This ghoul has seen it all

Remember not to use too much paper.
Remember not to use too much paper.
And remember don't eat any of those paper.
Washing your hands is also a must, specially if you are gonna eat or (hrnk) interact with other people.
Remember to also clean the cellphone, you don't wanna get pink eye.
Ok shitlords actually debate if you are going to talk shit back and forth. Insert some fucking discussion in between your insults.
This is like a kid who keeps clicking Taunt in Morrowind when he has a whopping 5 Speechcraft.
I've actually been trying to change the subject away from Walpknut's diaper fetish for a page or two now, but he just keeps on truckin'.
Just looking out for you Doggo.
Anyway. The whole ordeal with Alex Jones being a martyr of free speech is a knee slapper.
The firing of James Gunn was an actual coordinated effort by extremists to get someone fired over a difference in opinion, and even then I think Gunn should've known better than to not delete his pedophilia jokes after getting hired by Disney.
I mean, remember when Vergil got banned after like 5 years of Nazi Shitposting and the alt gang then acted as if it was a conspiracy against him? Same principle, now applied to a 40 something edgelord with a youtube account.
People who spend lots of their time on the internet argue about politic generally won't be very bright.
People who spend lots of their time on the internet argue about politic generally won't be very bright.
Or sane.
People need to understand that Twitter, Facebook and Youtube are semi private services that can cut off your access to them if you don't follow the terms of conduct or become a liability to them. "Fredumz of speach" only protects you from the government jailing you for speech not from others banning you from their services.
I mean, I am literally seeing people arguing about there being a conspiracy.You are the one saying conspiracy all the time Walpknut. It makes you look like a douche.
Still having trouble reading, huh?"IT'S DIFFEWENT WHEN WEEEEE DO IT."
As opposed to the people who do it in real life or on TV?