It's funny how Trump's actions of decades ago take the spot light, while the email leaks of Hillary & Podesta mention "wet work" (explicitly in the context of assassination since the writer comments he's "not talking about a pool party either", and not in the context of state business or legitimate goverment backed covert ops), how person X needs to get a good job within the party or in government because X "knows where the bodies are burried" (granted, that one might have been figurative), shows how supporting Hillary allows you to buy cushy government positions, comments about the successfull manipulation of the supreme court (and "putting supreme court judges in their place so they don't get any ideas"), confirmation that Hillary had non-private mails deleted from her server and lied about it, shows clandestine support to ISIS in Qatar and Saudi Arabia, shows that gun smuggling might be involved in the Benghazi fiasco, shows that Hillary blatantly lied to congress multiple times, shows that the DNC wilfully sabotaged Bernie Sanders to give Hillary the edge and shows how much Hillary is in the pocket of George Soros and foreign donors.
And Wikileaks is claiming it's leaking mails in a way which "ramp up" in sensitivity... Who knows what's more to come.
But let's keep talking about who may or may not have inappropriately touched someone decades ago... (sure, we shouldn't trivialize this, but HRC should be up for fucking treason instead of running for president)