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Well you have an old join date with hardly any posts. Some Codex dudes are like that since they think this place sucks most of the time (it does due to low post count) and I just saw a guy over there with the exact same name and figured I would ask. No big deal either way.
I just realized you are older than coal. How is it possible to have 32k posts? That's more than rest of the nma users combined.
I joined the forum when I first joined the Army around 2005. If you post daily for 15 plus years it adds up. I get the impression people like you come here still for Fallout while I come here for the community...what is left of it.
@Alphons are you done with F:NV yet?

I'm currently finishing Volare! for House, but I still have all DLCs and couple of bigger mods to go through.
Current plan is to wrap up all vanilla NV content along with any mods that take place in Mojave, finish the game and then head out for the new lands (Reno part 2, Boulder Dome, Zion Trail, Havasu, Salt Lake and Frontier).

I've finished some smaller mods, so once I finish the New California review (hopefully this weekend), I'll write a couple smaller ones that hopefully won't take so much.
@william dempsey No idea what you mean.

If someone gives a fuck I am currently trying Iron Man run with Fallout 2. Already started about 30 times. Funny fact: plastic explosives blew me up 3 times already in Temple of Trials.
You mentioned ' coal ' yeah. Coal glows when burning. So the traps are C4 on hard case level. I played Iron Man on FO New Vegas and a blow fly gobbed on me and done me in.
Merry Christmas and a little status report.

Again, I'm sorry for my absence from this project of mine. Work and family have consumed all of my time this fall and it will be even more so during 2023. I thought I would be able to continue at the pace I had during the spring but to no avail. I will still play all the games even though the pace is at a crawl. But don't expect much of a progress (I will be a father of three soon and then there will be no PC Gaming for a very long time).

From the beginning I had envisioned Fallout 22, then continue with Wasteland 23 and then continue with other post-apoc RPG:s like Olympus in 2024. However since the turnout was so bad I would probably not have continued beyond Fallout 22 anyway. Had Alphons not been the man he is this would have been even more of joke than it was. The interest from this community to play the Fallout games is below all expectations. People are playing other games or not playing games at all. Sad.

@Alphons, If you ever get to write those summaries I will happily read them!

Anyway Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year!
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I will be a father of three soon


Anyway Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year!

You too! Have a great time!

I wanted to thank you, as I don't think I'd personally have the drive to play through the series if you did not take the time to prepare and organize it.

I had a lot of fun replaying Resurrection and Nevada, playing new version of Et Tu and trying the Megamod and Xkcon (I don't think I'd ever replay Tactics) and sharing the interesting and fun parts.
Merry Christmas and a little status report.

Again, I'm sorry for my absence from this project of mine. Work and family have consumed all of my time this fall and it will be even more so during 2023. I thought I would be able to continue at the pace I had during the spring but to no avail. I will still play all the games even though the pace is at a crawl. But don't expect much of a progress (I will be a father of three soon and then there will be no PC Gaming for a very long time).

From the beginning I had envisioned Fallout 22, then continue with Wasteland 23 and then continue with other post-apoc RPG:s like Olympus in 2024. However since the turnout was so bad I would probably not have continued beyond Fallout 22 anyway. Had Alphons not been the man he is this would have been even more of joke than it was. The interest from this community to play the Fallout games is below all expectations. People are playing other games or not playing games at all. Sad.

@Alphons, If you ever get to write those summaries I will happily read them!

Anyway Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year!
Don't be disapointed that bad...

i surely wanted to participate in Fallout 22, though as I've said i might not make it with all the games, plus count new vegas out as non canon for me, startig from winter depression followed by a spring funeral, followed by summer heat that prevented me from turning the pc on, atumn covid infection, and right now i'm through some new form of disease, some kind of fucking unkillable bacteria that are like boris the bullet dodger they dodge antibiotics like boris dodges bullets. right now I'm on the strongest stuff out there, and theese fucking bacteria don't give up. i mean they get smitten a bit but they adapt pretty quickly. I did menthol inhalations, they gave up in the nose and in lungs, but were completely immune in throat when i started to breathe through the mouth, now they don't even react to menthol anymore.

Yeah.. so happy new year everyone.. Hope 2023 is going to be better for everyone than ol and shitty 2022..
I had a lot of fun replaying Resurrection and Nevada, playing new version of Et Tu and trying the Megamod and Xkcon (I don't think I'd ever replay Tactics) and sharing the interesting and fun parts.
Cheers! It was great having you as my knowledgable guide through Nevada and Resurrection.

i surely wanted to participate in Fallout 22, though as I've said i might not make it with all the games, plus count new vegas out as non canon for me
Sorry to hear about your troubles! This thread will remain open so you can always begin in 2023 or 2024 or whenever you feel like it.
So, i sort of did it by accident.

I played F:Nevada, Fallout, Fallout 1.5, Olympus 2207, Tactics, parts of The Sum, and I played the Megamod through to Mariposa before I ran into a bug.

I didn't really keep up with this project or intend to go along with it; I did it mostly as a mix of my leisure time and as part of research for an new project I'm developing. My experience was really nice, though.
Nice to hear! If you continue you're welcome to post here about your adventures in post-apoc America.
Yeah sure, I'm pleased to have you join! It's certainly not to late, I'm still on Fallout 2 and then New Vegas. So this will continue in 2023.

Just put all your comments and reflections on the games in this thread.
I finished Fallout 1 a week or so ago. I was using Fallout 1in2 so my experience isn't quite what the original devs intended but I had a good time.

I completed all the questlines in most towns taking the good guy approach. The only town I couldn't make it to in time was the Boneyard, it got invaded by super mutants before I arrived. I had to ignore the entire location because it either jumps right to the end of the game or I have fight an army mutants right then. I did later wipe out the entire place.

So first I exited Vault 13 and headed towards Shady Sands, did the usual stuff. Got Ian, killed the radscorps, saved Tandi. I only went to Vault 15 for the leather jacket which I used to trick the Khans and collect Dogmeat.

I then headed straight south because I was trying to find Junktown but ended up finding Necropolis instead. For the first time I actually interacted with Set. On every other playthrough I just ran through the sewers until I got the end. Set was not a very nice guy, I killed him a lot before reloading my save deciding that I didn't want to do that. I tricked Harry and repaired the water pump then set that prisoner free. Then I decided to just kill all of the super mutants because why not. Ian died 40 times just like in canon but I am a master save scummer and would not allow that to happen. Also I found a ghoul guarding a motorcycle. He asked me to watch it so I did, but he never returned. I found him dead at the hands of a molerat so I just took his bike. It's basically just the Highwayman from Fallout 2 but reskinned.

I then headed back home but the overseer sent me out again! I went straight for Junktown where I killed Gizmo and collected Dogmeat and Tycho. I didn't figure out what iguana sticks were made of though, the one quest (aside from the entirety of the boneyard) that I missed.

Then headed to the HUB, I actually did every bad guy quest before the good guy quests. I betrayed the crime organization and turned them in, then saw the Australian guy for the first time. I did another thing I never discovered before, I found a super mutant who had been killed by a deathclaw. I'm not sure if that's in the base game or if it was part of a mod for fallout 1in2. Either way it sure was neat.

I took a caravan to Lost Hills so I could join the BoS. They sent me to the glow where I did another thing I hadn't before. I took the elevator. I had no clue there was more than one floor. I probably should've known there was more than one floor. Down there I met a super computer who upgraded me I think, can't quite recall. Was a fun experience.

I went back to Lost Hills where I made a suit of power armor, got the sterility disk, and upgraded every single special stat. In this version of the game you don't need to find the upgrades and there's an upgrade for all 7 stats. I then told them we need to take out the Mariposa base together, so they sent me off with three soldiers. Something strange happened though, just as I left the bunker I saw that it had been destroyed by the super mutants. Meaning in the second it took me to take the elevator to leave, super mutants had showed up and killed everybody then left. Either way I went off.

I didn't talk to the Lieutenant this time around. Instead the BoS soldiers insta killed almost all the super mutants for me. Getting through the base was difficult and had many canon deaths for poor Dogmeat. However, the save scummer I am, I never gave up on him. Eventually the soldiers left me, and I blew the place up.

I headed down to Boneyard to kill all the super mutants there and also because I thought I had to discover the cathedral from the Boneyard. After convincing people that I helped kill the followers of the apocalypse, I realized I couldn't find what I needed and killed everybody.

Turns out, I just had to head south. I entered the cathedral and tried talking to this girl with a talking head but I think her dialogue tree is broken because I could only say two things. I did one more thing I hadn't done before and that's talk to Morpheus. I didn't know I needed the symbol in my hand and that I also needed to be alone. I convinced him to take me to the Master.

The Master was a bitch. I told him that super mutants are sterile and I didn't even need the disk, he just talked to them. Then I made a mad dash for the exit, 30 seconds left and I needed to tell my companions to follow me. I just barely got out with my pals.

After the cutscene I visited the cathedral once more to find a crater and some angry boy. Killed him then was automatically placed in front of my overseer. Something that was cool was that all my companions were with me when this happened.

What did I learn? Nothing really. It was fun though!

I didn't play Nevada first, my bad. Hadn't read the first page in a while. I'm going to play the games in order they appear on my desktop. FO1>FO2>FO:T>FNC/FNV>FO1.5>FON. Maybe I'll also play Fallout 3, 4, and 76. I've decided I'm not going to play Fallout Yesterday because I want my first Van Buren experience to be Adam Lacko's project. I'm also going to try to learn how to play HOI4 so I can play Old World Blues (the HOI4 mod).
I forgot the best part, I wasted so much time that literally every location was overrun by super mutants. My bad.