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I don't really mind real world "modern" weapons in Fallout. Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 already had real-world weapons and plenty of real weapon manufacturers making weapons. It makes sense that WWII weapons would exist in the world of Fallout, since it was mentioned that Fallout world's divergence from our world was sometime after WWII.
I don't really mind them but I also don't really like them. For me them being in the games is exactly the same as them being replaced with just made up weapons.

Some real weapons from Fallout 2 (and a few of these are also in Fallout 1):
  • Red Ryder BB gun
  • M60 Machine Gun
  • Pancor Jackhammer
  • H&K CAWS
  • FN FAL
  • XL70E3
  • H&K G11
  • H&K P90c
  • Tommy gun (Thompson M1928)
  • M3A1 "Grease Gun" SMG
  • .44 Magnum revolver
  • Desert Eagle .44
  • Mauser

Some real weapon manufacturers in Fallout 1:
  • Winchester
  • Mauser
  • Colt
  • Glock
  • SIG Sauer
  • Heckler & Koch
Oh yeah, for some reason it kind of became a fetish for Tactics modders to use modern weapons. There was an entire weapon mod dedicated to WW2 weaponary back in the day. Then that went over to F3-NV-F4 as well, just look up the Nexus. I never saw the point of it, given the game is supposed to be a retro futuristic that takes place where energy based weapons are a thing and the projectiles should be more advanced as well. I also somewhat blame 14 Degrees for it in Tactics, way too many conventional weapons especially when you reach the Mutant arc, with all the Brownings and such. I don't even remember them having any original weapon aside from a reskin for the Plasma Rifle. In many aspects, Tactics wanted to be way too "modern", and given the inconsistencies with the previous game, I have to wonder of the devs only made the 15 minutes speedrun on F2 and that was all their knowledge of the game.
The Fallout: Tactics Redux mod has "fictionalised" the arsenal. I liked that a lot. Unfortunately that mod doesn't fix all bugs so I decided not to use it.
Apart from pathfinding there's a few other annoyances (people will walk into mines even though they are aware of them!). Inventory management between squad members is one annoyance. People wont reload their own weapons? If I have, for example, used a medkit with a character and forgot to switch back to the equipped weapon afterwards, that character wont shoot in a fight. Height differences and transitions between height levels don't work that well.

Skill books gives a lot of skill points and even beyond 91, which is the limit in Fallout 1 & 2.

Are all women equipped with Maxipads even in vanilla? They are in this mod at least.

All characters start with Leather Armour, which I take is the standard uniform of the Brotherhood. So no starting unarmoured and then progressing into the one armed Leather Jacket. I would have liked to see some sort of military uniform as the starting gear, kind of like how you start with a Vault Suit in the originals and then you start with the armours.
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The Fallout: Tactics Redux mod has "fictionalised" the arsenal. I liked that a lot. Unfortunately that mod doesn't fix all bugs so I decided not to use it.

I think played both before, but either Equi or Redux also brought a bunch of junk items as well, like womens pads.
I don't really mind real world "modern" weapons in Fallout. Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 already had real-world weapons and plenty of real weapon manufacturers making weapons. It makes sense that WWII weapons would exist in the world of Fallout, since it was mentioned that Fallout world's divergence from our world was sometime after WWII.
I don't really mind them but I also don't really like them. For me them being in the games is exactly the same as them being replaced with just made up weapons.

Some real weapons from Fallout 2 (and a few of these are also in Fallout 1):
  • Red Ryder BB gun
  • M60 Machine Gun
  • Pancor Jackhammer
  • H&K CAWS
  • FN FAL
  • XL70E3
  • H&K G11
  • H&K P90c
  • Tommy gun (Thompson M1928)
  • M3A1 "Grease Gun" SMG
  • .44 Magnum revolver
  • Desert Eagle .44
  • Mauser

Some real weapon manufacturers in Fallout 1:
  • Winchester
  • Mauser
  • Colt
  • Glock
  • SIG Sauer
  • Heckler & Koch

The ones that appeared were somewhat redesigned in most cases to fit the world better (P90 is actually made by FN, dunno why they changed it to HK). The manufacturers existing is understandable, but the design remaining the same is not, especially if you take a look at the circumstances. Between our time, or when these irl weapon mods had been made in the 2010's, and the Great War, have passed 50-60 years roughly. I for one don't know about any weapons that still in service ever since WW2 or further going WW1, but even if there are, they must've gotten dozens of refits already, and those conflicts happened a 100 and 80 years ago from rl time. The GW took place at 2077, and before that there were numerous other conflicts, like the EC - Arabian war, or the Sino - American war, where I doubt they'd used decades old weapons without significantly changing them, therefore the weaponary lying around in the wasteland should still not be the same as we know them, or exactly the same. Hence why the whole thing stink in Tactics, with the meta explanation being them being lazy to come up with new stuff aside from the design changes with some weapons and armor from the previous 2 games, like the Flame Thrower or the Metal Armor. Lorewise though, hundred years old weaponary still being used en masse doesn't make any sense at all. In F2 for example, the mob used Tommys, basically a homeage to the mafia era, but even then you could only found them on the big mobster characters, not with every second family member. Occasionally, it's fine, but if they aren't a rarity, then at least they should be nth generation variants.
I've just beaten Macomb, which was the first mission that was actually somewhat fun. I'm now in Peoria which looks interesting...

It feels like it will take a very long time before I beat Fallout: Tactics. Note to self is that I must save more often as to not loose progress even though I already use quick save quite frequently.
Might as well do a list.

Macomb, Peoria, Quincy, Mardin, Jefferson, Osceolia, Junction City, Cold Water, Newton, Vault 0 (inside)

Brahmin Wood, Freeport, Rock Falls, Springfield, St. Louis, Kansas City, Great Bend, Vault 0 (outside)
A cool thing in Peoria is that the desert is blocked by rock and that only women can pass through (because of smaller bodies?). That's quite cool.

I haven't thought about it before but the Small Frame perk should allow any character to crawl through narrow passages. If that could be implemented it would be cool. That could be handy if someone needs to crawl through a chimney to enter a house or crawl through a small hole to enter/leave a cavern.

e: There's a bug in Peoria that sometimes makes the creatures on the level below attack you.

e2: Sneak detection through walls is extremely annoying.
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A cool thing in Peoria is that the desert is blocked by rock and that only women can pass through (because of smaller bodies?). That's quite cool.

It's also used in Macomb- women can pass through the small alley near the end and get a drop on the raider with rocket launcher.
Awesome! I think that guy must have been cut in Equilibrium because I couldn't find him.

e: My squad keeps eating through ammunition in Peoria. Since the enemies are insect I don't get any from looting corpses and most lockers just contain health items... We'll see I will be able to complete this level. I for sure won't be able to take down any turrets.

Another peculiarity was a terminal that kept giving me 15xp everyone I used Science on it and failed the check. I had 1500xp to reach the next level so I used Science on it a hundred times. Then I put all skill points into Science and passed the check which gave me 600xp. You should probably not get xp everytime you fail a check.
God damn I will have to replay Peoria and make sure to conserve ammo. What's the best way to take down the turrets?

I just activated the surface turrets but I'm completely starved on ammo so I won't be able to take them down.
3 options:
  1. Don't destroy them- you can run past them underground. When you reach the terminal that opens the door and activates the turrets on the surface leave one of your squadmates behind and have him switch it off and on (turrets activate after 10 seconds) until the rest passes into the second part of the complex.
  2. Turrets have really bad aim when you stand next to them. Take some shotguns and wreck them.
  3. Exploit- Tactics has a unique overdose system. Each drug gives you a certain overdose number and when you reach your character's limit based on Endurance they lose conciousness or die. They didn't make robots immune and you can use drugs on turrets until they die (you can do it on surface turrets before they get activated). https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Overdosed
What ?! You playing Tactics already?
Alphons completed it a long time ago. I'm making slow progress due to lack of time. Are you playing any Fallout-game currently?

e: A little update on my way through Peoria. I've sneaked passed almost every enemy but still managed to loot every container, so that's good! Sometimes I had to run in with a character and draw agro and then keep running untill the insect enemies stoped pursuing.

I managed to destroy the three surface turrets without any tribals dying (pretty sure because there were no bodies). So I'm now in the final area and have most of my ammunition left. And that's going to be needed! This area is crawling with Radscorpions and Giant roaches.

I don't know how the Equilibrium mod creator intended you to play because you don't have ammunition enough to kill everything. Before I entered the mission I bought all ammo available at the bunker as well but that's not enough.

Late to the party, but I've just completed Fallout 2 for the first time ever, 24 years after its release. Finally washing this stain off my roleplaying honor. While not flawless, it was a blast to play and it motivated me to write an extensive review: https://steamcommunity.com/id/stscylla/recommended/38410/
Congratulations! Will you play more Fallout games? See the first post if you want to participate in this event!

Here's a questionnaire for you to fill out in regards to Fallout 2:
-Going into the game what are you looking forward to?
-After having completed it what did you think of the game?
-What would you improve?
-What's your thoughts on the main quest?
-Does the game still hold up in 2022?
-Does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
-What's the game's strengths and weaknesses?
-What would you like to change in the game?
-What build did you use during your play-through?
-What's your weapon of choice?
-Describe your favourite quest and why you like it!
-What's your favourite location in the game?
-What ending did you strive for/get?
-If the game is on Steam then write a sentence that would catch the NMA perception of it and that we could use for our Steam curator.
-If the game is a total conversion mod: Could it be considered as part of the Fallout canon?
-Is Fallout 2 a good sequel to Fallout?
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