Prophet Muhammad Cartoon.

I love what I saw in the paper this morning. The European papers involved, plus others, said a big "Fuck you" to the crybabies and reposted the caricatures, asserting their freedom of press.

Take that, Fundamentalist Islam!

(I'm sorry, I just love the confrontationalism inherent in their actions.)
Well, I think that I, like most other Danes, have been kind of surprised by the response to these drawings. Suddenly Denmark has become the center of a quite serious discussion, not to mention an economic boykot.

The funny thing is that we have been treating muslims like crap for a long time. Members of the Danish parlament have been saying things about muslims, that in my mind far surpass these drawings in insolence (not to mention sheer racism)...
Kotario said:
Part of the entire problem. People fail to grasp the enormity of the insult.

Is it really more of an insult than, say, calling islam a plague, or a cancerous tumor? But I do agree, though, that the magnitude of the insult was underestimated, although there's not much doubt in my mind that it was intended as a provocation.
IMHO all Western newspapers now have the moral obligation to publish these cartoons on their frontpage to show the muslim world, for once and for all, that we don't need to change our way of life just because they happen to live on the same goddamned planet.
I say it's high time we teach those muslims a lesson they won't forget. Like nuking the entire Middle Eastern region, poisoning their water supplies and blasting that big stupid rock they worship in Mekka to smithereens. :twisted:
I approve of freedom of the press, but you should at least try to be respectful of people's beliefs, with a degree of self-regulation. A redneck paper should be able to print rubbish as long as it is legal, but a more mainstream one should be more careful (except the two can be the same, like the Murdoch media here). As well as being considerate, you'll probably make more money with this philosophy. For example our 'ethnic channel', SBS, censored the cartoons while other channels did not. Very religious people seem to take themselves too seriously though.
Kotario said:
Part of the entire problem. People fail to grasp the enormity of the insult.

Yes, that's a tiny fragment of a sliver of the actual problem.

The problem isn't really with the people giving offense, it's with the people taking it.

Those idiots need to learn to respect the concept of freedom of the press. They are insulting me, heavily, by showing such flagrant disregard for what I take to be valuable, namely freedom of speech.

And what the hell do Danish stores have to do with what their papers print?
Should I respect the beliefs of the KKK if they burn my church? What about fundamentalist Muslims who want to blow up Westerners? Just a thought.
This incident furthers my convictions of two things:

(1) The majority of people in the middle east are savages, just one step away from being full-blown barbarians (that step being their immense oil wealth). Why savages? Because no truly civilized or sophisticated society or individual responds to satire, parody, or caricature with threats of violence. Only a truly ignorant and backwards group of people could respond to an "insult" with bomb threats and promises of death.

(2) The majority of Christians are idiots. When I hear this story reported, almost all of the people speaking about it, reporting on it, or giving interviews have a great degree of incredulity and astonishment in their voices, as if they truly can not understand why this cartoon could possibly be insulting or why these muslims can't grasp the concept of free speech. If some Arab paper, however, were to make a caricature of Jesus along the same lines as the Mohammed one, the entire USA and most European countries would go fucking apeshit.
Montez said:
If some Arab paper, however, were to make a caricature of Jesus along the same lines as the Mohammed one, the entire USA and most European countries would go fucking apeshit.

Not really. Jesus is regularly caricaturized in European newspapers, who cares if the muslims did the same? Maybe American religio-extremists, but most other people? No.
If a muslim paper released a cartoon featuring Jesus molesting a little boy with him saying "It's ok, God forgives me!", or if it had Jesus wearing a crown of hundred dollar bills telling a group of businessmen "The only way to get into heaven is by exploting others for your benefit and convincing them that it's for their benefit!", to give two poor examples - you don't think that that, coming from an Arabic paper in today's climate would cause any reaction?
Kharn said:
The problem isn't really with the people giving offense, it's with the people taking it.

Those idiots need to learn to respect the concept of freedom of the press. They are insulting me, heavily, by showing such flagrant disregard for what I take to be valuable, namely freedom of speech.
I agree 100%.

And what the hell do Danish stores have to do with what their papers print?
Or for that matter, what does Danish government have to do with what their papers print? I know it's difficult to grasp for someone who has lived their whole life in a totalitarian dictatorship, but in some countries the government *doesn't* determine every minor aspect of society, such as what their media publish or whom their women get to fuck with. Therefore, demanding a formal apology from the goverment for something that was printed in a newspaper is terminal idiocy and ignorance of even the most basic human rights.

Montez said:
If a muslim paper released a cartoon featuring Jesus molesting a little boy with him saying "It's ok, God forgives me!", or if it had Jesus wearing a crown of hundred dollar bills telling a group of businessmen "The only way to get into heaven is by exploting others for your benefit and convincing them that it's for their benefit!", to give two poor examples - you don't think that that, coming from an Arabic paper in today's climate would cause any reaction?
It would probably piss off Christian fundamentalists and the like, but any person with an ounce of intelligence would shrug it off or even agree with it. I know what people (even Americans) *wouldn't* do - they *wouldn't* go around protesting en masse, demolishing property and firing M-16 rounds, they *wouldn't* threaten death to the entire Muslim world and they *wouldn't* boycott Middle-Eastern products (not that they would have a choice in that particular matter).

P.S. The exchange between Kotario and brandon had me laughing out loud. :D
Montez said:
If a muslim paper released a cartoon featuring Jesus molesting a little boy with him saying "It's ok, God forgives me!", or if it had Jesus wearing a crown of hundred dollar bills telling a group of businessmen "The only way to get into heaven is by exploting others for your benefit and convincing them that it's for their benefit!", to give two poor examples - you don't think that that, coming from an Arabic paper in today's climate would cause any reaction?

I would interpret it as a good reason to shove that cartoon up my Turkish neighbour's arse and skull fuck his daughter.

No, seriously: I don't think Westerners would mind stuff like that at all, except maybe some religious zealots, but they are a minority in the West and, all in all, no one listens to what minorities have to say (but they can still say it, now can't they). I think most Westerners consider freedom of speech and expression to be one of the most valuable things on earth. The most valuable thing on earth according to Westerners is, however, money. And rightly so.

Yes, I know: I've changed.
alec said:
I would interpret it as a good reason to shove that cartoon up my Turkish neighbour's arse and skull fuck his daughter.
Like you *need* a reason to shove things up a guy's ass and fuck his daughter.
I really think the muslim world is overreacting.
And the pics are like 6 months old why the fuck do the care now all of a sudden?

As some one said, if a muslim paper had done the same thing i really wouldn't have cared and most people would have done same as me.

But then again i really don't know how most muslims think about this, most probably don't care that mutch. I have only seen some pictures on where some dudes where burning the danish flag. As we all know media is not to good at giving you the birdeye View of things if you catch my drift.