Project V13 concept art #10: Frozen Shipyard

Morbus said:
OakTable said:
I don't give a fuck about retroscience or whether or not there was a nuclear winter. Snow areas in video games are always the fucking best.
People who don't give a fuck about games are always the fucking best, ain't it?

Quit trolling please.

might be time to repair those troll detection goggles. he just pointed out that he likes winter settings, how's that trolling?
aenemic said:
how's that trolling?

Guess it was this point:

I don't give a fuck about retroscience or whether or not there was a nuclear winter.

Fallout 3 was made by people who don't give a fuck about anything in canon etc. Oak Table's Post reminded me of the "let's put these things in, no matter if it's canon or not, it's cool!".
But I have to admit, that snow areas in games mostly looking very good.
Treesnogger said:
But I have to admit, that snow areas in games mostly looking very good.

well, I'm leaving it up to him to defend himself, but I just got the impression that he said exactly what you just said in that quote but in another way. did he say "fuck Fallout lore, put that shit in there"? I didn't see it.
He doesn't have to defend himself (at least not for me, everyone has his opinion), I just wrote what my thoughts were reading this quote. ;)
I just thought we were staying too puritanical to the Fallout bible is all. I'd like a couple deviations from it if they turned out interesting.

Anyway, what beasties would you fight in this snow area? Mutated caribou? Polar bears affected by FEV? Eskimos still pissed off at the white man after all these years?
Yeah, but just because you had those deserts in FO1/2 it doesn't mean that there is desert all over the world, at least not with that many years who passed since the great war. ;) I could perfectly imagine a postapo-snow world, but in fallout setting? It's difficult.

Anyway, what beasties would you fight in this snow area? Mutated caribou? Polar bears affected by FEV? Eskimos still pissed off at the white man after all these years?

How did the FEV got there?
But I like the idea of badass-inuit. :D
Let me ask a better question, what is the point of going to those areas?

If you want to play a Fallout survival game I can understand, but I myself prefer to play a Fallout game with a storyline and unfortunate those places are not interesting enough.

No major cities, no military bases or corporate research facilities etc.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Let me ask a better question, what is the point of going to those areas?

If you want to play a Fallout survival game I can understand, but I myself prefer to play a Fallout game with a storyline and unfortunate those places are not interesting enough.

No major cities, no military bases or corporate research facilities etc.
First of all, i have to say that i don't have a clue about why fo didn't feature nuclear winter or winter in general. Yes shoot me, I'm clueless on this area :-P

Secondly, a snowy area could be interesting even without military bases, major cities or whatever. You CAN have a storyline, even the main storyline going through there without necessarily something big going on. Not everything HAS to have something important as a story.

I mean, as I see it, post apocalyptic settings are interesting because of how the world is. Broken with broken people trying to live their lives etc etc. You can have a small settlement trying to survive, based on X mutated plants grown inside a cave which need the cold environment or whatever and take it from there. Begin from something simple and then build up a story without involving something terrible important but while being truly interesting.
But why should live one in Alaska e.g when there is nothing? Which storyline should they write for an area full of... nothing? :D Why should one even think about settling to a snow covered area? Survival is even worser there as in deserts, because in extrem cold areas grows nothing...

I also think that snow areas are "cool", but it has to have a reason to go there in the game.

First of all, i have to say that i don't have a clue about why fo didn't feature nuclear winter or winter in general. Yes shoot me, I'm clueless on this area

Like it was mentionend on page 1, the fallout canon is based on SCIENCE! which is the thinking of people living in the 50's. And in SCIENCE! there is no nuclear winter. ;)

But as I said, the bombs dropped long time ago, there could also be cold areas in the fallout world, not just deserts.
Are there no military bases\facilities in snowy areas? I think quite the opposite, them being remote and all.

I was thinking of an area that would be only a part of the game world, not the big shit. Some old experimental base with still untouched equipment would be a gold mine. Just think of it - sealed before the war, with some means of transportation, supplies and technology still intact. Of course there'd need to be the security system gone kerrrazy killing all who enter etc etc, so it ain't so easy to get inside.
Treesnogger said:
Like it was mentionend on page 1, the fallout canon is based on SCIENCE! which is the thinking of people living in the 50's. And in SCIENCE! there is no nuclear winter. ;)

But as I said, the bombs dropped long time ago, there could also be cold areas in the fallout world, not just deserts.
Yeah, I read that part, i know about the science thing in general, just not in great detail....

In any case, no nuclear winter= sun in the sky still going on right? So in remote areas where there would be no soil contamination, isn't it pretty much safe to grow in greenhouses? About the "why even live there".

Besides that, in remote areas of the world, with no military value and few nuclear attacks, people might still decide to remain there. Life might bit a little harsher but in the same time, a little safer (few raiders etc), plus, it was there home (sentimental value, human factor). Plus, like you said, the bombs fell a long time ago, there should be cold areas and people might had moved there. Dunno, i just think if it is done properly it can work. I'm not so sure about canon though, that's why I am asking.
I was thinking of an area that would be only a part of the game world, not the big shit.

Ok, then I misunderstood.
A few remote vaults or military bases covered in snow? Remains of the fight in Alaska? Hell yeah!

In any case, no nuclear winter= sun in the sky still going on right?

A nuclear winter happens, when all the dust the bombs blew in the atmosphere reaches the clouds and blocks sunrays, resulting in lowered temperatures.

To the rest of your post - you got a good point there.
The Dutch Ghost said:
No major cities, no military bases or corporate research facilities etc.

and why is that? that could just as easily have been said about a desert area. maybe the snowy areas are somewhere in Russia for example, with some major settlements and a military base or two nearby.

and you do know that there's a lot of research going on in the colder regions of the world, right?
And in the Fallout universe, they can pretty much make up interesting military bases and corporate research facilities anywhere they want to.
Still, I don't think you will be able to make a setting as interesting as that of Fallout 1/2 if you want to move the series closer to the Arctic.

It is not as if I have something against snow itself (though we have a lot of it here right now) but I can't imagine a very diverse setting in a region close to the poles.

Social, religous, etc. the stuff that allows for various interesting factions and backdrops.

Lately I get the feeling that people really want a Fallout survival game, something like Fallout GTA.
I guess for those people the MMO will appeal a lot, playing in a setting that is intended to last for months.

Still it seems that some really want a Single Player Fallout game to be like that.
Yeah. If I had the money, the knowledge, the people and the motivation ( :D ) I'd do an ultra-uber-mega-hyper hard game based on survival in an postapocalyptical world. Very very harsh and frustrating, more like a simulation of real life in such a situation then a game. If anyone 'd develop this, I'd come a thousand times. :lol:
I guess everyone his or her taste, but I honestly don't care about such games and I would not like Fallout to become like that, or get more simplified.
You're right. That's the simple fact we all love about the fallout universe, because it's not just another postapo universe, it has it's own flavour.
I do agree with Dutch to a point on the viability of a Fallout game set in a arctic environment, but its more than possible to include arctic zones. Im not sure what the weather patterns are like in America but the first two fallout's feature geographically a very large area and im fairly sure you could justify snowy mountain ranges.

Military bases are often built in such environments and such an environment could justify special equipment. Arctic gear to protect from the cold or make it a high rad area similar to the glow because Nuclear fallout tends to drift in the sky before falling.