Project V13 concept art #4: Desert

Just a thought on the complaints on the sky: If we can see the sky, it won't be isometric top down, thus I won't buy it. I bet they're going for a Fallout 3-esque FPS Fallout due to the mass awards Fallout 3 has won and the amount of money they can make from it. The only company I know which actually cares about it's true fans is... maybe... Valve?
I don't know valve seems to be turning into a money making engine with how they dropped left 4 dead for a sequel *compared to how they handled TF2 all these years, plus they still make it sound as if they haven't done anything for Episode 3 except a couple concept art pieces

I don't really care if this fallout mmo ends up being more colorful in the way that say Diablo 3 is being more colorful than its prequel, as long as they do a better job of keeping with the cannon and staying true to the gameplay of the first 2 i can deal

yeah these concept arts don't really scream fallout to me either, but i'd rather have a fun game made than no game at all
I wish you actually read about the concept art, rather than act like mindless fanboys

Whatever. It's not half as impressive and awesome as the Van Buren concepts we all came to know and adore.
Wooz said:
I wish you actually read about the concept art, rather than act like mindless fanboys

Whatever. It's not half as impressive and awesome as the Van Buren concepts we all came to know and adore.

Here we go... again. :roll:

I think the concept art ain't half bad. It's not Fallout, but it's not bad either.
See, desaturate heavily the healthy and lush greens
Make the reds less crazy. Maybe I overdid by dulling it all out but what the hell 8-)

And the purple will not seem so crazy annoying purple anymore !

But yeah - early concept art, especially as fast and 'sloppy' as this one is not something you can judge the end result by.


same situation was with the first diablo III screens which were too colorful for fans of dark two previous games:

Fucking hell. I'm starting to feel REALLY sorry for Gary Gygax and the other creator's of D&D. How much must it suck to have millions of pimple faced nerds telling you your own updates to your own creations aren't "lore"? lol. I'm surprised he didn't have a stroke back around 1980...
programmer.craig said:
Gary Gygax and the other creator's of D&D. How much must it suck to have millions of pimple faced nerds telling you your own updates to your own creations aren't "lore"?

What are you talking about?
Apparently "Remember Gary Gygax!" is now the battle cry of choice for shutting up art critics. Shutting them up good.
His name was Gary Gygax. What kind of name is that any way.

I also did some hue-modifications. Note that this is just in the name of love and fun. I don't claim to know what the story behind the concept-art is, or what it should emote more precisely. Maybe the palette will make sense in its proper context. Also, different palettes for different areas is not really an uncommon practice. Still...

I hope to see more "neutral" palettes, that will take a back-seat to space, shape and form. A post-apocalyptic world instills visions (at least for me) of deformed architecture, vast and desolate flat-lands, violent mountains and scorched civilization. It feels like the sky and its light would be rather bleached and dreary, sometimes harsh and cold. Just to underline the state of the current world.

Obviously, certain color palates can bring about different experiences for theatrical or emotional effect. In the two Diablo III screen shots above , I really do prefer the darker and grittier atmosphere (although, shockingly enough, I get a '90s game vibe out of it. I tend to gravitate towards it). But if viewed as a whole game, such as how that level is making me feel in contrast to the levels that come before and after, the color choice might be completely appropriate for what the designers intend.

Now, of course I can't say that for sure, but I can't judge a single screenshot on color choices if I can’t perceive the whole. If their intent is to use the established WoW style and hopefully attract WoW players, then I would say that they are paying too much attention to market rather than game design.

Same goes for the V13 concepts. Hypothetically in the game, we as players may have been seeing our expected and well loved wasteland visuals and encountered this strange area. But, I'll stop, going on about what is unknown is kind of pointless, as long as everyone is willing to see both sides of the coin, I’m happy. ;)

I kind of like the plants and the idea of "rebuilding" and "growth." After so many years, society would probably continue to rebuild its self in a much larger way than BOS, NCR, or Vault City. I think there's possibility for some interesting narrative there. Hell, that'll probably be the explanation as to why there are so many people in the wasteland.
Merge Monkeyface's and Gaspard's shoops of the concept art then you got something at least close to Fallout.
I do like the idea of regrowth not only, because it makes sense after a time, but it can also lead to some decent symbolism with anything dwelling in the past presented as evil and anything trying to fix the future presented as good.

Although the brightness and difference in the colors is quite strange. It almost looks like a "Christmas" decorated Wasteland as funny as that sounds.

The Vault Dweller

What's the deal with all the purple in these concept arts? That's really not very fallout-y.

Is this the most ridiculous thing ever said about something not being something?

A Color not being something Canon to a franchise?....Grrr.

That Color does not belong because.....uh....YEAH!

Unless this is all some kind of joke....
TheGM said:

What's the deal with all the purple in these concept arts? That's really not very fallout-y.

Is this the most ridiculous thing ever said about something not being something?

A Color not being something Canon to a franchise?....Grrr.

That Color does not belong because.....uh....YEAH!

Unless this is all some kind of joke....

Of course it can be offensive to the canon. Just look at those preliminary Diablo 3 screenshots. "Wow gayness" is the perfect way to describe them. The excessive gay (as in joyful) colours completely mess up the dark claustrophobic feeling one might get from playing diablo. When presented with an environment that is murky and lifeless, you kinda expect the follow up's to keep the team spirit, and not totally reinvent itself. At least as a fan of the original you would feel that way, but if indifferent, you might like it either way.

Ok, I recognize this...

But what the shit is this??

It's not that hard to understand that an avid fan of BMW cars might get upset if the BMW producers started copying Volvo designs for their future cars.