Postworld - Progress Update [17.07.11]

Wow. I cannot say much, but I'll let my good friend Cheezburgr-cat sum it up:
Just hope it many projects die a slow and painful death...

I have passed on the game info to Matrix games...thought they might be interested in being a publisher...if the idea is a good one it wouldn't hurt sending them an email...
Thanks for your comments guys.

I'll have a look at that publisher's site. Definitely worth a shot.
There is some more stuff getting finished, including some new concept art. If you are interested in seeing it, let me know and I will gladly post it.

Hear, hear! Even if it's not really Fallout (for copyright reasons if nothing else), so far the look of it has that Fallout-y sense. Look forward to seeing more (and playing a demo)! :=)
