I know this thread is all about shitposting with minimal moderation when it comes to ad hominems, but maybe we should cut it down a little.
So in Germany, one of the bggest figures in the second wave of feminism was Alice Schwarzer. For the longest time she used to be the face of feminism in Germany. The classic radfem that really absolutely does hate men and is highly sex-negative.
Anyway, the point is that, despite her legacy as one of the leading figures in feminism, the third wave of Twitter feminism cast her out because she didn't follow the Party line. Thing is that Schwarzer doesn't like to view herself as a powerless victim all the time, and when she didn't like hijab-wearing muslim feminists, it all started. Schwarzer hates all men, that's for sure, but she does it genuinely and openly and indiscriminately because she thinks all men are violent animals, and she refuses to go intersectional and make and exception for non-white men. So, BAM, legacy or not, the weirdass-bangs-gang (like all good cults, Twitter feminists tend to have all the same haircut, of course) ousted her.
Oh yeah, and I think finally the first german politician said something positive about the #MenAreTrash hashtag.
Wanna see some hilarity?
This absolute lad wrote out all of his references in his abstract, making the abstract completely unreadable.
The Twitter channel of New Real Peer Review makes fun of it, and I swear to all the gods, a self-described autistic gender studies "scholar" claims that it is actually genius because it's a critique of textual representation.
This is your academic feminism. These are the people who think they're intellectual and who have a massive influence on society.
But please, continue to pretend that there is no problem whatsoever.