Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

Stupid religion. Why can't folks be more like west where the majority of people on both sides really couldn't give a shit.

Fuck your temples churches and mosques.
Because my God loves you more than the other Gods. And He will kill you because He loves you so much.

Praise be.
I can understand church on Sundays. But those midweek churchgoings? What the fuck?

I get spending a seventh of your life at a church and 10% of your income but I'd be drawing the line at two-sevenths of my time. What's next? 20% of my income? Eternal damnation might just be the frugal choice here.
I can understand church on Sundays. But those midweek churchgoings? What the fuck?

I get spending a seventh of your life at a church and 10% of your income but I'd be drawing the line at two-sevenths of my time. What's next? 20% of my income? Eternal damnation might just be the frugal choice here.
Eh, I find weekly mass to be a very enjoyable experience.

It feels nice to be a part of a religious community.
I'm not particularly religious, but not atheist either at the moment. Even so I feel like maybe having informal parish communities and schools up to high school based around some kind of non strict catholicism, buddhism, etc might actually improve life for most people. Just the occasional ritual itself is nice and many catholic schools far out compete their public counterparts. That may not hold though as they grow in number so who knows really. I could be wrong.
I'm not particularly religious, but not atheist either at the moment. Even so I feel like maybe having informal parish communities and schools up to high school based around some kind of non strict catholicism, buddhism, etc might actually improve life for most people. Just the occasional ritual itself is nice and many catholic schools far out compete their public counterparts. That may not hold though as they grow in number so who knows really. I could be wrong.
I was a public school kid. All of my religious experience with my catholic faith come from my own experience when I joined into the Catholic faith back in April.
Gnosticism seems cool from what little I know. One of my dad's majors is comparative religions so I used to see it in the periphery. Not familiar with it though.
Gnosticism seems cool from what little I know. One of my dad's majors is comparative religions so I used to see it in the periphery. Not familiar with it though.
Muggy is a Gnostic (he claims), so maybe not as cool as you think...
I was a public school kid. All of my religious experience with my catholic faith come from my own experience when I joined into the Catholic faith back in April.
I don’t know what the fuck I am religiously. I relate most to Taoism, but I also believe in something Lovecraftian, timeless and bigger than us.

I talk to a pastor and go to chapel every time I’m committed; it’s more a tradition than anything else. I was raised Catholic, and I’ve always been fascinated by theology, you know? I can quote a lot of Bible passages for rote, simply because of that.

But yeah. Religion is a weird subject for me, because I know there’s SOMETHING, but it sure as fuck doesn’t love me or anyone else, at least in my mind. I joke about religion, but I respect that the root of most religion is morality, and therefore I respect every denomination’s right to practice.

...that, and as an AnCap it’s a bit weird for me to say “no you can’t feel that way”.
Why the hell would god care that I jerk off to a hot chic or if someone is gay?

Just like honestly, god doesn't give a fuck you ate some bacon or shellfish.

Does god really give a rats ass that some woman isn't wearing her burrkha? That someone only prayed 4 or less times a day instead of 5.

I mean he is fucking GOD. He got more important shit to worry about. God wouldn't assign a point system saying prayers are worth double if done at the kabaa.

Always these religions say man cannot know the mind of god yet some human tells me what god is thinking and what he wants.

That is the problem with some of these religions. Its downright totalitarian sometimes.
Every thing you said is based on the idea that an all powerful being somehow can't be a petty asshole.
I mean, in the Bible, he is a petty asshole. So even if you believe, you should believe a deity can be a petty asshole.