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I guess this will be the year that i finally play Fallout Tactics instead of replaying new vegas for the 200th time.

I played New Vegas a few times, even on highest difficulty. I had a re run another time and just wore a ladies dress. Not that I am a tranny or anything, it was just for a laugh.

I also played New Vegan where I grew corn, jalapenos and peyote cactus. I never ate jerky, squirrel bit, brahmin steaks or anything made with deathclaw eggs.

This raises your karma with some people, others just think you are a twat.

I may play tactics but at the moment I am a bit fed up gaming. That's why I chat shit on here.
I played New Vegas a few times, even on highest difficulty. I had a re run another time and just wore a ladies dress. Not that I am a tranny or anything, it was just for a laugh.

I also played New Vegan where I grew corn, jalapenos and peyote cactus. I never ate jerky, squirrel bit, brahmin steaks or anything made with deathclaw eggs.

This raises your karma with some people, others just think you are a twat.

I may play tactics but at the moment I am a bit fed up gaming. That's why I chat shit on here.
Funnily enough I've never really roleplayed any of my characters. I just like to do one life runs more than anything. I've thought about doing a playthrough where I'm not allowed to steal anything though.
I played New Vegas a few times, even on highest difficulty. I had a re run another time and just wore a ladies dress. Not that I am a tranny or anything, it was just for a laugh.
Funnily enough I've never really roleplayed any of my characters. I just like to do one life runs more than anything. I've thought about doing a playthrough where I'm not allowed to steal anything though.

F3, F4 has the items shown in red (don't steal or minus karma) I think Vegas is the same. So if you pilfer the red marked, obviously you can lower karma if you have been too goody, goody like I usually play ;p.
I always sorted Father Tully with drinkies and put dough in the poor box. If I dislike someone I reverse pickpocket with a live grenade, or in a bar I accidently spill dirty water on their groin area then shout " LOOK EVERYBODY HE HAS PISSED HIMSELF.

One time when out on a date in New Vegas I ended up in the White Glove Club and massacred the whole fucking lot, lol. Norty me.
Funnily enough I've never really roleplayed any of my characters. I just like to do one life runs more than anything. I've thought about doing a playthrough where I'm not allowed to steal anything though.
Sometimes the item you could steal makes no sense like Power fist in NCR camps.
Almost done with fallout 1. Might play it a second time before going on to Fallout 2.
Congrats! I would also like to replay it once more. But I'm on Fallout 2 now so that will have to wait.

At the bottom of the first post you'll find a questionnaire with some questions about your gameplay experience that you could use (only the relevant questions of course). Or if you would just like to write your thoughts about Fallout 1 in general. It's no must but it would be appreciated!
For Fallout 1... Im gonna go ahead and play it again after all

-Going into the game what are you looking forward to?
Excited this time to learn more about the thieves guild/deckard portions of The Hub, and play as a melee weapons character.

-After having completed it what did you think of the game?
I really enjoyed it. As with almost every Fallout game it's just a little bit too easy to sequence break. It always annoys me the way that none of the armor is really relevant. I went straight from leather jacket to the brotherhood combat armor, and I don't really have that much meta game knowledge.

-What would you improve?
Sometimes the dialogue loops a little bit too much, I'd like a fix for that. Junktown feels really unfinished, as does the Followers of the Apocalypse, I wish they had a quest or two. Let's be honest as well, throwing is trash, first aid is pointless, barter sucks, gambling sucks, outdoorsman sucks... I wish there were more uses for these skills because it's so cool how many choices you get in these old games.

-What's your thoughts on the main quest?
The Main Quest is great. Easily the best part of the game. It leads you to basically every location in the entire game at some point as well. In Fallout 1, the game essentially IS the main quest, and everything you do is in service of completing it, but you still effect the world enough for the endings to change. I love the way you get kicked out of Vault 13 at the end. It actually blew my mind as a teenager, and I think I first played the game in 2015? 2016? Not sure.

-If old, does the game still hold up in 2022?
Definitely holds up. I'm young, newer school gamer. Fallout is basically the oldest game that still feels like a modern game to me. I actually like the graphics in this game way better than the way modern CRPGs look. I wish the style was copied more. Something underrated is also the sound design. Gun sounds, hurt noises, character voices, ambient music, all fucking insanely good.

-If not Fallout 1, does it add to Fallout lore in a good way?

-What's the game's strengths and weaknesses?
Strengths - Lots of fun builds to try, interesting talking heads, cool locations, fun quests to solve, great sound design.
Cons - Overcentralizing ways to beat the game easily, too many ways to ruin dialogue and start combat - simultaneously it's too easy to know which dialogue option will yield the greatest result.

-What would you like to change in the game?
If it could just have more content that would be awesome. A lot to ask from the first game of the series. Replaying this game has made me realize it's better than fallout 2. It just starts out a little too easy, is even easier to sequence break, and is too short. Fix that and it's godlike

-What build did you use during your play-through?
S 5 P 7 E 5 C 1 I 7 A 10 L 5
Tags: Small guns, Lockpick, Speech
No traits
I would later go on to use the exploit with tag to power up energy weapons, creating sort of an energy weapon sniper with the turbo plasma rifle, using gatling laser to fight the Master. Played with both difficulties on hard, it was mildly annoying at the end, but eventually I was able to clear the final dungeon.
I wanted to avoid using gifted and make a very generic build cuz it's been so long since I've played. It was still fun!

-What's your weapon of choice?
10mm pistol > Hunting Rifle > Plasma Rifle > Turbo Plasma Rifle > Gatling Laser

-Describe your favourite quest and why you like it!
My favorite quest is probably just the first main quest of looking for the water chip, I love the tension this game has with the time limit, I wish there was some way for the location of the chip to be random! That would be pretty fun. The time limit is the big thing about it, and how you're totally clueless about where to look the first time.

-What's your favourite location in the game?
The hub. I remember feeling like it was so enormous and there was so much to do on my first playthrough of the game.

-What ending did you strive for/get?
I didn't strive for any ending in particular. In my ending the mutants destroyed Necropolis and the Followers, but everywhere else got the good ending.

-If the game is on Steam then write a sentence that would catch the NMA perception of it and that we could use for our Steam curator.
The game that started a series nobody can agree on being good or not

-If the game is a total conversion mod: Could it be considered as part of the Fallout canon?

-Do you consider Fallout: Tactics to be canon?
Not sure yet but I'm hype to play it this year and find out.

-What do you think of the combat oriented approach in Fallout: Tactics compared to the other games?

-What do you think about how the combat is implemented in Fallout: Tactics?

-Is Fallout 2 a good sequel to Fallout?
I love Fallout 2. I get that people get annoyed by the pop culture references. I feel like they're fairly endearing and they don't really bother me.

-Is Fallout: New Vegas a good sequel to the previous games?
Fallout New Vegas is my favorite game ever and the only reason I ever went back and played the first two so... yes. It's awesome.

-Do you consider Fallout: New Vegas to be canon?
Fallout New Vegas is definitely canon. There's no reason to not consider it canon other than just being salty the series didn't go in the direction one had imagined it to go. It doesn't do anything too insane or unbelievable and it draws enough from the source material to be just fine.
Thanks for that! Loved reading it. Doesn't look like you went for a melee build after all?

Did you use Et Tu mod or play vanilla?
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Thanks for that! Loved reading it. Doesn't look like you went for a melee build after all?

Did you use Et Tu mod or play vanilla?
I used fallout et tu for the first time, i'm glad you can push NPCs with it. I mentioned the melee weapons because I'm going to play the game a second time with melee!
I am back ! Sorry for that long absence. Anyway who is playing what now?
I am trying to setup my fallout 2 install for a Iron Man Run.
I am back ! Sorry for that long absence. Anyway who is playing what now?
I am trying to setup my fallout 2 install for a Iron Man Run.
Did you play Resurrection, Fallout 1 and Tactics? No need I'm just curious.

Alphons is playing New Vegas and I will begin anew with Fallout 2 as soon as I get the time. I almost finished Klamath on my current run but I will start over using the new maps by @.Pixote.

Can you give us the details of your Fallout 2 setup? I will use this plus the new maps (and maybe better Miria).
Well I already managed to play through the entire Fallout 1 story again, Iron man style. Definitely binged it. Took me 4 tries, once i died to the raiders, once i died to some Fallout et tu Fire geckos by the glow, and once I died to the 'child killer' bounty hunter. But on the fourth attempt I finally got it. I recorded the final boss fight!
My install: RPU 26, Ecco mod 0.63b with custom edits, Fo2 tweaks ,pmod barter, pixote's new maps, inventory filter, Sfall 5.013 with smart behaviour and bonus 4AP for hard difficulty.
That Miria mod that you linked is not working for me.
Endocore's Miria is working fine though.
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My New California overview will take a bit longer, because I have accidentally deleted my 95% complete draft.

Made it to the Vegas and dealt with the smooth little baby.

After working as a hitman for mob in NC, I think I'll go with House (while making a ton of money working for both Legion and NCR as long as possible).
My New California overview will take a bit longer, because I have accidentally deleted my 95% complete draft.
Man that's annoying! On New Vegas now? Which mods?

I'm sorry for my absence. Family and work eats a lot of time. I hope I can make my glorious return soon. I got an unexpected feeling of joy by playing Fallout 2 again. I didn't realise I had such warm feelings for that game. Think I will actually start to hold it in higher regard than Fallout 1, despite it's flaws.
Man that's annoying!

Might have been actually a good thing, as I think the new draft feels less dry.

Which mods?

Classic Fallout Weapons is the only pure weapon pack I use. Adds all weapons from Fallout and Fallout 2 in levelled loot, enemy and vendor lists (which means that also modded characters and locations have them).
It doesn't replace the NV weapons, but instead makes the new weapons different enough that you have more choice when making the loadout (so classic 10mm deals more damage, but is slower and uses more AP than NV 10mm).
There're some unique ones hidden around the Mojave.
Majority of weapons have at least one weapon mod.

FPGE, Living Desert, Mojave NPCs all add extra NPCs to make Mojave feel more alive. Certain actions also have extra consequences- new NPCs will spawn, others will dissapear and you can meet some new hit squads/ vigilantes/ bounty hunters looking for you. FPGE obviously allows you to play after slideshow.

Ending slideshow overhaul merges all DLC slideshows with the main game and fixes various bugs.

Transporters adds an immersive fast travel option.

Freeside and Strip Redone by @RangerBoo adds new casinos, hotels and stores across both Freeside and Strip. It was pain in the ass to patch, as many mods also add new locations around Freeside and there's some overlap, but you can just use the TCL console command to access everything.

PerkPack and 6 Shooter Perks add a lot of new perks for extra build variety

Everything else are quest and location mods that I'll be going through as I play them.
Ok just curious. They had a PA avatar of some kind I think. Also you should post more or something. ;)