Like I said, it’s inevitable that millions of people would have more problems than one person. I agree that reviews aren’t very good, and I’ve got no idea how FO3 won multiple awards for writing, but the whole “Rybicki maneuver” thing is sort of stupid, and it doesn’t even fit here.Ausdoerrt said:Being able to explain it makes it any better how? They're still doing a shitty job.
I question whether typical messageboard dwellers do much better in a limited time frame. I recently tracked the initial reaction to Dragon Age on the RPG Codex, and the early critics were profoundly inept. And I’m not just talking about people missing problems. Many of the problems that were found were pretty far off.Ausdoerrt said:And TBH, I'd say if I as a casual gamer can come up with a few specific issues in the first few hours, then the professional reviewer with a lot more experience should do that twice as fast.
I’m not a professional chef, but I suspect that I’m a better cook than a lot of the kids that work at Taco Bell. Even so, I’m not going to spend a lot of time bitching about the fact that an 89-cent chalupa doesn’t taste like filet mignon. It's so obvious that it seems more than a bit naive to complain about it.Sander said:These are professionals, and they get paid plenty to do their jobs. They don't do it and that isn't news to anyone, but that doesn't mean we can't point it out.
I suspect that neither of us read the PSM3 review of Fallout 3. So, I've got no idea what they said, but the suggestion here is that they are now noting a criticism that was ignored previously. However, there's no criticism here.Sander said:If you read the Fallout 3 reviews (and before that the Oblivion reviews) you'd think the writers were the best thing to happen to gaming since pong.
I’m not a professional chef, but I suspect that I’m a better cook than a lot of the kids that work at Taco Bell. Even so, I’m not going to spend a lot of time bitching about the fact that an 89-cent chalupa doesn’t taste like filet mignon. It's so obvious that it seems more than a bit naive to complain about it.
I get what you are saying, but I’m not really satisfied with truthiness. And it doesn't seem to fit this situation at all.Ausdoerrt said:I think you're misinterpreting the whole “Rybicki maneuver” thing, it's supposed to be looking at general trends, not specific examples. Although I'm sure if someone cared enough, specific examples could be found too.
I definitely can't agree with that. In general, the gaming press are not a very pretentious bunch. I don’t think Gamespot is going to apply for a Pulitzer any time soon. They are pretty low on the journalism totem pole, and I’m sure most know that and the rest don’t even care.If the kid at Taco Bell was acting like he was serving me a filet mignon, I would, because that's outright ridiculous. Exactly what's happening here.
This topic is dumb, you are all dumb-
Project Gizka is working on the TSLRP or The Sith Lords Restoration Project for more info go here: Vuk said:Letz hope they did cause I quite liked Kotor but sadly you can feel on many locations that it was limited or that some parts of the story have been cut out. I think there is even fan projects that try to work on that but I cant remember any of them right now...Jesse Heinig said:Ravager69 said:I'm not worried about Chris, I'm worried about the timeframe he's working in.
Presumably the KOTOR2 experience has provided Obsidian with some tools built out of crisis time. I expect they have learned a bit from that history!
Grimhound said:Silencer said:Wait, didn't Fallout 3 receive awards for exquisite writing?
They say this game is even better? Holy crap! Lions!
Excuse me... I have to go carve a portion of my brain out to forget that character again.