Project V13 concept art #4: Desert

I know what you are saying, but this isn't a matter of "canon" imo, more expectations or authencity.

I couldn't imagine having so much fun on diablo III e.g. BECAUSE of those coloring.
Because, simply put, the "atmosphere" of a game is for an enormous part of the enjoyment.
And atmosphere is a lot about color palette. And textures. And hell, sounds !

To me, games like Fallout, Vampires, Diablo, Planescape, aren't exceptional only because of story-telling or polished game mechanics, but because of an exceptionally well-crafted and immersive atmosphere.

Fallout is often said Ugly. But his atmosphere is, to me, unbeatable. Because you feel the scarcity of water, the rustiness of everything, the desertness of the world in every damn single sprite. And the 50's aren't just in the design, but also in the color palette.
Arr0nax said:
Because, simply put, the "atmosphere" of a game is for an enormous part of the enjoyment.
And atmosphere is a lot about color palette. And textures. And hell, sounds !

Fallout is often said Ugly. But his atmosphere is, to me, unbeatable. Because you feel the scarcity of water, the rustiness of everything, the desertness of the world in every damn single sprite. And the 50's aren't just in the design, but also in the color palette.

Amen, Brother!! :ok:
Arr0nax said:
Fallout is often said Ugly. But his atmosphere is, to me, unbeatable. Because you feel the scarcity of water, the rustiness of everything, the desertness of the world in every damn single sprite. And the 50's aren't just in the design, but also in the color palette.

Uh, the 50s were colourful, vibrant and definitely not desert brown.
Fallout is often said Ugly.

Let me guess, from people who like new shiny 3d graphix?

I can't see what should be ugly in the Fallout graphics. Seriously.
Treesnogger said:
I know what you are saying, but this isn't a matter of "canon" imo, more expectations or authencity.

Well I guess it comes to how one views the word "canon". Where I mean both story and setting, you could of course just think of the story (not sure who the dictionary agrees with here, heh). I do think that both are related however, and changing quite a bit on the setting would imo be seen as affecting canon.

Like how the Warcraft franchise went from (almost) low fantasy to full blown out high fantasy by each and every game that came out. And just the music by itself is a testament to these changes. It went from dark, intense and brooding to epic cheerfulness.

Warcraft: Orcs and Humans
Warcraft 2

I'm not saying that the music in (this example) Warcraft 2 is bad, it's just that it's different; and when you start changing things, you will easily end up with something new. And I happen to like the old, including the setting, and would like to see more be built upon that same old formula :)
I just hate to sound like a trollish troll, but Fallout MMORPG sucks to my taste, badly. Just like any other MMORPG out there.

Apologies if I hurt someone.
Lexx said:
Fallout is often said Ugly.

Let me guess, from people who like new shiny 3d graphix?

I can't see what should be ugly in the Fallout graphics. Seriously.

Totally agree. FO1-2 graphics might be outdated, but they cannot be considered ugly.
Gay colours could also be a strength. If a setting otherwise would be grim and dark, bright happy colours could play with ones emotions by giving "artsy" mixed messages as opposed of using traditional colours which support the world.

From the looks alone for example mid-90's horror games are more scary looking than today's. Because of "technical limitations", even if they try to aim for grey looks, they often have unintended macabre out-of-this-world feeling, kind of like watching a scary painting.

MDK is a great example of conflicting design. It has very dark and dystopic feeling in graphics, colours, sounds and music while the tone of the game is playful. This makes it distinguishable and classic. I think everyone agree with the presentation of Vault boy in Fallout.

For Diablo 3, no. It's a sequel so make it a sequel. Previous games didn't had WoW gayness, so these colours do not belong to Diablo. Same goes for Fallout games aswell, but I find Fallout and Fallout 2 fairly colourful, they have kind of cartoonish feeling, not like this though.
Media In The Message

Media In The Message

The WWW Fashion-istas have spoken!
Reconite said: mentioned Project V13 in their most recent Hard News video. Even the presenter wasn't very happy about the amount of purple used in the concept arts so far
Interplay's FOOL fails the high WWW art smack down!

Maybe ... maybe ... this Color Purple has other, technical aspirations.

Age old reflective surface color tricks to conceptualize real world vistas.

Chromatic graphic technique, warm colors *appear* forward, cool cools *appear* distant,

and this can add to a sense of depth and perspective.

Warm orange ocher sand, cooler blue sky and closer cool purple atmospheric spatial placing.

This tech is hundreds? / thousands? of years in frontal lobe consciousness. Millions have, millions do know the tech, so don't be the last to "get it!

Get this: I'm not surprised to see this use of color in a still framed exploration in options. Doesn't scare me.
The FOOL gameplay might :hide:, but shades of purple doesn't ;).

Get this: May conjecture, that the presentation media might have factored in the selection of colors of the image.

Could become interesting to discover how dramatic the mood evocations add or subtract, through the use of color,
and how much possible shock and awe may be sacrificed to a present lowest common expectation.

All the fright and wonder effects wasted as candy coloring on EVERY frame.

Maybe ... only the marketers may know what will have been cut to conform to their diabolical sense of what "is hip and groovy", what the Fashion-istas decree.

//////////////// /// // /

UnidentifiedFlyingTard said:
besides how many times have you seen the sky in Fallout 1 and 2?

Rare FO1 Sky Box sighting ...



this my dilettantish paintover vision of pv13...

i do not like the light thing on the backpack in the original...

i look forward to pv13. i think that the rebirth theme would be great especially if it plays some years after fo2.

my dream would be postapocalyptic "the sims" like gameplay mixed up with action elements like gecko hunts, slave trader assaults etc.. it would be great if one could decide how many people he wants to control. one could manage a postapocalyptic farmer's family and beside that experience great adventures with the oldest son of the family :).
I don't know about you, but I find Borderland's artistic style much more suited for any Fallout game then anything out here right now. I thought S.T.A.L.K.E.R.'s artistic style was great for Fallout story until I saw and played Borderland. Imo, it IS 10 out of 10 "Fallout". I'll repeat – artistic style, not the game, that's something else.
This here... not so much. But then again, it's a concept art pictures, so it's a little early to give final judgment about it.
I agree with you. Personally I could never imagine a Fallout game in a photo-realistic environment.
So it has to look like a drawing.
I was thinking about Boarderlands and Fallout the other day. I agree, I wouldn't mind a Fallout game with a Boarderlands type art style (so as long as they don't go too overboard with the cel-shading and cartoon stuff, which Boarderlands didn't).
TheGM said:
Why not just make The Fallout style in 3-D?

Give this man a medal...and then the rights to produce the next fallout game. :clap:

Seriously, this is too obvious, so I can't understand why it would be so rare we see this. (Then again, maybe you're all blue in the face on the topic) Dragon Age feels like an MMO to me, but at least the PC interface looks like the type of thing they were doing with Van Buren, and it totally works. I mean, DA:O gets rid of the complexity of doing too much at once and only gives one queued action per person in a fight, but hey, that's kinda like TB, right? You give a command, they execute, enemy executes, and so on down the line.

So yeah, fallout with the DA:O engine...why not? Although, I would really just like to see the Van Buren engine...I mean, based on the quality of the graphics in DA:O, I think they could take what they had a few years ago with VB and continue working on seems very contemporary.

And back to DA:O...does it feel like an MMO to anyone else? An MMO with more life than I've ever seen, but an MMO nonetheless.
And back to DA:O...does it feel like an MMO to anyone else? An MMO with more life than I've ever seen, but an MMO nonetheless.

BioWare is actually calling it an MSORPG (English version to the right).

The cool thing about the BioWare social website is that it picks the biggest things we're missing compared to an MMO and makes that available. I like to call Dragon Age an MSORPG - a massively single-player online RPG. What does that mean? When you look at MMOs and Dragon Age, it has all the advantages of an MMO and none of the disadvantages.

What would be the disadvantages of an MMO? You have to deal with a bunch of people whether you like it or not. There's lots of content in the game you won't see unless you have tons of people in your party. In Dragon Age you don't have to worry about waiting around and asking people to join your party, you don't have to wait for the right level and go killing rabbits for fifty years. You don't need to kill the same guy over and over again in the hope that he drops that one piece of loot you're looking for. There's lots of tedious things you see in an MMO. In Dragon Age, we're able to make a deep story, it's one of the deepest stories that we've ever made and with all these constant shifts and changes that adapt to how you're playing. There's no MMO nowadays that does that. Now, Star Wars: The Old Republic, that's a totally different story, but that's a BioWare MMO, so you can expect that being a BioWare product.

The biggest thing we were missing out on was the community, the multiplayer aspect, talking to your friends and all that. The social engine allows you to do that. You can instantly stream your stats up to the website, your friends can see it, they can see your story and how it played out, you can see how their stories played out. You saw it, at that 24-hour event, 24 different stories were told. Some teams killed Wynne and suffered the consequences. Team Spain killed her early on because they didn't realize she was a character you could have in your party and had a hard time going through the Fade. Very different from Team BioWare, which took Wynne, got through more easily. But they did kill Zevran, though. They also went right past Sten and Leliana in Lothering. That's the kind of stories you'll be able to tell and kind of use the social interaction.
laggerific said:
I mean, DA:O gets rid of the complexity of doing too much at once and only gives one queued action per person in a fight, but hey, that's kinda like TB, right? You give a command, they execute, enemy executes, and so on down the line.
Sounds like every other game that Bioware has made. It's sequential, RT TB so yes, mechanically it is. Gameplay wise it's much less so, after all the fact that it's RT makes it a completely different beast. They could do a Fallout game with a Biowarian RT system but I think that they would be better off making a real RT system that appropriately used stats and skills.

Ausir said:
BioWare is actually calling it an MSORPG (English version to the right).
I really hope that the term catches on because there are a number of games that that tag better describes them than any other RPG subgenre.
I wish people would finally stop repeating the nonsense that the Biowaresque gameplay is Tourn Based. It might share some mechanics and gameplay for sure. But not more like a Bicycle shares similarities with a motorcrossbike. Both have wheels. But are not the same.