Project V13 concept art #10: Frozen Shipyard

Perhaps I came over as a little harsh, but I see no reason to make Fallout survival games in for example Alaska or Canada.

Fallout Tactics (yes I know a lot of people loathe that game, but anymore than Fallout 3?) had snowy regions and I myself had no problem with it.

I guess it would be more interesting to have a variety of regions in a Fallout game, from a desert setting, to urban, to snow, as long as it fits in the campaign.
The Dutch Ghost said:
Perhaps I came over as a little harsh, but I see no reason to make Fallout survival games in for example Alaska or Canada.

Oh i agree

The Dutch Ghost said:
I guess it would be more interesting to have a variety of regions in a Fallout game, from a desert setting, to urban, to snow, as long as it fits in the campaign.

Agreed. I mean hell, even if its just a isolated complex you can explore in your own time stuck away somewhere, its a bit of variety from the norm.
They could always do an alpine setting, possibly with a geothermal research facility burrowing into the mountain/volcano. You could do some really interesting things with such a facility but depending on how active the volcano is, the facility wouldn't plausibly still exist. There's also the issue of what you would put there, mutated mountain critters on the mountain and vulcans or robots in the facility? Then the question is why go there? In a single player game you could treat it something like The Glow and have it be a non-combat quest for the Brotherhood.

The question that comes to my mind is how much area the game will cover and how travel from one area to another would be handled. If it's too close together the game will feel too crowded for the setting (arguable within the NCR), if it's spread out over the land area of Fallout 1, 2, Tactics, Van Buren, or more then you have the issue of travel time.
Well travel time could be reduced again by the introduction of vehicles.

Cars and trucks running on small energy cells, or perhaps by train, using the tracks the NCR were building before the whole BOS/NCR mess started.
The Dutch Ghost said:
I guess it would be more interesting to have a variety of regions in a Fallout game, from a desert setting, to urban, to snow, as long as it fits in the campaign.
This. I don't want to move the entire setting to snowy areas. But you can include different areas without breaking the game or making it a fallout survival game! And trust me, i don't want it to get simplified or make it The Sims 3: fallout. But if you include different areas (and do it correctly) then there are so many new options for the game!
OakTable said:
Trolling? I just said snow levels are awesome.
I saw plenty more written in your post than "Snow areas in video games are always the fucking best".

OakTable said:
And I think it would fit with Fallout. I could just picture a lonely man wandering about a frozen wasteland surrounded by the icy wreckage of what used to be buildings. Things like bent lightposts sticking out like jagged teeth from the snow.
I could picture tolkien's elves in an industrial world, and you know what? I think it would be awesome. But do you think it would fit?

aenemic said:
might be time to repair those troll detection goggles. he just pointed out that he likes winter settings, how's that trolling?
Again, I saw, and see, more than.

aenemic said:
did he say "fuck Fallout lore, put that shit in there"? I didn't see it.
I did, and I'm sorry you didn't. Or should I say I'm sorry I did?

OakTable said:
I just thought we were staying too puritanical to the Fallout bible is all.
In the end, it's not fallout bible: it's common sense. Well, common sense for Fallout fans, I mean. If you know how Fallout was concieved, you know there's no Nuclear Winter. Nuclear winters are, what? 1989? That's totally call of duty. It's that and night vision goggles and other stuff. It would be cool and it would be nice and whatnot, but it's not fallout. Do you think a freaking supermutant would be cool in any other game other than something falloutish? I don't. Well, at least not the properly made ones. Fallout 3 just has trolls.
Ausir said:
I don't see why having some snowy areas wouldn't fit a Fallout game.
It would, I think... Well, I think it would. We're not talking... I was not talking about that.
Morbus said:
If you know how Fallout was concieved, you know there's no Nuclear Winter. Nuclear winters are, what? 1989?

To be fair, Nuclear Winters are entirely possible, especially in this sort of scenario where large amounts of nuclear weaponry are detonated on citys.

I don't know how long one would last after the detonation of this sheer amount of weaponry, but its reasonable to expect one to have occurred.
Aphyosis said:
To be fair, Nuclear Winters are entirely possible, especially in this sort of scenario where large amounts of nuclear weaponry are detonated on citys.

I don't know how long one would last after the detonation of this sheer amount of weaponry, but its reasonable to expect one to have occurred.

Nuclear winter is bullshit. You'd need an asteroid of a decent size to hit the Earth in order to haev a global winter.
Ravager69 said:
Aphyosis said:
To be fair, Nuclear Winters are entirely possible, especially in this sort of scenario where large amounts of nuclear weaponry are detonated on citys.

I don't know how long one would last after the detonation of this sheer amount of weaponry, but its reasonable to expect one to have occurred.

Nuclear winter is bullshit. You'd need an asteroid of a decent size to hit the Earth in order to haev a global winter.

Im not really a expert on the matter, but going off Lolwikipedia its entirely possible, especially in a exchange of this magnitude.
Tagaziel said:
We had several in Tactics, so the precedent is set.

If I recall correctly, a nuclear winter was hinted at in Tactics, so I guess whatever happened in Tactics stays in Tactics; if one is to follow the lore.