/pol/shit, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the shitposting

He's probably referring to Californian environmental laws with their surface water storages restricted access. Your obsession with every single Trump's tweet is quite funny, stop following it before it gives you rash.
Reminds me of a thing a Canadian told me about when the Pro-Environment types got into to power they cut funding for clearing operations which lead to half of Alberta catching fire.
Yeah, I am sure the heavy urbanisation and density in that area didn't play any role.

@Crni Vuk

Actually for Alberta and the Fort Mac fire neither theGM or you are right. The heavy (which is actually quite laughable when you have actually seen it to call heavy) industrialization was actually a huge benefit as it provided camps for people to stay when the evacuations to the south were no longer possible, as well as some of the only roads to be able to get in to fight the fire, and an alternate airport. When half the province is covered in trees forest fires happen regularly and are generally a good thing as they allow for the natural refresh and renew of an area. But when you let those forests creep right up to the edge of your community, that has limited access and very limited roads around it...….

Fort Mac is just bad city planning to keep that natural look. They should have had an 800m firebreak around the whole city, but nobody wanted to see that many trees cut down.
Isn't that what I just said by what was said to me?

Well kinda, there was no lack of funding to create such a firebreak, it was a lack of will to cut down the trees that needed to be cut for fearing of being portrayed as more environment hating, and the residences loved having the forest "right out their back yard".

So no lack of funding (although this was claimed for part of the hard part of fighting the fire itself as some people where claiming that assets were not in place because of this but it is also bullshit as Alberta has no cap on the spending for fighting emergencies like this), and the heavy industries were a huge benefit to fighting the fire. But those that lean to far right say lack of funding and those who lean to far left say its the oilsands fault. Reality is bad city planning and nature revitalizing itself.

As for California, well lack of water and 100 year old eucalyptuses trees excreting oil make for a bad fire.
Another thing I remember hearing about from when Alberta was on fire was the Trudeau government turning down international aid to help fight the fires as well as withholding federal assistance for reasons.
*needlessly bitchy and combative*
Can you go one post with out shooting yourself in the foot, or at this point the bloody hip nub thing you got going on.
You guys should've been worried more of dubious practices already carried out by U.S. government than some stances. Seems that DEA and ICE agencies have bought $50K worth surveillance equipment such as streetlight cameras this year only, for watching you secretly:

Why not both? Why is it always this or that with you Left/Right retards. I'm talking to all of you radical fuckers on either side.

Was that vitriolic enough?

*throws shit*


I'm tired of worrying about the amount of cancer causing substances in my water. When I die of cancer guys, make sure you think of the little guy. The one with the tin foil hat(e). More than enough to go around.


This is what the US needs right now. More lawsuits. Morons. We need more people catching themselves on fire in parking lots I think.
Another thing I remember hearing about from when Alberta was on fire was the Trudeau government turning down international aid to help fight the fires as well as withholding federal assistance for reasons.

Can you go one post with out shooting yourself in the foot, or at this point the bloody hip nub thing you got going on.

While I cant say anything good about "the turd" and federal assistance, I will speak to the foreign aid with Fort Mac. We had a contingent of South African fire fighters show up and I have heard that we spent quite a bit getting them pretty much all new equipment as what they had was to worn out/incompatible with what we have, plus they needed training and such and in the end I don't think they spent to much time fighting the fire. I have been taking some emergency management courses and there are some things that you learn that I guess are public knowledge without the public actually knowing much about it. In essence there was a lot that went wrong with Ft. Mac both before and during the fire, and while many carried out a heroic effort during it, we have learnt a lot since then from it. One of the things is that while foreign help is nice, it sometimes is not.
50 + dead in the Cali fires and hundreds still missing. And isn't Cali supposed to be one of the 'important' states of USA? Third world -level stuff.
50 + dead in the Cali fires and hundreds still missing. And isn't Cali supposed to be one of the 'important' states of USA? Third world -level stuff.
I do remember 800+ dead after Finnish ship sank in Baltic Sea two decades back, don't pretend drunk Finns can handle rough weather better than Yanks.
I do remember 800+ dead after Finnish ship sank in Baltic Sea two decades back, don't pretend drunk Finns can handle rough weather better than Yanks.

If you're talking about MS Estonia it was made by the Germans and belonged to a Swedish-Estonian company. Try harder troll. Many passengers were Finns, yes, but so fucking what.
50 + dead in the Cali fires and hundreds still missing. And isn't Cali supposed to be one of the 'important' states of USA? Third world -level stuff.

Wow, you really are a piece of shit aren't you? Every tragedy you can find is used by you to show how bad the states is. How about you quit pretending to be a real person and go back to your shitty mono-cultural nation that would rather be a bunch of fucking Nazis. Keep dancing on graves and pretending you know what the fuck you are talking about. I would rather see Virgil or the mental case Dog on here then have to read another useless fucking comment from a piece of shit like you. FUCK YOU GRAVE DANCING NAZI.
It's a low point even for RetardScalper, but this is the /pol/shit thread and it shall not be moderated.
MutantScalper should, however, seriously consider therapy or a high velocity intracranial lead injection.