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I hate the combat in this game, it's very bad and the play style, for me, becomes running around until I can enter VATS and finish it. It's just not a good shooter.

I play on the highest difficulty setting
Maybe just knock that down then, doesn't that only affect combat and make you deal with combat more?
Shouldn't the NCR soldiers stationed at Primm ask you for help to clear the town? They just say that they are to under-staffed to deal with the situation themselves.
That’s how things usually go in an rpg but I think it’s realistic that the soldiers don’t just ask a random traveler for help. That would likely only result in another dead civilian.
I switched difficulty to Normal and it feels very easy now so Hard is probably the way to go even though I don't like it when things aren't balanced fairly. Why should I deal only 75% damage and receive 150%?!

Balance is hard to achieve and something is probably wrong with the game when I can one-shot enemies at Normal difficulty while they can only kill me if they gang up on me.

Anyway I let NCR run Primm even though I prefer the robot as Sheriff but I've decided this is a NCR run so I have to stick with it. I'm going through Nipton now. Encumbrance has started to become an issue. I read somewhere that you can store stuff in the boxes outside the General Store in Goodsprings. Is that a good idea or should I wait for a room at the motel in Novac?

If I where to work on the total conversion mod Fallout 4: New Vegas and had to adjust the god awful settlement system to fit I would make the player be able to become the Sheriff of Primm. That's your settlement and your only settlement. You can choose to join the NCR or try to stay independent. Rebuild the town over the course of the game. If you don't want to bother with the settlement system then just let someone else become Sheriff. That way the player running a settlement becomes integrated into the story of the game. There should probably be an option to run Primm and be aligned with the Powder Gangers and have them run security.

Also Nipton. They need a new Mayor and if you are going for a Legion run you can run Nipton for them.

So the options are: 1) Primm (Neutral or NCR, 2) Nipton (Legion). If you don't want the hassle of running a settlement then don't become Sheriff or Mayor.
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Novac and REPCONN done. Just arrived at Helios One on route to Boulder. Got Boone with me.

How are you supposed to solve the deal between Harland and Davidson peacefully at the REPCONN? Davidson attacked me because I had killed the Jailer (probably) but how were I supposed to find that Ghoul woman for Harland without going down there? And the Jailer attacks on sight.

I had forgotten who was responsible for the death of Boone's wife so I was actually surprised when I found out who it was. That's the great thing about not having played F:ON for at least 10 years.

I have never played the DLC's. At what level should I tackle them and which one should I go for first?

e: Dehydration is ridiculous. You get thirsty far too easily and drinking one bottle of water should in most cases make you fully restored. However in F:NV you have to drink a ridiculous amount of fluid to stay hydrated.
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How are you supposed to solve the deal between Harland and Davidson peacefully at the REPCONN? Davidson attacked me because I had killed the Jailer (probably) but how were I supposed to find that Ghoul woman for Harland without going down there? And the Jailer attacks on sight.
I'm pretty sure it is possible to kill the Jailer without Davidson attacking you. Did you kill the jailer before meeting Davidson, maybe?

Alternatively, it is absolutely possible to sneak past the Jailer. I've done it with a Stealth boy before, but it's probably possible without one, as the Jailer has an extremely stealth game-y patrol route that should allow you time to go from hiding spot to hiding spot if you play your cards right.

I have never played the DLC's. At what level should I tackle them and which one should I go for first?
I'd recommend Honest Hearts first, before you go to the Strip - rationalize it as trying to make some caps to enter.
You can’t sneak past the jailer (iirc), the door to Harland’s dead girlfriend requires a key. And the jailer is the only one with a key. I think you have to pretty much one-shot him from stealth in order to kill him without alerting anyone. Honestly, I think the only way I’ve achieved a “peaceful” solution there was through console commands.
You can’t sneak past the jailer (iirc), the door to Harland’s dead girlfriend requires a key. And the jailer is the only one with a key. I think you have to pretty much one-shot him from stealth in order to kill him without alerting anyone. Honestly, I think the only way I’ve achieved a “peaceful” solution there was through console commands.
There's another key in a desk. And I would think it would be possible to pick pocket the key off the jailer, though I don't think I've ever done this before.
I found the key in the desk. But at that time the jailer was already dead. I have no meta knowledge so I didn't realise you have to keep most of the Nightkin alive.

Well it turned out well for the Ghouls anyway...
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I found the key in the desk. But at that time the jailer was already dead. I have no meta knowledge so I didn't realise you have to keep most of the Nightkin alive.

Well it turned out well for the Ghouls anyway...
I'm still not sure if it is the case that you need to keep the jailer alive. On my last playthrough, I tried to stealth past the Jailer, got caught and killed him, but I think I was still able to resolve the conflict peacefully.

I believe that Davison goes hostile if you kill most or all of the Nightkin in the basement, or if you move antler at all. You can get away with killing quite a few of the Nightkin and still resolve the quest peacefully.
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On the wiki it says that you can kill him and still talk to Davison but it's a bit unclear:

However, Davison may turn hostile depending on which nightkin you kill or whether or not you do so. Different players have reported a variety of results with regard to what causes him to go hostile.

To access the lower-floor jail, the jail key has to be found. Either kill the nightkin jailer (which may turn Davison hostile) or look for a second one in a desk in the southeastern room on the upper floor of the jail area.

I'm sort of interested to try different approaches from my save I have just before the Nightkin basement. However I rather use my precious time to forward my progression in the game. I only have 1-2 hours a week that I can play. :(
I did Boulder.

I have some memory of the soldier standing near the monument mourning his brother, that his brother actually wasn't a war hero. However I haven't found anything that points to that. However it would be typical Obsidian writing. Also, there was a Brahmin running around like crazy when I entered the town but after I had dealt with the Khans it was gone. Is there some quest related to that or was it just some funky gamebryo shenanigans? Very few quests in Boulder.

Then I was kind of lost. I went to Black Mountain and killed some of Tabithas guys but then abandoned that and did the REPCONN HQ instead. Ditched Boone and took Veronica instead. Was it the right decision? I don't know.

Now I'm thinking of just going to Las Vegas. But maybe then do the Honest Heart DLC first as suggested by @Hardboiled Android.
Also, there was a Brahmin running around like crazy when I entered the town but after I had dealt with the Khans it was gone. Is there some quest related to that or was it just some funky gamebryo shenanigans?

Definitely Gamebryo shenanigans, it happens a lot in Bethesda games, especially in Fallout 4. It happens when the merchant tied to the Brahmin is far away causing the AI to run to catch up to their owner.
It would have been fun as a quest though. Like a very strong and agile character could prove himself to be a cowboy and catch the escaped cattle running amok. Then get himself a nice reputation at the local rancher that had his cattle run away from the herd.
It would have been fun as a quest though. Like a very strong and agile character could prove himself to be a cowboy and catch the escaped cattle running amok. Then get himself a nice reputation at the local rancher that had his cattle run away from the herd.

If we ever get a Fallout set in Texas whether it be a mod, spinoff, or mainline title that better be a feature. How cool would it be to be able to tame and ride a mutant horse or Brahmin?
Also, there was a Brahmin running around like crazy when I entered the town but after I had dealt with the Khans it was gone. Is there some quest related to that or was it just some funky gamebryo shenanigans?
You know thinking about it, I've definitely seen the same thing multiple times in Boulder. Must be some bug with caravan spawns. No quest relation I'm afraid.

It would have been fun as a quest though. Like a very strong and agile character could prove himself to be a cowboy and catch the escaped cattle running amok. Then get himself a nice reputation at the local rancher that had his cattle run away from the herd.
Such a quest would probably end up being a little boring in the FNV engine, just consisting of running to catch up, pressing "E" to enter some menu with a skill/SPECIAL, check and an option to calm it down if you have corn in your inventory.
Started to play through all the Fallouts this year and decided to play as myself with "permadeath"
In Fallout Nevada my stats were S4 P5 E7 C4 I7 A4 L9 with the jinxed and drug reliant traits. I tagged small guns, science, and outdoorsman. I died trying to sneak out of Hawthorn after meeting Jay by the guards that are waiting in the hangar.
In Fallout my stats were the same as in Nevada. I was able to destroy the vats but my character did not have high enough speech to convince the Master he was wrong, nor the combat abilities to take him on and I died.
In Fallout 1.5 I had the same stats and died when I went back to the starting cave to find a missing person.
In Fallout 2 same stats and I died during the unarmed fight at the end of The Temple of Trials.
In Fallout 3 I had the same SPECIAL as before but I tagged small guns, science, and repair. I am currently finishing up Fallout 3. I beat the main story and now I am discovering all the locations, DLCs and quests. Right now I am focusing on the DC ruins.

I plan on playing Sonora, Tactics, and even BoS (with an emulator if I can get it to work.) after I finish New Vegas.
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