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Congratulations! Will you play more Fallout games? See the first post if you want to participate in this event!

I'm considering replaying Tactics, of which I have fond memories.

-Going into the game what are you looking forward to?
Complete my knowledge of the lore and story / stories started with the original Fallout. In particular, find out who are the Enclave. My previous playthroughs all ended with crashes prevented me from going beyond Broken Hills. Patches and mods got rid of them.
-After having completed it what did you think of the game?
An excellent CRPG which somehow hasn't aged. It lacks the consistency of the original game but makes up for it with a ton of content (locations, factions, quests). See my extensive review.
-What would you improve?
Crank up the postapoc look & feel on New Reno, New San Francisco and the Oil Rig.
-What's your thoughts on the main quest?
Lacking. After leaving Arroyo it's hard to look back and feel empathy for these clueless tribals. In terms of gameplay, the GECK acts as a MacGuffin that requires extensive travelling through the world map, with a difficulty gate at the end of these trips.
-Does the game still hold up in 2022?
Yes absolutely. Though I'm glad I used the RPU and rescaled the resolution for my modern screen.
-Does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
Mostly. Vault City is an excellent concept and well executed. New San Francisco is the opposite.
-What's the game's strengths and weaknesses?
Player freedom. Consistency issues, bad tutorial.
-What would you like to change in the game?
Rebalance combat so that aiming for the eyes isn't always the solution.
-What build did you use during your play-through?
Small guns, Speech, Lockpick, with high Perception, Agility and Charisma.
-What's your weapon of choice?
The .223 pistol, like in the first game. So much punch, so many ammo, mighty SFX, can be wielded by Sulik.
-Describe your favourite quest and why you like it!
Steal the vertibird plans from Navarro, using stealth first and brute force later. Not very Fallout-y but plenty of fun.
-What's your favourite location in the game?
Modoc. It doesn't serve any purpose to the main storyline, and yet it has a well crafted atmosphere, with an infinite nostalgy for better days which won't return. Especially if you can't find the kid who fell in the pit. This is so freaking sad.
-What ending did you strive for/get?
Good girl, pro-NCR.
-If the game is on Steam then write a sentence that would catch the NMA perception of it and that we could use for our Steam curator.
I run my own curator. Here's how we're probaby going to review FO2: "This genre-defining CRPG is still well worth playing today, preferably with patches and mods. While it lacks the consistency of the first game, it makes up for it with a wealth of postapoc content."
-If the game is a total conversion mod: Could it be considered as part of the Fallout canon?
-Is Fallout 2 a good sequel to Fallout?
Yes and no. It spoils its consistency. But it's the next best thing after Fallout!
Thats why you need use melee weapons now. Also Tough Guy is the only way to play Tactics
Yeah I need to change squad members...

@Scylla thank you! Sound like you had a great time. I look forward to playing Fallout 2 a slight bit more now.

Tactics is not as good but it's interesting to explore. There are a few suggestions on mods to use in the starting post of this thread.
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I finally got the time to beat Peoria. I got an extra fusion battery from the elder so that was good.

Next up is Quincy and the Beastlord faction which I'm very much looking forward to. I like the idea of Beastlords so I will put a keen eye to their lore.

It's now time to change my rooster somewhat. @Hubal, do you have any counsel on how many melee fighters and how to best make use of them?
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You might want to wait with getting melee/ unarmed until finishing Mardin (mission after Quincy if you're playing without Springfield) as you get some of the better ones then.
This was posted by one of the users


Waiting for Sonora DLC since 2020.
Wait, Sonora is getting DLC?

San Diego/ Dayglow (according to posts on Russian nuclear-city it's gonna be huge with a new Vault, navy base, couple of ruined districts and 4 scav camps), extra quests in existing locations, new items and remade sprites for some of the older items, restored cut location San Felipe (apparently more combat heavy than other locations), possibly new endings.



Release or just announcement of date of release (nobody is 100% sure) in a couple of months (someone said April/ May, but someone else mentioned summer).

The wait will be worth it!

What do I do with the Fusion Batteries and the Medical Info from Peoria? Do I just sell them?
Holy shit that’s a huge update. And to think I can’t even play the base game yet because it hasn’t been translated to English :(
What do I do with the Fusion Batteries and the Medical Info from Peoria? Do I just sell them?

I kept the fusion cells until the end, as you burn through a lot of ammo near the end.
Medical info is probably from the mods you're using as I don't remember anything like that (wiki also doesn't have it).

Holy shit that’s a huge update. And to think I can’t even play the base game yet because it hasn’t been translated to English :(

There's machine translation:

One of the posters on Codex mentioned that it's a bit janky and had some [Error] with text missing, but he finished the game and that narrative and dialogues were understandable.

Decided to test the Google translator, but reading Sonora bible would be a massive spoiler- so I decided to translate the Nevada Wendover design doc.


There's machine translation:

One of the posters on Codex mentioned that it's a bit janky and had some [Error] with text missing, but he finished the game and that narrative and dialogues were understandable.

Decided to test the Google translator, but reading Sonora bible would be a massive spoiler- so I decided to translate the Nevada Wendover design doc.
I appreciate the suggestion, but if it’s Google translated I think I’ll wait for the official one. I’d rather my first experience be completely legible and localized.
I kept the fusion cells until the end, as you burn through a lot of ammo near the end.
Ok! I'm just unused to keep quest-items instead of turning them in for a reward. It feels weird.

Medical info is probably from the mods you're using as I don't remember anything like that (wiki also doesn't have it).
Yep apparently it's an addition from the Redux mod. You get 600xp for finding medical data on a computer terminal but you can't hand the holodisc over to anyone at the bunker, which again is odd.
Ok! I'm just unused to keep quest-items instead of turning them in for a reward. It feels weird.

Yep apparently it's an addition from the Redux mod. You get 600xp for finding medical data on a computer terminal but you can't hand the holodisc over to anyone at the bunker, which again is odd.

Probably the duct tape holding the thing together.
Almost done with Nevada, it’s kinda surreal upon realizing that the game can actually be finished really quickly. Like you only need to go to 4 maps to actually finish the game. The rest is all great filler lol.
I just finished Quincy which was a fun mission, although it took me an entire week of small doses of gaming to finally complete it.

Since I'm a completionist I will continue with Springfield although @Alphons called it meh. I'm already somewhat bored with Tactics so expect it to take some time. Then I will do Mardin which I look forward to because of the faction lore for the Beast Lords.

I must say I love General Barnaky and the voice actor does splendid work giving life to the character. These quotes are fantastic:

General Barnaky said:
Brotherhood Intelligence has recently uncovered a plot involving the town of Springfield. The plot rotates around Springfield's Mayor Avellone. Intelligence reports that the mayor's political stance with the ghouls has angered some of Springfield's far-right, human activists who refuse to acknowledge the sub-humans as near equals. While I have to say I agree with them... our Elders think otherwise.

The Ghouls of Quincy are overjoyed by your dedication to protect them along with their human counterparts. As a result, there are now ghouls applying for membership into the Brotherhood. The Elders believe that their inherent resistance to certain toxins makes up for their sub-human frailties. I pray the Brotherhood can remain pure at heart with this foul taint.
Since I'm a completionist I will continue with Springfield although @Alphons called it meh. I'm already somewhat bored with Tactics so expect it to take some time. Then I will do Mardin which I look forward to because of the faction lore for the Beast Lords.

Unlike other city missions like Quincy, Cold Water, Junction City or Macomb, Springfield is very linear.

There're no side objectives like hostages and almost zero reasons to explore the buildings, so you just follow the only path available occasionally shooting raiders.

Voice actors were alright, with some great ones like Barnaky or the tribal elder in Pretoria.
You can continuously use Science on the ScribeNet Archives terminals at the Bunker and get 40xp everytime you succeed. I just gave myself another level before heading out.
Sorry for the slow pace but I'm so bored with Fallout: Tactics. I don't think I will ever come to Fallout 2.

I just finished Springfield though so that's good. I loved Chris Avellone's speech by the end:

Mayor Avellone said:
People of Springfield.

You've all known me as Mayor Avellone for two years now and as Chris Avellone for many years before that. I've always been proud serving this town and all its people - and that's a fact. But I won't stand for this worthless hate violence, not as a mayor, and certainly, not as a man.

We shouldn't hate the ghouls for being what they are. They can't help it if they were mutated into hideous looking monsters. Remember, that inside that monster, under the rotting flesh, the flaking skin, and the misshapen features is a second-class citizen.

These good people delouse our cesspools, clean our grease pits and work the slaughterhouse. That's honest, hard work! So don't hate them for being insidiously ugly.

Instead of attacking them, be kind! Instead of calling a ghoul ugly, tell it how fine it looks! I know you may not want to pat a ghoul on the back and that's OK; just don't burn it's house down.

And now here a new bill I would like to present to you: it's called the Bill of Monster Rights. Under this bill, there will be no violence against a ghoul, unless the ghoul started it!

And from now on, a ghoul is entitled to payment equal to or greater than half that of a pure-bred human!

And lastly, no more will "taking a dump" be referred to as "pinching the ghoul," or "making ghoul babies," or "dropping off the ghoul at the pool." I know we can live together in harmony, I just know it.

Thank you!