Questions about Shady Sands/The Hub/ vaults


First time out of the vault
Writing a fan fiction that takes place in and around the FO1 map, but I only played Fallout for 5 minutes until I got killed by group of mantises so I don't know what any of the settlements or vaults are like. The story is when the NCR has been created so insight into how that would effect things would help
Why do you lie. You will never find a group of mantises in the game after just 5 minutes of playing.

Also why do you expect getting help if you can't get yourself to do even just a little research? Like, all available information about the NCR can be found in the fallout wiki, which you could find with using less than 5 minutes typing "fallout ncr history" into google.
That's Fallout. Even the toughest hero needs to run for his life sometimes!
Lexx said:
Why do you lie. You will never find a group of mantises in the game after just 5 minutes of playing.

5 minutes may or may not be a ballpark figure, but I know I've run into manti more than once on the V13-Shady Sands-V15 run. It's not implausible.

Harlsberg, I'd mirror woo's sentiments, though. You don't normally have that kind of bad luck right off, and Shady Sands is literally the first town in the game you reach on a typical playthrough. F1 is really a masterfully-told story, and it's worth seeing these things for yourself. Turn down the combat difficulty if you have to and remember that you always have the option of running for an exit grid.

As Lexx says, the wikis do have most of the pertinent information that we could give you (and more, considering that there's a lot more available on its history than they give you in the games). Shady Sands was a small, adobe-walled agricultural village whose inhabitants (originally, dwellers from Vault 15) had a thing for simple, virtuous living, hard work, and deference to authority. Through perseverance, good leadership, and a deus ex machina in a blue-and-yellow jumpsuit, they somehow grew to become a modern(ish) city-state in the 80 years that passed between Fallout 1 and 2, and traded the simplicity and some of the virtue for a shrewd expansionist drive somewhere along the way. About 40 years before New Vegas, the last of the Shady Sands-era leaders died and a lot more bureaucracy and corruption started to creep into the mechanism of authority than had been present previously.

I (and the wiki) can mostly just give you the facts, though. Playing is really the only way you'll get the "feel."
Halsberg, stop - immediately.

"Gonna write a fanfic"
"Played the game for 5 minutes"

No. Not allowed!
zegh8578 said:
No. Not allowed!


All jokes aside, yes, drop the idea, harlsberg, and play the game first.
Patch it first, to be clear of bugs, and use a lot of save slots so that if a bad random encounter or anything happens, you can reload it.
Yamu said:
Lexx said:
Why do you lie. You will never find a group of mantises in the game after just 5 minutes of playing.

5 minutes may or may not be a ballpark figure, but I know I've run into manti more than once on the V13-Shady Sands-V15 run. It's not implausible.

I have played the game like a million times and the only place where I could find mantises was in the south east mountain area / close to the glow.
Now that you mention it, Lexx, I don't think I've ever encountered mantises in the game. Not that I remember.
I've never seen anybody who played a game for 5 minutes, quit because it was too hard. And then still wanted to write fanfiction about it.

In any case, spoiling the game for yourself is just silly. Especially for Fallout 1. Nobody should learn anything about that game without having played through at least once.
Lexx said:
Why do you lie. You will never find a group of mantises in the game after just 5 minutes of playing.

Also why do you expect getting help if you can't get yourself to do even just a little research? Like, all available information about the NCR can be found in the fallout wiki, which you could find with using less than 5 minutes typing "fallout ncr history" into google.
They were around a dead body. Does that help?
No, not only mentises are around the dead body.
anyway, how did you get out of cave without being killed by mice?
What is it with Fanfiction writers and their inherent retardedness.

It's like they all come from Tumblr.

Play the damn game before you write a mary sue filled story about it.
Aren't you afraid, your story could sound like some of the speeches of old politicians about the web? First, it's funny, but later you think only OMFG...
Lexx said:
Why do you lie. You will never find a group of mantises in the game after just 5 minutes of playing.

Dude. I did. Once. A dead trader with a group of Mantises. Escaped with a Desert Eagle in my pocket.
Is the encounter really that rare? Unless I was iron-manning and ended up having to take on all of Shady Sands, the manti used to be my number one cause of intro-stretch death (not that I died all that often, but when I did, it was usually them).
So, you quit after geting the first game over in the first minutes of the game? kids these days....
AlphaPromethean said:
What is it with Fanfiction writers and their inherent retardedness.
Tell me about it... I struggle to explain to one of my best friends why he needs to stop writing fanfic without being a terrible dick to him. Cause he does ALL the annoying crap fanfic writers do, short of the Mary Sue, actually. He never makes a new character, but he does all the same crap to existing characters, and I just wish he'd wise up... No, a VegetaXTsunade pairing will never, ever, ever be compelling reading. No, Goku learning to use Chakra will never result in something revolutionary and cool to read. ~_~

Walpknut said:
So, you quit after geting the first game over in the first minutes of the game? kids these days....
Nothing to say. Just..... yes.

1990s gamer receiving Game Over screen: "I'll beat it THIS time!" (Said for the 50th time)
2010s gamer receiving Game Over screen: "Wow, fuck this game. This is too hard!"