doors to the prisoners but I managed to pick the locks instead. Maybe that particular corpse is at the bottom of a pile of dead bodies?

I also got Lystra in the party now. I guess my next perk has to be Magnetic Personality so that I can have Keri, Mutt and Lystra, I don't like to kick anyone out. However I much rather take Bonus Rate of Fire so that I can get in two aimed shots at every turn...
Is it gamebreaking when you have victories like that (fighting 50 guys)?

The new content is hard- I've spent almost 40 minutes on that one. Story stuff is so far much easier- I just walked through Rock Falls with my squad armed with FN FALS and had to use maybe 10 Stimpaks. I do remember the raiders being much easier than later SMs or robots, so we'll see how it plays out.
I've got really good equipment much earlier- two combat shotguns, 2 sniper rifles and MP38 with tons of JHP ammo from Ugly's men.

Is the new content good or cringe?

Firefights are a lot of fun. Writing isn't super special or memorable, but it's not bad. It's very to the point so far- "we're poor and this bandit makes us pay tribute. We recently lost many villagers to the plague and we won't be able to pay this month. Please help us and kill him, we'll make it worth your time. Here's his hideout".

There were some fun smaller moments- the guys that harass the prostitute give you time to leave before they start shooting, in the hotel one of the rooms I've broken into had an elderly man that thought I was there to rob him and dumped all his items for me to take (didn't take it- 500 in scrip and some food).

I didn't find any key for the doors to the prisoners but I managed to pick the locks instead. Maybe that particular corpse is at the bottom of a pile of dead bodies?

No keys, but if you leave and come back the tribals and the homeless break the doors down and release the donors themselves.
If you come back to Corath you can talk to the doctor about what you did (he worked with Falber).
I need to beat Xconn because I played it when I did not know what Quartz was supposed to reference at the time lol. Actually since you guys got those other earlier games covered (very well thanks to Alphons) when I jump on I will just go straight to Tactics and Xconn and post my experience beating it since I was going to do that initially and I ended up switching computers. I think the other mods you guys are playing people actually know about and will play while Xconn's Ripoff is a little more niche. He sadly has not posted in a year or two I think.

I know the idea was to play them in order but I'm too old for that shit. If I do that I will play Xconn THEN Nevada then something else.
I know the idea was to play them in order but I'm too old for that shit. If I do that I will play Xconn THEN Nevada then something else.

We already skipped Sonora, because of the lack of proper translation and the Dayglow update, so not a big deal.

Speaking of, if it comes out in the next few months with machine translation of the new content I might try it.
Finished Macomb- decided to spice things up a bit and finish the level without killing civilians and the friendly raider.

Preoria was pretty fun knowing what happens with turrets on the surface. Last time I player they shredded through half of the village. This time everyone survived.
You're welcome onboard Torront! Start wherever you want and play the games that you want. It can sometimes feel as a chore to play games on the Fallout 2 engine but it's also very rewarding, so if you can get into them then don't skip them.

For some reason I can't pick the Magnetic Personality perk even though I meet the requirements. Is there any free point in Charisma? I would almost recommend people to start with Charisma 5 and then take 1 additional Charisma as a perk so you can have three companions.
I wish I had let one person die so that I could be more charismatic. Well the doctor is long dead by now.
Time for another update!
Got back my Reputation up to Warrior, still no idea what could have damaged it so much.
  • Killed the bandit harassing the tribal village. I was surprised some of the characters were voiced. And then the debriefing mentioned the full version. Turns out it was from the Tactics demo. The village was entirely different, so I wonder if it was used somewhere else. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Devil's_Graveyard
  • Cleared out the Mentats lab. Majority of guards had some prostitutes so had to watch out with burst fire. Lab itself was filled with slaves and explosives, so had to reload a few times to save everyone. If I get rid of 2 more rackets I'll become a capo.
  • Had more training in JC and won first boxing match.
  • Quincy was a really fun mission. Enjoyed the stealth and having to plan how to save hostages.
  • Played Springfield for the first time. It kinda doesn't fit the rest of the campaign.
  • Mardin was great. The tunnels were creepy. Saved all baby deathclaws and prisoners.
  • St. Louis was painful until I started targeting their arms and crippling them. That way they can't use MGs and rocket launchers effectively. That way I was able to even take out their camp behind the green goo river. For some reason there were human and SM Zianists there (the guys from Alkida want to destroy them).
  • Triggered loads of special encounters- all traders, brahmin tipping, human batteries (destroyed the overseer) and SM brothers. For some reason they all spawn close to each other.
  • On my way to Fortress City found Riverdale. They have a few traders outside, but won't let me enter until I gain their trust, but didn't give me any quests. Guy from JC told me that a part of Necronomigon is there.
  • Fortress City is massive:
A few different stores, 5-6 apartment buildings (though many apartments are empty or locked with quest doors), brothel, hospital, police station (with Al Pacino), church, gang hideout, bank, Zianist apartments, gay bar, porn studio and a massive casino with boxing ring and a hotel.

City signed a treaty with BoS, so there's supposed to be a BoS outpost constructed there.

Completed some quests:
  • Stitch was hired at a hospital. Had to cure a few patients. Another guy I cured offered to sell me a house (dialogue has 3 offers, but he only sells 2 cheaper ones).
  • One of the altar boys was molested by priest. I killed him, but he asked me to let him go or kill the witnesses (boy and his mother).
  • So starring in hetero porn earns you $350 per shoot if you're a guy. Gay porn and hetero for women earns you $4100.
  • Took a girl on date and then it turned out that I have to pay because she's a prostitute.
  • Breaking into hotel rooms can get you into trouble. One had Zianist elite with a stripper and a bodyguard. They openes fire as soon as they saw me.
  • You can get married if you buy marriage license and rings (around 20 000 for everything)
Time for another update!
  • Killed the bandit harassing the tribal village. I was surprised some of the characters were voiced. And then the debriefing mentioned the full version. Turns out it was from the Tactics demo. The village was entirely different, so I wonder if it was used somewhere else. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Devil's_Graveyard
That's a nice inclusion! I wasn't aware of a demo with it's own content. Was it on par with the original content for Tactics?
I wasn't aware of a demo with it's own content. Was it on par with the original content for Tactics?

Devil's Graveyard was very linear- if you zoom in the map on the wiki you'll see that there's only one path through the ruins. Once you get to raider fort you can choose 1 of 2 entrances.
Gargantua's throne room had some nasty surprises like a bunch of dogs and guys on balconies.
Alright! Kind of like how the design in the Fallout 1 demo is inferior to the final game.

I just helped the imperials deal with Anonym and install Aran as the new emperor. Science of 112 was enough to make the robots help us in the end-fight. I had taken Psycho so my INT was lowered and also Science, it's 124% in reality. I half expected Lystra's brother to be Anonym so I was a bit surprised. Didn't know if I could trust Aran either but he turned out to be the good guy.

I like Albuquerque so far. There's a lot of things to do and choices to make. I would probably change the faction names though. The Imperial City is modelled after China during it's isolation period I take it. But they aren't really an empire, even though they claim to rule Albuquerque. They say their goal is to keep the pre-war world alive so I would have them named in some pre-war manner and maybe have the man on the street call them imperials.

Also the name Mutant Hunters for a faction is a bit lacking. Sure they are mutant hunters but I would have them named something different like Albuquerque National Guard or in the vain of that.

I quess I'm of to the mutant camp now...