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I have returned to NV and I'm nearing the end of my playthrough

Finished the main game, DLCs and continued post-ending with the various expansion mods.
I've just entered the last one and definitely have a lot of thoughts I'd like to share.

I plan to do a separate thread for NV quest/expansion mod reviews and discussion and wanted to know if anyone would be interested to read that and on what parts should I focus?

I have planned to include:
Mod author (how they've started, other notable projects, where are they now)
Main synopsis of the mod
Side quests
Voice acting
Choices and consequences (skill/ dialogue checks, reputation, how the quests interact with each other)
Companions (if any are added)
New locations/interiors (if they are added)
Replayability (have I played it before, do I plan to ever play it again)
Notable bugs/ errors, how severe they are
Some final thoughts, maybe spoiler discussion

If you'd like me to add some another category, let me know.

I have notes on around 200 mods, some of them that I've played in 2022/23. I don't plan to include every single one as some of them are super basic or without anything notable around them- whether good or bad.

For the future playthroughs I'll be definitely trimming down, especially as there are a couple of interesting WIP projects that might come out at some point down the line.
That sound like a great project! And I'm looking forward to your thoughts on New Vegas here as well.

I were at Freeside for a bit but then Veronica wanted me to travel to the Hidden Valley bunker so now I'm going after the missing BoS patrols. I didn't pick up the Honest Hearts radio signal in Freeside (Delay DLC Redux installed) but I will seek that out later.
Started Nevada a week ago. Decided to go with melee build since the last time I tried it was my first run of Fallout 2. Started with S 7, P 4, E 6 (got 1 more from arena fights in Reno), I 7, A 8 and L 6, tagged melee, repair and gambling. I choose to avoid speech and most non violent solutions in favour of combat when possible. Really liked it, sending people flying with my hammer was quite fun.
First two towns were much better then I remember. Results are binary most of the time but there many ways to achieve them, maps are well made, small and not overblown with useless objects. I also like how at the end of their quests lines both places change in game and not just on ending slides.
Sadly, Lovelock was drop in quality. Quests of tribals were forgettable outside of healing the kid and raiders are alright I guess, first quest is great with a raid on old base, but every new quest is less interesting then previous one. I think I wouldn't lost much if I just skipped this place.
New Reno is another deal entirely. I like how you can't just walk in to the big bosses and take their quests. You either need to have high level, right skills or recommendation from other character. I also like how gangs are no longer fight one against all, but have some sort of alliance, but always ready to lightly stab their ally in the back (or rather letting you do the stabbing). Quests themselves are good too: murder, shady dealings and theft, Reno got it all covered. Thompson's and Stryker's gangs are most interesting there as they have actuall idea behind them and fight for more then just "more power to us!".
I used gambling skill to print money in casino and got a hammer and metal armor and upgraded them right away. Finished some small side quests, then joined Stryker's gang and while on their own their quests are nothing special, I like how each of them lead to another and the last quest with the fight over city hall was quite hard, got killed by my own allies quite a few times, but it was fun and satisfying while most previous fights were kinda weak and felt like the failsafe option (probably because fight is the only option here). Luciano quests were less interesting storywise, but much better gameplaywise: poisoning, sabotage, spy work. Only last quest was a bit dissapointing since it just busy work without any strong ending, unlike Stryker's last quest.
Right now Nevada is quite good, hope it will keep it's quality.
Also I completely forgot about the metal detector. Really cool idea and great implementation. Must be a nightmare to make it work tho.
Also also punk girl in metal armor with hammer looks cool as hell, I would probably keep wearing metal armor even when I get something better.
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I have finished my NV playthrough.

Starting out I did not have a clear idea on what character I wanted to make, but playing through New California with the Bishops I've settled on a greedy, but loyal gun for hire.

I focused primarily on Guns, Sneak, Barter, Survival. Perk wise I've picked up anything that increased the damage of my sawn-off, pistols and revolvers + the silenced sniper rifle or gave bonus to Light Armor.

Ended the game with evil Karma with House.

Kimball and Oliver survived, Legion's entire leadership was wiped out.
Helped Goodsprings and wiped out Eddie's crew with NCR, but helped Cooke join the Khans.
Meyers and his PG deputies settled in Primm.
Killed the mutants in Repconn and sabotaged the rockets (hilariously also killing Novac).
Convinced the Khans to leave Mojave, but killed Jessup and his crew in Boulder.
Wiped out Forlorn Hope and Cottonwood Cove.
Killed every mutant on the Black Mountain and helped the NCR mercs destroy Jacobstown.
Supported Pacer against the NCR.
Destroyed Vault 22 data and killed Keely.
Saved farms instead of Vault 34 survivors.
Killed every ghoul and Supermutant I've met.
Cass was executed by Van Graffs.
Boone became a hitman.
Veronica and E-DE were killed in the BoS bunker explosion.
Raul and Lily were killed before getting recruited.
Rex received Lupa's brain.
Arcade died in the Remnants Bunker with all other Enclave members.
Wiped out the White Legs and Joshua put a cap in General Gobbledigook.
Killed the entire crew in Madre and blew Elijah's brain out with a Police Pistol.
Killed Mobius and Think Tank.
Killed Ullysses and prevented the launch completely.
My run of Nevada continues. Got quite the mixed feelings this time.
The good stuff - Wind of War is great. False USA admiration and isolationism slowly reducing it's people to raiders is an excellent foundation for interesting quests, some of which start outside of the location which gives you strong feeling of interconnection between them, I wish there was more stuff like this. This place feels much more like a location from first game rather then second. Underground passage and Vault full of Death Claws makes this place even more memorable.
Also I really like that it's one of the three places where you can find the guy in power armor. Makes interactions with them much more special.
Also also CAR. I finally got it! And it's great, price for it is insane, but I just print money with gambling so it was no problem. I always believed there are three things that are always satisfying to get - original power armor, plasma gun and car.
The meh - first portion of the main quest is fine, I guess. Tons of exposition with barly any input from the player. Probably it would be better if hadn't explored the old base for Reno and Lovelock quests. Maybe will get better in Area 51.
The bad - Las-Vegas. The location is needlessly big in some places and horribly small in others. The Clean City is just two buildings, it's casino is much smaller then in Reno, it's quests are alright, but nothing special. Hoover Dam, Ghouls and Hard Rock areas were quite boring.
Also apparently there are no quests from slavers even tho they got their own map.
Also also apparently this location is completely skippable?
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Thank you @Alphons for that! Very nice to see that you have come to the end of this journey. And nice to read about your journey in Nevada @Baron of Arizona !

Last time I updated you on my progress I had just done Boulder and met Veronica at the 188 Trading Post. I then went with her to Hidden Valley and did all content there giving the BoS a chance of a come back in the future. I wonder if they will ever do something with the research I and Veronica secured from Vault 22. It annoyed me somewhat in Fallout 1 that the BoS traded weapons for food and this research could make them self-sufficient on food (only a hundred years later). However as mentioned in Fallout 2 all Vaults had hydroponic farms and were self-sufficient so there’s already technology out there for the BoS to use. They don't "hoard technology" if they hand out weapons for food.

I also did all the Boomer content, one of the wackier factions. I’m not sure that I like the idea of a faction that is just into bombing stuff and I have the sense that it’s all just an attempt at humour from the designers. However an isolationist and heavily armed faction that doesn’t want to deal with outsiders is alright. Also I like how they use the school to indoctrinate the children into their ideology. It’s reminiscent of the military camps run by the People's Mojahedin Organization of Iran.

A missed opportunity is that the player doesn’t get to see any cool military aircraft from the 21st century at Nellis Air Force Base. Of course I love the B-29 bomber however the B-52 would exist in the Fallout universe and probably even its replacement which I would much rather see. Obsidian should have taken the opportunity to design some cool new aircraft for us to see instead of going with the whole “Boomer” and WW2 schtick.

I also went to Jacobstown. Obsidian wanted to reintroduce the Nightkin and give them some new lore but is them being schizophrenic ward cases really the best idea they could have run with?

I hate Cave Fungus btw. How can it weigh so much? It’s mushrooms for God’s sake, they should practically be weightless. Even though I got the T-51b Power Armour I get encumbered very easily and it’s annoying.

I've done most of the quests in Freeside and I just entered Honest Hearts for the first time ever as suggested by @Hardbroiled Android.
You forgot to include Fallout 3, I know, I know, but Fallout New Vegas treats it as canon, and overall it's not that bad, but maybe it's just my nostalgia talking. You did include Tactics though.
It's intentionally left out as I don't care for it other than as a curiosity. To me New Vegas is the really existing Fallout 3 as it builds on the story from the previous two entries. It uses Bethesda's game as a foundation to create a sequel to Fallout 2 to the best of Obsidians ability and with the resources they were given.

e: However nothing prohibits you from playing that game and posting about it in this thread. It would be interesting to read about.
It's intentionally left out as I don't care for it other than as a curiosity. To me New Vegas is the really existing Fallout 3 as it builds on the story from the previous two entries. It uses Bethesda's game as a foundation to create a sequel to Fallout 2 to the best of Obsidians ability and with the resources they were given.

e: However nothing prohibits you from playing that game and posting about it in this thread. It would be interesting to read about.
I guess that's fair
Just finished Honest Hearts for the first time in my life. What a nice DLC (but short?). I especially loved the change of environment. The canyons where great to explore after such a long time in the desert. Great to see tribals again as well.

Joshua Graham didn't have the huge presence I would have thought after having seen fans reference him all over the internet for such a long time. Nice voice actor though. In the end I went with Daniels path this time around leaving Grahams for next time.

What should I do now? Another DLC adventure or enter the strip? What's the suggested order on the DLCs and when should I do them?
Just finished Honest Hearts for the first time in my life. What a nice DLC (but short?). I especially loved the change of environment. The canyons where great to explore after such a long time in the desert. Great to see tribals again as well.

Joshua Graham didn't have the huge presence I would have thought after having seen fans reference him all over the internet for such a long time. Nice voice actor though. In the end I went with Daniels path this time around leaving Grahams for next time.

What should I do now? Another DLC adventure or enter the strip? What's the suggested order on the DLCs and when should I do them?
I don't understand why pick Daniel ending, he's just so lame in every way.
Chronology of DLC is:
Dead Money
Honest Hearts
Old World Blues
Lonesome Road
Some might argue that him renouncing his violent past and instead embrace his christian faith; that leaving war behind him is the better option. Joshua himself is deeply regretful of his service in the Legion and constant warfare.
I thought the DLC would escalated into a big conflict between Daniel and Joshua on how to solve the problem with the invaders. But Joshua didn't even seem angry at the decision to flee and they remained friends. The whole thing was pretty uneventful.
I thought the DLC would escalated into a big conflict between Daniel and Joshua on how to solve the problem with the invaders. But Joshua didn't even seem angry at the decision to flee and they remained friends. The whole thing was pretty uneventful.
He turned the other cheek.
Finally was able to get back to Nevada and finished it. Had to stop for almost a month because of the work related issues.
It's honestly impressive how big the gap in quality between side content and main quest. At first I thought that I couldn't get it because of the long pause, but later I realized that no, that because the story is overcomplicated mess.
Everything starts with some biker stealing "important thing"™ so you sent after him. I got an impression that he knew my character but no. Game plays with idea of forgotten past at the start, but there is none, it's not Planscape or 1.5 when we learn more and more about our character as the plot moves forward. It raises the question why even make amnesia part of the story?
When you find biker he tells a lot of exposition and leaves to the endgame dungeon where he just dies. Who hired the guy to steal the "important thing"™ and why? Maybe I just skiped the explonation but writing quality of the other story parts suggest otherwise.
The Enclave vault as well as the Vault 8 retcon feels like bad fanfiction. At no point in the Fallout 2 do you get the impression that Vault 8 is used to make clone bodies for the Enclave.
Soul reaper is a pathetic antagonist. First of all, there are two fights with him, one after Enclave vault and second one in Valut 8. And if you kill him in the first fight than you will miss most of his interactions because there is no second fight. I'm not sure if you were supposed to sneak past the guy in the first fight, but after I switched from melee to big guns, most fight were very easy. I learned about it only after I started some digging to understand what plot even was.
So instead of the reaper I got some random power armor guy who throw at me yet another exposition (seriosly, why every point of main quest is just plot, plot, plot, how about showing us some character? Why gang leaders at New-Reno are more memorable than the big bad?) Also he explained that Soul Reaper wanted the clone army for himself. I don't know if I should be annoyed by the fact that the goal of main antagonist was explained only after I killed him or be happy that there is at least some explonation here.
Not gonna lie, I'm disappointed, I always remembered that main plot of Nevada was weak, but damn, I didn't expect it to be that bad when the side content (except Vegas and tribals) was quite good for the most part.

Oh well, now that I got some free time, I'm thinking about playing original fallout after some break from Nevada.

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@Baron of Arizona first one down! Totally agree with you about side quests vs main quest. I was also a bit confused about the plot. Alphons clarified a few things for me in this post. I hope Nevada gets a revisit from the developer at some point...

Are you going to continue with Fallout 1?
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@Baron of Arizona first one down! Totally agree with you about side quests vs main quest. I was also a bit confused about the plot. Alphons clarified a few things for me in this post. I hope Nevada gets a revisit from the developer at some time....

Are you going to continue with Fallout 1?
I remember that Navada main plot was changing a few times between versions. There was supposed to be the final patch with big rewrite of the story and even a choice to join the antagonist, I saw somewhat finished design doc for it and got the impression that developer listened to all feedback and tried to fix all the issues, not sure if it's still available. But the dev decided to abandon the idea and started to work on Sonora. I remember asking the developer a two or three years ago if he wanted to do some final touches for Nevada, he said that after he finishes with Sonora he will start working on his own game. So there is definitely something to be excited for.

And yes, I will finish Fallout 1 next.