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I beat Mardin as well! I'm much more inclined to play when a mission is fun and here I liked both the topside and the underground. A lot of small skirmishes in this mission with a big fight underground by the end. Obviously I sneaked my way directly to the Deathclaw Matriarch and let her loose on the Beastlord Emperor Daarr. The Emperor didn't carry any cool loot however so that was a big let down.

Some of the underground actually looked good, the earthy cave bit, which is uncommon in FoT IMO. The room where the cannibals slaughtered human prisoners which strongly reminded of the Butcher's room in Diablo.

The idea of mutated humans who use telepathy to control insects is alright and then they had kidnapped a Deathclaw broodmother and where thus able to use Deathclaws through her as well. As soon as she is set free they all turned on the Beastlords though, so that kind of backfired for them.

I wouldn't mind if this faction was used again in another game, the mutation can probably be caused in other places as well. Another idea would be to have a Trait called Beastlord that let's the player control insects but with a huge penalty to Charisma and NPC reactions.

Now off to the next bunker!
I wouldn't mind if this faction was used again in another game, the mutation can probably be caused in other places as well. Another idea would be to have a Trait called Beastlord that let's the player control insects but with a huge penalty to Charisma and NPC reactions.
Beastlords are present in AWOP mod for FNV but I didn't play it much.
Fallout: New Vegas

Going into the game what are you looking forward to?
Making different choices faction-wise. I never comitted to a complete Caesar's Legion playthrough.

After having completed it what did you think of the game?
I think it's a nice game when modded, but some aspects still leave a lot to be desired. Enemies feel bullet spongy, and installing a mod to address this negates Skills, and what's worse, the whole DT/DR aspect (as you can easily tackle a Giant Radscorpion, an otherwise tanky enemy).

I feel there are too many locations which are not memorable at all. Caves, offices, and the like which feel copypasted. The Goodsprings Cave with the coyotes is nice in that it offers a sizeable amount of loot the player won't find anywhere else that early in the game. But later on, similar caves aren't nearly as rewarding.

There's a lot of emptyness in the map which shows in the game's lack of a hub-based world map. This is a problem that neither Fallout or Fallout 2 had, and what's more, those games featured random encounters so that no two travels from A to B were identical.

There's the repetitive voice-acting due to lack of diversity in the voice actors (with one actor voicing many, many NPCs). Unsurprisingly the most memorable NPCs are the ones who don't share voice actors with other characters.

The Strip is totally disappointing. I wonder how I felt about this on my first playthrough.

What would you improve?
I would either turn it into an isometric cRPG, or take a Deus Ex approach, going for a level-based experience, with a mix of hub world. That is, you can travel between levels, but each level is meant to provide its own gameplay experience (as opposed to serving only as a place for interacting with NPCs, with no gameplay value otherwise).

What's your thoughts on the main quest?
I didn't like it. My issue is that there's no "plot twist" or something new to look up to. From the very beginning you are told that there are factions warring for the Mojave, so the player can pretty much expect to side with one of them. The closest thing is the Yes Man reveal, but unfortunately most faction quests are mirrors of each other. Only the NCR features many, many independent quests, and you can do them without even being an NCR member (e.g. hunting down the Fiends).

If old, does the game still hold up in 2022?
While not old, I don't think it held up gameplay-wise even in 2010. Not even Fallout 3 held up in 2008.

If not Fallout 1, does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?
I definitely like the lore of New Vegas. Apart from my gameplay issues (of which I consider the lack of quests for other factions a gameplay issue as opposed to a writing issue), I think the game's writing is great and every change it made was for the best. Caesar's Legion, the expansion of the NCR, MOTHERFUCKING RANGER COMBAT ARMOR, how it dealt with the Remnants and Super Mutants, etc. It's all great. I just wish it was a better game.

What's the game's strengths and weaknesses?
Its strength is the worldbuilding. Its weaknesses are... everything else.

What would you like to change in the game?
I think Cass and Lily are placed in inconvenient locations. Lily is likely to be the last companion you will meet, and Cass requires some backtracking to get her. A far cry from the way you meet ED-E, Boone, Veronica, Arcade, and Rex. At least Raul is in Black Mountain.

What build did you use during your play-through?
Guns, Survival, and Barter. I just love guns. Energy weapons lack the punch they had in classic Fallout.

What's your weapon of choice?
The Hunting Shotgun is a favorite of mine. The Trail Carbine is fantastic as well.

Describe your favourite quest and why you like it!
I really enjoy Vault 34 as a dungeon. It has scripted sequences which the game sorely lacks. So Hard Luck Blues it is.

What's your favourite location in the game?
Vault 34, for the reasons mentioned.

What ending did you strive for/get?
My first Caesar's Legion run. Saved Caesar as well. Talking with Lanius like comrades in arms was fantastic.

If the game is on Steam then write a sentence that would catch the NMA perception of it and that we could use for our Steam curator.
"Though mechanically unfulfilling as a roleplaying game and overly ambitious at times, Fallout: New Vegas is the payoff to the worldbuilding gamble set up in Fallout 2."

Is Fallout: New Vegas a good sequel to the previous games?
It's the best sequel we could hope to get after Bethesda's acquisition of the IP.

Do you consider Fallout: New Vegas to be canon?
For those who played Et Tu, which damage mod have you used if any? By default it comes with one enabled and I was thinking of using the fo2tweaks damage mod, any experience with these? I’ve only played FO1 and FO2 with no damage mods
Thank you @Lucas9 for that! A lot of good answers that I intuitively agree with. I haven't played the game in a long time but that's how I remember it.

It's hard to believe you had never done a Legion run before (neither have I sorry to say).

@JellyJman I saw you also asked in the Et tu thread in the modding section. I hope you get the answers there! Please keep us posted about your playthrough here in this thread.


I just finished St. Louis. It was nice battling some super mutants for a change. Driving around with the APC with everyone blasting was fine for the northeastern part of the map, you have to clear some mines though. You can repair all damage to the APC.

I cleared out their stronghold in the south west before leaving the map and I think managed a total purge of the mutant monstrosities.

I don't mind the super mutants in Fallout: Tactics having other skin colours than green, it's fine.
I know that we've almost passed the halfway mark of this year, but do you think I can still join in?
I currently have Wrist Tendonitis, so I don't think I can play for long. Maybe an hour or less per day. Will that be enough for me to finish the games by the end of the year?

As someone who’s too busy and lazy to participate, you have my permission.
I'm sorry but I will probably not be able to beat Fallout: Tactics untill August. From how things are lookiing now there won't be much gaming this summer.

But I'm positive I will be able to beat FoT, Fallout 2 and New Vegas this year.
Time for the Supermutant missions...

How's the NV AWOP by the way? I've played the FO3 version and it had some fun moments, but I've heard that NV is way worse.
I did a mod for it called AWOP Tweaks. It mainly changed all the typos and bad dialog. It's a shit mod (AWOP) but it was fun to tinker with.
It's a shit mod (AWOP)

I liked FO3 AWOP as it added fun combat arenas and was self-contained (main quest is gated behind finding one of several keycards hidden around the entire map).

NV AWOP from what I've seen is totally different. For some reason it buffs Joe Cobb and his gang, gives him a grenade launcher. And to make it fair for Goodsprings it adds couple of strong NCR troopers. Apparently the entire game is rebalanced like that.

I plan to start FO2 playthrough in July- probably with Megamod since Goat_Boy made a compatible version of his Talking Head mod.
Beastlords are present in AWOP mod for FNV but I didn't play it much.
I am part of a project for TTW that will include Beastlords. I don't know if I should be sharing this around but...
GRRrrrr grrrrrrr, Wendover ! lol. I mentioned (to proleterian I think ) that I spent hours walking around SLC asking people the whereabouts of Wendover.?

It's a cursed place. First cut from Nevada, then the Salt Lake Stories for New Vegas and it's one of the locations in Mutants Rising.
It's a cursed place. First cut from Nevada, then the Salt Lake Stories for New Vegas and it's one of the locations in Mutants Rising.

The other thing that drove me mad (madder) :) was the dog in SLC. I was convinced it could be lured with some foodstuff so it followed me back to the kid. No joy. I had to give the kid a life lesson ;p. I think the guy in the Silver Hotel who mentions Wendover should be gagged.
I am looking forward to play Sonora.
I did complete the Jefferson mission and I agree with Alphons that it was fu to play. I got quite immersed. I'm mainly using my long range squad members but sometimes short range weapons and grenades in close encounters. No melee yet. I don't think I will change squad members as I have grown quite attached to the ones I have. Some of them will switch to Big Guns or Energy Weapons though.

I really like the Super Mutants research into their own sterility and their attempt to "cure" it. That's the only possibility for them to remain as a species in the long run. Had I done an expansion pack for Fallout: Tactics it would be called "Mutants Rising" and be about how the remnants of the Super Mutant army had to flee east over the mountains. The pursuing BoS ships crashed and for a moment they thought they were safe. But then they encountered the robot armies of the calculator and had to flee further east again. The SMs get caught between a rock and a hard place when the BoS comes down with renewed strength from Chicago and attacks them from another front. The main short term goal of the SMs is to protect their research on sterility and to possibly see a cure.

The outcome would be that they fend of the BoS and then launch their own attack on Vault 0. They have the possibility to join up with Ghouls and also get the Deathclaws that were formerly in service of the Beastlords. When they have captured the calculator they can use it to finalise the research into their sterility and to finally cure it. Then they blow the vault with the nuke. The outcome would be that the SMs can now procreate and have thus become the true heirs of humanity. When the first SM baby is born the feeling would be like in the ending of Children of Men when they emerge with the new born baby.

The Super Mutants wouldn't refer to themselves as Super Mutants, instead they would call themselves The Master Race (in reference to the Master) and more commonly Fevmans (after FEV) or Mariposans (after Mariposa Military Base). Or do we have a better name for them?
I did Kansas City as well so now I only have the final SM mission, the Reavers and then the Calculators army left to do in August.

Kansas City wasn't that hard with the Equilibrium mod and I'm glad I didn't have the same experience as Alphons. However it took a few attempts before I could finish it with only one Ghoul dead. It got my blood pumping and it was a fun change of pace to defend the Ghouls. In comparison the secondary objective of dealing with the three SM commanders was a more tedious shore.

I got a lot of loot and feel immensely rich now.

e: I still got half the game left and I'm so fatigued... Hope vacation will give me strength to finish this task.
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Sweet! I managed to complete Osceolla as well before vacation (which starts tomorrow). Easy mission with heavy combat inside the gates. It's easy to enter from the almost unguarded entrance at the back. Then some heavy fighting and then done.

It feels great to be done with the SM:s before taking this up again in August. Only Reavers and Robots left now.