It's also been reduced before.
It's also been increased too.
One of the two major political parties has had a majority in congress? Color me shocked.
I'll take your word for it.
...That can be immediately undone as soon as the republicans regain the majority, which tends to happen when the opposite party wins the presidency.
Immediately, if they secure a large enough majority that is. Honestly, I have to hand it to you. Don't use your advantage when you have it as the other side will do the same, basically, don't strike back as the other side may retaliate. Fuck, just don't do anything ever as there may be a reaction. Maybe tell this to the Repubs at the moment?
Yes, the worst econ crash since the great depression that was spurned on by Republican policy on deregulation.
Have some links yourself, I guess.
Obamacare? The same healthcare reform that penalized you if you didn't have healthcare (, the same healthcare reform that actually increased premiums? (
Yep, Obamacare has it's issues, but it's high prices are more complicated than is so often claimed. Republican efforts to repeal, or undermine it have contributed to increases as well. What do the Republicans have to replace Obamacare after 4 years? Next to nothing and it will stay that way as they do not have an interest.
Looking at the playbook the Obama admin left,
The U.S. Government will use all powers at its disposal to prevent, slow, or mitigate the spread of an emerging infectious disease threat by:
- Limiting spread of disease;
- Mitigating impact of illness, suffering, and death; and
- Sustaining critical infrastructure and key resources in the United States.
Well from Trump at the beginning of the year talking about this virus going on in China and wanting to close off travel to China, only to be branded a racist by Democrats and led them to travel to the nearest Chinatown and hug Asians. There was the whole lock down thing if you recall, and Trump producing ventilators because people needed them to combat the virus, I'd say Trump was in step with the protocols that were listed here (The Obama administration didn't invent outbreak protocols by the way). With early projections around march being about 2 million, the 200,000 or so deaths we have now is way under original estimates and even then probably inflated.
You mean all the actions he finally took after dismissing the situation and questioning if masks worked? Does this include when the government turned down an offer back in January from a company to fullfill mask orders and start production early? The same things he had to be pressured to accept about the situation he continually denied? With the cherry on top being that he would not only catch it himself, but was not tested before the debate when he was infected. This has been a shit show no matter what angle you look at it.
How is it that so many right leaning countries have been completely ass blasted by the virus and moderate, or left leaning ones fair better? It's almost like there is a pattern of global incompetence emerging on one side in particular.
Yet again,
I'm sure, being the clown that you are.
Not sure about you guys, but I take my life advice and political strategy from insane, self mutilating artists.