Prima Official Game Guide: Collector's Edition

Of cours Ausir, but there have been numerous negative comments too :P
I think most of them were about the main Fallout 3's parts, like the canon itself or the setting and mechanics.

Dunno, I'm confused...
rcorporon said:
Take a gander at any of the posts made by most of the members here in the past few years, and if you can find me any positive ones (that aren't immediately followed by nasty rebuttals) I'll concede that the game may not end up in the same place as BoS.
You are making quite the same mistake most of the Anti-NMA people do. People here do *not* fail to see good or promising aspects of the game, they just don't close their eyes when it comes to the bad stuff. That's quite a difference. I seriously doubt F3 will be as bad as F:PoS and thus will be treated differently. Said console game was nothing but a disgrace for Interplay and the Fallout franchise.
Wow, even the official guide has moneygrubbing special editions. Still, I wonder what kind of insightful advice there is to be given about Fallout 3...

About NMA's coverage or not, keep in mind that only FOPoS does not have a section, and I don't think many disagree with that decision. My guess is we'll see one for Fallout 3, since few think it's that kind of ugly and plus, for bad or for worse, it's an official sequel.
I have no doubt in my mind whatsoever that FO3 will get its own section and board space (gameplay and tech issues). It is, after all, the official sequel and it does feature Jet, Psycho and "stem backs".

I think I'd rather buy the guide than the game, though. I'm pretty sure it'll be littered with nice Vault Boy pics. :D
Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-NMA. In fact, this is one of the only gaming sites I frequent, as you guys offer REAL coverage of FO3, rather than the non-stop dick suckign that goes on at other sites (I'm looking at you IGN).

I'm just saying that most people here have already made up their minds on whether or not they're going to like this game.
rcorporon said:
Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-NMA. In fact, this is one of the only gaming sites I frequent, as you guys offer REAL coverage of FO3, rather than the non-stop dick suckign that goes on at other sites (I'm looking at you IGN).

I'm just saying that most people here have already made up their minds on whether or not they're going to like this game.

I'll agree with the sentiment that I personally have been pretty negative towards Bethesda and their treatment of Fallout, but I'm still going to play the game regardless. If it's good I'll happily admit that I enjoyed it, but I'm extremely cautious when it comes to Bethesda and their ability to pull it off.
When Beth first started their work with FO3, I was very positive. But then it turned into a blood thirsty, dead bodies everywhere driven hatred!

Am I sick :silly: or Bethesda did this to me?
PaladinHeart said:
Will NMA have links to the weapons, armor, walkthroughs, etc.. as there is for Fallout 1 and 2, or will Fallout 3 be treated like Fallout: BoS? I've been kinda curious about that.

Walkthroughs probably. Weapons, armor, maps, that kind of stuff? Dunno, none of our staff seem to be planning to get Fallout 3 so that might be a problem, and our priority lies in coverage and supporting modding, game info takes a backseat to that.

We'd like to, sure, but I don't know who'd be willing to work on it.

The BoS treatment it will not get. Bethesda's dollars have bought it at least that right.

rcorporon said:
Take a gander at any of the posts made by most of the members here in the past few years, and if you can find me any positive ones (that aren't immediately followed by nasty rebuttals) I'll concede that the game may not end up in the same place as BoS.



I guess this thread and this thread are just hallucinations.
Im thinking about getting the guide:

1) Im taking a road trip about a week after release and it'll be somethign to read on the plane
2) i dont like missing anything, and im sure there will be no guide up in the first week
3) Im not sure what abilities im going to tag, if there is alot of lock picking that i can't just reload if i break the lock, i might want to tag lockpicking, for example.

Thinking about Science, Speak, then Small guns or lock picking then just slowly leaving small guns.
I'm buying it for a collector item, and will hopefully have some exclusive artwork etc. I wont use the guide for my first run. That is going to be take it how it comes. no re-loads. then i'll have a look through the guide to see anything exciting i've missed
Moved two posts to the newer guide thread because one seems enough.
Ah, that's what I was thinking. I'm guessing it will get about the same treatment as Fallout Tactics.

I've played through Fallout: BoS (less than $10 for a new one, shipping and all), and I can totally understand why it wouldn't have any place here. I'm not even sure what a walkthrough for that game would consist of, other than, "grab everything that doesn't move, shoot everything that does move".

I will say it was a somewhat challenging game at times, but that was more along the lines of frustrating. I've never imagined the world of Fallout to be one filled with random bottomless pits.

It's pretty much Dark Alliance with guns.

It's sad that the video game industry seems to have learned nothing after Interplay's fall.

Edit: The last guide I purchased was for Final Fantasy XII, for the ingredients lists and such. PLUS I had to print out another list from an online walkthrough.. I hated the recipe system in that game. >.<
I say the person who designed Final Fantasy Tactics should make FFT 2... and stay away from RPG's. His characters have about as much personality as a wooden spoon.
PaladinHeart said:
Edit: The last guide I purchased was for Final Fantasy XII, for the ingredients lists and such. PLUS I had to print out another list from an online walkthrough.. I hated the recipe system in that game. >.<
I say the person who designed Final Fantasy Tactics should make FFT 2... and stay away from RPG's. His characters have about as much personality as a wooden spoon.

I don't get what your saying here... Final fantasy tactics? FFT2?
Is there something im not aware of here?
Guides are pointless. You should always finish the game first without one, maybe try a second time, and then just look it up in the internet because someone will have typed it up or scanned it unto the internet by that time, and by then you'll only need it in case you missed something.
I remember getting a sweet guide with my fallout 1 and 2, in those days we called it a manual and got it free in a nice big box. Compared to the 5 page install manual with 3 pages for other Beth products we are probably getting in our little DVD case now.

I also remember getting my Diablo II battle chest with guide, only to find it was out of date for about 2 patches, and got nothing really useful from reading it.
Sokwe said:
I remember getting a sweet guide with my fallout 1 and 2, in those days we called it a manual and got it free in a nice big box. Compared to the 5 page install manual with 3 pages for other Beth products we are probably getting in our little DVD case now.

I also remember getting my Diablo II battle chest with guide, only to find it was out of date for about 2 patches, and got nothing really useful from reading it.

There is a difference between a guide and a manual, you know.
And the FO2 one was written by one of the game's two lead designers, Matt Norton, not by some random people.
I always thought guide writers would make very good lead designers!