/pol/shit, Or: How I learned to stop worrying and love the shitposting

The symbol on the commissar's lapel is totally different. See? Totally not Marxism.

To clarify: This really isn't Marxism. It basically looks and feels like Stalinism, but it's really unrelated to Marxism.

It's one university voluntarily trialling a scheme where senior academics get given an advisor to help overcome unconscious biases they might have, using money from a central pot at the EPSRC earmarked for improving diversity. It's hardly the gulag!

Fucking laughing my ass off at the MN Primary. Like, holy fucking shit, Minnesotans are retarded. It's "JUST NOW coming to light" that the Muslim State AG candidate, Keith Ellison (who already was elected to a different office) is a fucking woman beater and shit. Except the allegations were from 2017. And possibly go earlier than that. Man, a Muslim who treats women like shit, WHODATHUNKIT RIGHT?

Woke progressives love to throw around "Islamophobia" like it's going out of fucking style. Fuck, man, I dunno, why would I be afraid of an ideology that wants to imprison me/cut my head off/throw me off a building, use little boys as fucktoys, mutilate children's genitalia, and put bags over women's heads (after they beat them for insolence of course)? Fuck, man, that's a really hard question. Hmm.
I work with a bunch of Muslims (Iraqis, Pakistanis, Indonesians and Turks). None of the women, or the men's wives wear burkhas, most will wear a headscarf of some sort most of the time, although it's generally more of a fashion thing for them than anything else. None of them have ever expressed a wish to imprison, behead or defenestrate me, or molest a child, although I'm pretty sure Mohammed did try and murder me with a particularly hot chickpea curry once.

I think the problem is more with particularly crappy parts of the world, like the tribal areas of Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, bits of Iran and North Africa, which have patriarchal, tribalistic views intertwined with being Muslim, rather than Islam automatically making people into utter shits. Certain areas of India have very similar problems with Hindus and Sikhs, for example.

In other news: Title IX, the bonkers feminist law designed to chase men out of postsecondary, has finally cut in the other direction and feminists are very concerned now. It's almost like these daft cunts have no principles beyond "HATE MEN".

I've never met a feminist who hates men. I have the suspicion that such feminists are just a noisy, idiotic minority. Most just want equal opportunities.
I've never met a feminist who hates men. I have the suspicion that such feminists are just a noisy, idiotic minority. Most just want equal opportunities.

Yes Andrea Dworkin, Susan Brownmiller, Germaine Greer, Valerie Solanas, Mary Koss, all of them are just a "noisy idiotic minority". Oops, wait a sec, aren't those the people who basically wrote the literature feminism uses? OOPS. OH DEAR.
It looks like the Taliban is winning in Afghanistan. Remember them? They're the ones who US attacked back in -01. Like, the easiest of the enemies. Forget Al Queda, let's just focus on the Taliban. Couldn't defeat them? Doesn't that mean that Taleban actually won in the end? Another lost war for US? Taliban won, Al Queda won, Isis was created, etc. Nice going.


All Taliban needs to do now is open a branch office in US and merge with the alt-right who also hate women.
I've never met a feminist who hates men. I have the suspicion that such feminists are just a noisy, idiotic minority. Most just want equal opportunities.
The current trend on german Twitter is the hashtag #MenAreTrash. It is not meant ironic.
These people might be a minority, but they are a vocal minority, and they are the academic mainstream and have a lot of political power. They will claim that they just want equal opportunities, but the reality is that by postmodern magic "equal opportunities" has been redefined to "equal outcomes".
In 2011 a member of True Finns started in the Finnish parliament. I'm sure you guys want these n-word spouting folks into your parliament as well.

True Finns, False Finns, doesn't matter. Can't have people coming in late because they were in the sauna, or sitting to the furthest edge where they don't belong threatening everyone with a knife just because they want their personal space. And what's with that language? It's just gobbledygook.
Trump is a "True" American. Toront isn't. :)

Ooohhh, snap! :)

Ok enough shitposting.

That guy Hakkarainen has harassed women at the parliament and been there drunk etc. They are suing him now I think.
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Yes Andrea Dworkin, Susan Brownmiller, Germaine Greer, Valerie Solanas, Mary Koss, all of them are just a "noisy idiotic minority". Oops, wait a sec, aren't those the people who basically wrote the literature feminism uses? OOPS. OH DEAR.

To be fair, that's 5 names out of 3.5 billion women worldwide. Feminism isn't a unified movement. It's a catch-all term describing multiple schools of thought. A bit like "conservative" with no qualifier can mean someone who is fiscally conservative and in favour of low taxes and small government, but also someone who thinks that the end is nigh and the gays cause floods.
To be fair, that's 5 names out of 3.5 billion women worldwide. Feminism isn't a unified movement. It's a catch-all term describing multiple schools of thought. A bit like "conservative" with no qualifier can mean someone who is fiscally conservative and in favour of low taxes and small government, but also someone who thinks that the end is nigh and the gays cause floods.

They are the thought leaders of the feminist movement for fuck's sake man how can you be this dense
I've actually had a long conversation with a feminist friend of mine about how Andrea Dworkin was a fucking idiot. The whole movement is a lot less cohesive and monolithic than you seem to think it is.

It's cohesive enough to get things like shared parenting bills blocked in multiple states. It was and is cohesive enough to make sure the Duluth Model became standard and Primary Aggressor laws became commonplace. It was and is cohesive enough to get Title IX slammed through. Don't give me that shit.

Show me the feminist who says "Duluth Model is actually horrifically sexist garbage and needs to be disposed of". Etc. There are none. There is no such thing as a "good feminist" - if they were actually good they wouldn't call themselves feminists.
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To be fair, that's 5 names out of 3.5 billion women worldwide. Feminism isn't a unified movement. It's a catch-all term describing multiple schools of thought. A bit like "conservative" with no qualifier can mean someone who is fiscally conservative and in favour of low taxes and small government, but also someone who thinks that the end is nigh and the gays cause floods.
And yet they are the reason less and less women (and even fewer men) openly identify as "feminist". Basically everyone but some really backwards hicks and religious nutjobs will agree that equal rights for men and women are good. Still a large majority will say that men and women can do whatever they want for a job. Ask a Third Wave Feminist what feminism is about, and they will start with basically that. So is everyone a feminist? According to that definition, yes.
But then you find out that despite equal rights being a thing already and no outright barriers existing, according to academic feminism, sexism is still a thing. And that's when you leave the reasonable area of "We fight for equality" and go to the wonderful postmodernist world of "Why can't we hate men?", which is a Washington Post article the Boston Northeastern University Gender Studies professor Suzanna Danuta Walters wrote, and similar articles where yes, hating half of humanity is totally justified. It's in the curriculum, it's the academic mainstream.
Have you ever read an actual Gender Studies paper, peer reviewed and published? This is the actual reality of academic feminism. And yes, all your friends and acquintances might be reasonable, but chances are that they're not powerful. The academic feminists are powerful, and the postmodern mindrot they spew leads to for example Hillary Clinton declaring that women are the primary victims of war, because they lose their husbands and sons. It leads to a hilariously skewed justice system, it leads to fucking Judith Butler and her ilk complaining about Title IX as soon as Title IX, an instrument instated to ensure safety and equality on campus, suddenly hurt one of their friends when a lesbian professor sexually harrassed a gay student of hers, and none of them even noticing any of the doublethink. It leads to domestic violence with male victims being downplayed and outright ignored despite it being almost a third of the total cases (sometimes even half!), and men's shelters being actively fought against because the notion that a man can be a victim is politically incorrect. And it also leads to male circumcision still being a thing because, well, it's just men who suffer from it, and it's totally a good thing to do, right?
Postmodern feminism is mental cancer, and anyone still proudly wearing the label "feminist" while pretending that feminism is still about equality is complicit in it.
The fight for equality isn't over, and it is a good fight to fight. But feminism isn't fighting it anymore. If you consider yourself "feminist" and really are about equality, kick out the crazies. Fight them, don't protect them or downplay them.

It's the same in every political issue these days. The Left has been taken over by the Intersectionalists and IdPols, and they're ruining it.
The Right is being taken over by race realists and annoying edgelords.
Fight back for your movement, don't just pretend that they don't exist or have no power.
It's cohesive enough to get things like shared parenting bills blocked in multiple states. It was and is cohesive enough to make sure the Duluth Model became standard and Primary Aggressor laws became commonplace. It was and is cohesive enough to get Title IX slammed through. Don't give me that shit.

Nae need to get so radge pal. I'm just trying to have a polite discussion here.

I'm not familiar with a lot of the specific cases in the States that you're talking about. All I can speak about is my experience with the feminists I know, which is that they are concerned with things like discrimination against women in the workplace, societal expectation and pressures on how women should look and act, sexual harassment, shared parental leave and so on. Not a single one hates men or wants to bring them down, which doesn't really square with your statement that: "It's almost like these daft cunts have no principles beyond "HATE MEN"."
1800 people in a country with a population of 80 + million. We're certainly close to a colapse and doom.
18000, not 1800. Glad to see you don't see it as a problem, since there's more of them every month and your naci fascist country started realizing it.

However the last time we tried to discuss it, it kinda ended up with you in a trantrum and trying to intimidate me with threats.
You've been trolled for calling me a nazi supporter, which is criminal offense in my country. Instead of reporting you for false accusation, I just announced in other thread and also in hidden post that I'm going to troll the shit out of you and so I did. Hass knew it right on spot, did't swallow the bait. As a collateral damage couple of other tools from tO got trolled too, which is really funny, since that masterbater @Atomkilla thinks to this day he actually trolls me.

Yes, we can close our borders, but it's not a long term solution. Particularly if our intention is to keep dangerous people from crossing it and coming to your country. We can see this with Italy, which closed their ports to ships rescuing refugees from the coast of Lybia, has this stoped people from trying though, as some right wingers claim? No, people still try to cross the Mediterranean. There are just more dieng right now. Italy simply pushed the issue onto Spain, which most probably will do the same at some point and pushing the issue to the next country, like Lybia which might do the same and people will eventuell pille up in camps somewhere in the desert, till they might reach millions and not just a few thousands.
First, these ships, such as Aquarius for instance, are mostly German ships, now owned by Franco-German non profit organisation. Why should Italy or Spain allow French/German ship full of illegal migrants drop its load in their ports FFS? There's a lot of French and German ports all across the coast, so if French/German organisation feels the need to pick up illegals at Lybian coast it's fair to drop them in French/German ports, isn't it? Also closing borders works fine for Australia, so yes, if these people remain in some desert, perhaps they'll realize that overbreeding wildly in the middle of desert is not the smartest thing to do and they'll start keeping their schlongs in their pants more often, don't you think? Natural resources limits worked well as a overbreed regulation for every single living species including humans for ages.

No, people still try to cross the Mediterranean.
Sure, as long as there's enough ships picking them up and enough free stuff for them in their target country.

And what will we do in 5, or 10 or 50 years from now? What should we do once 600.000 thousand people try to cross over our borders each month, and not 6000? Close them? Shoot at them?
Yes, with present breeding tempo in Africa, we'll face resource world wars, industrial warfare with shooting evil guns at fellow hoomans in the future, that's granted. We're fast approaching the limit of sustainable population on Earth being estimated at 20 billion.

Also I checked out and you were online all day long the week Bavarians protested against closed borders, you tit!
You've been trolled for calling me a nazi supporter, which is criminal offense in my country. Instead of reporting you for false accusation, I just announced in other thread and also in hidden post that I'm going to troll the shit out of you and so I did. Hass knew it right on spot, did't swallow the bait. As a collateral damage couple of other tools from tO got trolled too, which is really funny, since that masterbater @Atomkilla thinks to this day he actually trolls me.

Not really. I just think it's some pretty bad trolling when you ragequit a forum for 6 months because I told you you were an asshole.
Not really. I just think it's some pretty bad trolling when you ragequit a forum for 6 months because I told you you were an asshole.
Couple of months without spamming NMA on a daily basis is nothing new for me, happened every single year since I registered my first account here. Stuff happens IRL kiddo, you know?