Postworld Mod for Crysis announced

So many different small mod teams around ... why dont they try (I know its just a dream ...) to work together ... eventualy.
Crni Vuk said:
So many different small mod teams around ... why dont they try (I know its just a dream ...) to work together ... eventualy.

For every new mod that pops up there's also at least one person who says that :lol:
Re: Fallout Rebirth Mod for Crysis announced

Fallout on CryENGINE 2? Ambitious. It will take a hell of a lot more than three people to achieve that.

Also, on the subject of fail:

Brother None said:
cyberpunk universe of Fallout
There should be a common norm where one did not show his (their) work before at least finishing half of it. Talk of gold and brighter days and giving up some time later is something I am sadly getting sick of.

I wish them the best of luck though and REALLY hope this at least gets to a point where one is able to partially play it.
At first I thought: "Is there any need to recreate Fallout using the Crysys engine that makes my poor PC's system specs bleed, if you are going to FRIGGIN' USE ISOMETRIC VIEW AND THUS ALL THAT VISUAL AWESOME AND DETAIL WILL BE LOST? (Which by the way, is why I loved van Buren: updated fallout to a gorgeous 3D environment, but didn't need high polygon counts). But then I realized by the time they finish with this (if) Crysys engine will be, like, 10 years old... So best of luck to these brave souls!

Also: Cyberpunk, Retro-futuristic... they are the guys with the (modding) guns.
Reading this announcement, I get a distinct "honeymoon stage" feeling.

It's the stage where the way things look and the way things function are one and the same, and where the code is so efficient, 80% of it just writes itself.

Can't fault their enthusiasm, though.
Hey Guys,

My name is Alex and I'm the Team Leader at deVoid Studios. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for the encouragements and the crossed, taped and superglued fingers.
I must admit that we have tried to stay away from NMA for as long as possible. The reason for that is quite obvious, and for the most part what has been said on this thread so far pretty much sums it up. We really wanted announce the mod here when the Tech Demo was nearing the release but that plan had gone south. The internets have got the better of us.
Fallout community is not known for its warm welcomes, "Glimmering Shards of Hatred" isn't a nickname we got by being soft and cuddly.

We understand the difficulties of an undertaking of this magnitude and importance. Dead Smile and I are software developers IRL, so we are all too familiar with the burdens of enormous projects that take man-years to complete. Ain Mosni is no different; he's got a decade of painful memories in full 3D.
We didn't decide to attempt a remake of a genre defining game on a whim. For us, Fallout is more than just a game. Yes, it's a humongous project, but that is no reason throw in the towel. It will make us bleed coffee from our fingers but that's nothing new! We have to make a few clicks on the Up arrow when changing character age in the good 'ol character creation screen, every time we start a new round of Fallout playthroughs.

Although we can appreciate everyone’s skepticism we would prefer it if you guys gave us a bit of time to prove our worth before dismissing this project as yet another FAIL in the long line of failed predecessors. The mod has only been a short while in the making but we are picking up speed and learning as we go. CryEngine 2 is a superior development platform, and with CryEngine 3 on the horizon things can only get better.

It will most definitely be an enormous pain in the ass to get the Turn Based System in but we are dealing with it bit by byte.
For now our goal is to get the HUD subsystem into a playable state. Once that is done, we will get Inventory sorted and then the Quest subsystem. Models and all the other knickknacks will have to wait a few months since we would like to take a crack at some complex stuff first and put in a working framework ASAP.

Anyway, you can follow our progress on the blog that we update regularly. Every two weeks there is a major news update and we tend to throw in some goodies from time to time.

Once again I would like to thank everyone, on behalf of our slightly mutated nostalgic threesome, for the kind words.

- deVoid Studios Team


Alex “Feature” – Team Lead


Lev “DeadSmile” – Lead Developer


Andrew “Ain Mosni” – Lead Designer
Hey Alex!
You are doing some amaizng work here.
You probably saw it already but Senpay found a way to export models from Van Buren. Maybe you can use some of them at least as a placeholders :)
Good reply Alex :-) Nice to see such a project in the making.

As you seem to be a quite reasonable fellow: are you worried about receiving a cease and desist letter from Bethesda at some point? AFAICT they basically own the rights for Van Buren nowadays so to me it looks like it will hard for you to fly under the radar once the project gets more popular.

Sad example what could happen to a fan project with a lot of potential:
... Why do people keep mentioning Van Buren? I distinctly remember the OP saying that it's going to take place during the events of the original Fallout. Am I missing something?

AlexFeature... two things:

1) Fallout is not cyberpunk.

2) Good luck, many kudos, and I greatly look forward to the fruits of your labors.
AlexFeature said:
Hey Guys,

My name is Alex and I'm the Team Leader at deVoid Studios. First of all, I would like to thank everyone for the encouragements and the crossed, taped and superglued fingers.
I must admit that we have tried to stay away from NMA for as long as possible. The reason for that is quite obvious, and for the most part what has been said on this thread so far pretty much sums it up. We really wanted announce the mod here when the Tech Demo was nearing the release but that plan had gone south. The internets have got the better of us.
Fallout community is not known for its warm welcomes, "Glimmering Shards of Hatred" isn't a nickname we got by being soft and cuddly.
well but as soon you earn the thrust of it the NMA community is all the more protective and reliable.

Youre just like everyone welcome here. Thing is just that most are as individuals here and no one is in any way representative for the community as whole. Many here are though old timers, seen mods come and go over time, same with games around Fallout. I would not say the people are inherently negative they just tend to wait and see what happens. If things stick long enough around and show a real progress you can be damn sure that quite many here have a lot of looove to give :mrgreen:

Not everyon is a all hating weirdo :P
:) Don't get me wrong guys, I didn't mean to say that it is a bad thing that our community is sooo protective and pessimistic.
By no means do we expect everyone to just welcome us with open arms. We have to prove our worth...and we will!

Now this will come as no surprise to any of the savvy folk around here, Bethesda told us to take a hike after we have asked them for the permission to use the word Fallout in the name of our mod. We hopped it would fly, but it didn't. Disappointing but not tragic.

Now as far as content is concerned they did not say anything, and from some digging around it would seem they can't. Some areas still remain controversial like the word VaultTec and the fallout boy art. However, that remains to be researched in detail. If anyone here knows (for a fact) of any other potential "No No's" as far as the Fallout franchise is concerned please share.

We have decided to change the name of our mod to Postworld. Brother None please change the name of this post accordingly.

Once again we would like to thank everyone for the encouragements and positive feedback. We will have something cool to show you guys at the end of this month so stay tunned.

PS: Unless I'm missing the point of the definition of the word Cyberpunk, I say Fallout games are as Cyberpunk as it gets :) .
AlexFeature said:
Now this will come as no surprise to any of the savvy folk around here, Bethesda told us to take a hike after we have asked them for the permission to use the word Fallout in the name of our mod. We hopped it would fly, but it didn't. Disappointing but not tragic..

Whuh? Why did you even ask?

Also, last time I checked, they don't really have any business forbidding that as long as your project is non-profit.

Also, you are missing the definition of the word cyberpunk. Fallout is not cyberpunk. It's post-apocalyptic, not post-industrial utopia. Its high technology is based on scavenging, not on the current development of humanity. System Shock is a good example of a cyberpunk game. Fallout is just retro-futuristic post-apocalyptic.
AlexFeature said:
Now this will come as no surprise to any of the savvy folk around here, Bethesda told us to take a hike after we have asked them for the permission to use the word Fallout in the name of our mod. We hopped it would fly, but it didn't. Disappointing but not tragic.
Actually, it comes as a huge surprise to me. Not that they didn't say yes, but rather that you got a response out of them at all. In my experience, bethesda never respond to that sort of request. :shock:
Maybe someone was on the computer in that moment by accident.
Here is an exact copy of the entire response. Now pay particular attention to the absence of any manner of greetings or goodbyes :) .

While we appreciate your inquiry, we regret that we cannot give you permission or a license for such use of our intellectual property.
Thank you for your interest in Bethesda Softworks.

I'm fairly certain that we did not express any sort interest in Bethesda Softworks, god bless 'em, in our request.

Anyway, it was a good laugh :) .