Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Unlike other countries, we have things like a free press and balance of power.

Trump is known as the greatest American troll who has ever lived. While having a president act like a troll is certainly unorthodox and un professional, it is not a harbinger of the totalitarian state. How many times has Trump been shut down? Separating families because illegals took advantage of the can't detain minors and cannot leave minors without parents, so they get a free pass? It happened but ended rather quickly. Trumps proposals to close borders to mostly the ME? Shut down by the courts. Rather than ushering in fascism, our unique balance of powers system worked as intended.

Our institutions are so ingrained and "American", not to mention having an armed populace, make totalitarianism highly unfeasible. Leftists already are freaking out calling the U.S. a fascist police state. If that ACTUALLY happened, politicians ok with that nonsense would be murdered in the streets.

Unlike the GOP that generally favors smaller government and states rights, like Trump allowing states to decide how to handle COVID, the left/dems/what the fuck ever love nothing more than having a much bigger federal/government approach. Mandatory training that blanket judges whole groups of citizens as racist is beyond fucking retarded. Only in liberal America could ID pol bullshit like that would fly.

Trump mostly trolls where democrats will actually try to impose some of their more insane big government proposals. The GOP is already constantly under a microscope for being the party of assholes while the just as shitty other side gets away with a ton of shit because they CLAIM to be the party of fairness and justice.
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Trump is mean so he is scary. Please vote for the old man that has worse dementia than my grandma. I hear he is running for Senate.
I think that is from a soundboard remix from Jay Electronica. It is Obama but the excerpts have been moved around from their original places in the book.

Chapter 4

Him hanging out with Ray talking about A1 certified girls. The opinions are Rays.
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No Blacks, No Dogs, No Irish.



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All you have to do is lock your population in their houses under pain of jail, or a bullet.
No, that is New York/New Jersey. China bricked people in and welded bars over their doors. loaded them into make shift hospitals and then had the entire thing collapse on the patients. Only 50,000 people caught the virus.

China would never lie. I am sure the prison camps are filled with only bad dudes.
They just lifted millions more out of poverty and wethered the current black swan better than us even by our own account. Don't be so quick to underestimate them. It seems like this tiger is real by the looks of it.
That doesn't mean they should be admired. It means they should be feared. Soon they will attack Taiwan and we will either let it happen or go to war.
Lifting millions is literally a drop in the bucket compared to their population. Their inequality gap is so much higher than ours it is not even funny. Lastly, keep in mind anything out of China is government approved.

They can also thank Mr. America man for allowing them to steal tech and force transfers in return for market access. American companies literally fast forwarded their tech and business acumen by decades. In return, they 'lend' us money and proved to be a valuable ally with the whole sino-soviet split thing.

Now Xi is getting too uppity for his own good and needs a lesson if he invades Taiwan.

Not to mention success means being a good soldier and towing the communist line. Leave it to the CCP to adopt a bullshit social credit system. From a president who banned Winnie the Pooh because he was a sensitive fucking snowflake.
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