TheGM said:
Crni Vuk said:
Have you ever cared to read what is said on your dollar?
Oh now it is "MY" dollar
Maybe confusing, but I used the "your" more in general to like "the american dollar", since I am european, and as far as I know the Euro has no "In god we trust".
As said. Those who really believe that state and religion are seperated, are a bit disillusioned.
I mean it does sound nice in theory and all with thoes fancy laws that make it an intellectual thing, kinda. But the reality is a lot different. When ever needed, god was used as excuse or for what ever reason. In god we trust, may god help us all, hell presidents used "god" phrases all the time to make their points stronger, its every american citzen "god given right" to bla bla bla their homeland and bla bla freedom and all that other stuff they throw around when they want to not tell the truth like companies or politics beeing involved. Sure. We have to mess around with Africa or South america. Easier to sell that to the people when you say "we have to defend our self from communism". Some migh thave even really believed that. But when Pepis talked with Kissinger about their issues in Argenitna, I am not sure if that had something to do with Communism or God. More the almighty dollar.
Thing is though, this is nothing special. Neither Britain, Germany, France or any other nation with some power is different here. Its always about power and how to preserve it, and making a fortune while doing so. We are rich, becaues others are poor. Thats the reality. All that talking by politicans about freedom, democracy, religion and how its seperated sounds nice and fany. But if you study history, then yo urealize that when you think REALISTIC about the situation, only very little of it is really left at the end of the day. But thats how the world works.
TheGM said:
Well if you listened to Conservative talk radio(making you 1 of 3 people to do so) you would know that we already have a Muslim president, who happens to be black of all things, and uses his weather machine to make tornadoes.
Obama is as white as it can be. Or he would not be a "president". He is representing the future of Uncle Tom - maybe thats a bit drastic but I hope you get the sarcasm I am only half serious here anyway
The US is still not getting over their
Apartheid. Obama has to follow the same principles like any other President before him, and also to answer the same people behind the curtain. Those that spend the money. Corporations, lobbys, etc. Is Obama some evil person? Sure not. He is just a usual person. But just like most other politicans in his position he is dancing to the flute. If he would be really following his "ideals" he would go in, and simply close guantanamo and do some serious investigation in any similar instalation/situation. But he cant. Because that is not in his power. The restiance is very high, be it from the military or those people that think its still needed. And that is just one example.
What I see today, is very often politicans that actually are in power because of corruption (Berlusconi) or they have grown up in rather rich families, studing politics, economics and other such nonsene, starting their political carrer in their early 20s. I miss the times when politicans actually came eventually from the working class, really understandthing the needs and issues of their population. Education IS important, no doubt. People should be inteligent. But I have the feeling that many of those "professional" politicans up there, dont have any conection with the population. And this leads to situations where they decide something no one really understands like the reforms to our health care system in Germany ...