RAGE: The Thread

sydney_roo said:
I recently finished Rage and I must say I was positively surprised as I didn't pay that much of attention to game's development. Of course I always like iD's shooters as they were just that.
Nah, RAGE tries to hard to be more than a shooter by forcing the player through a lot of filler (like the driving). I would be surprised if the game was over 6 hours long if we could just do the fun shooting parts.
sydney_roo said:

Why do so many people say this when it's wrong? The company is called id. As in the word "id". Not ID or iD or I.D. And you don't say "eye-dee". It's id software. Their logo has been pretty much the same design forever.


The original from the Wolfenstein 3D era:

I used to pronounce it Eye-Dee. Hey I'm an artist, not a psychoanalyst. :P

The last boss was actually a button, oooh scary. Weird really, they have those Authority heavy mech dudes who are pretty tough and they only attack one or two at a time. A half decent boss fight would be a massive group of them or evil bad guy Cross in one, so he would actually turn up in the damn game!
Instead you get muties you can use buckshot and steel AR rounds to easily kill.
The base even had scene of dropships taking off and their vehicles outside. Both would work well as mini bosses and justify buying those vehicle hunting rockets that were only brought by accident.

The game as a whole only has 3 bosses which is really disapointing for a old skool corridor shooter as they act as a good mechanism to bookend sections of the game if your story isn't good enough to do it for you. Two of those bosses were just ordinary bandits with health bars and one of those didn't even have anything special so just fell over after a couple of poprocks.
The only big boss was quite early on in the game and was essentially a tutorial for the rocket launcher. Lacked challenge because of the auto heal, otherwise it would have been quite tense.

Shame really as id have a great track record with bosses, Cyberdemons, Spiderdemons, Shamblers, Tank Commanders and that big bugger in Quake 4 that almost took out it's own communication tower 'cause it was a bit dim.
Quite why they dropped the ball on this one is annoying.
Alphadrop said:
The only big boss was quite early on in the game and was essentially a tutorial for the rocket launcher.
Which was quite worthless in the rest of the game when you have killbursts, dynamite bolts and pop rockets. They might as well made the rocket launcher a mountable turret for that one section.

Alphadrop said:
Quite why they dropped the ball on this one is annoying.
To sell dlc? Wouldn't be the first game that kept the true ending back for dlc.
Yea, the rocket launcher does less damage than a wingstick but is way more expensive.

Was thinking they were leaving it off for DLC but the ending was so cack handed I doubt they did it on purpose. Would require a proper expansion to add in another half a game to fix the end.
I too have called them "eye-dee" on numerous occassions but me writing iD was a mere typo to be frank. I might just as well call them "ideas from the deep" or "in demand".

PainlessDocM, we'll have to agree to disagree on that one as I don't believe putting in vehicles was because id tried to make Rage something more. And I mean "more" in a sense "deeper" (as in RPG, racing sim, whatever). They tried to make it more fun (which it was for me at least).
Alphadrop said:
Was thinking they were leaving it off for DLC but the ending was so cack handed I doubt they did it on purpose.
The way the sawn-off was left out of the weapon progression for dlc was also cack handed so I wouldn't put it past them.
Mad Max RW said:
sydney_roo said:

Why do so many people say this when it's wrong? The company is called id. As in the word "id". Not ID or iD or I.D. And you don't say "eye-dee". It's id software. Their logo has been pretty much the same design forever.


The original from the Wolfenstein 3D era:


Just putting this out there, even though I was already completely aware of the whole "id" thing.
That's "ID" and they stopped using it sometime during Wolfenstein 3D or one of the later Commander Keen games. After a quick search you come up with dozens of examples of the blue/yellow "id" logo used for Wolfenstein 3D and all subsequent titles.
TorontRayne said:
The main complaints I am hearing on this game are:
Load Times.
No last Boss.
Epic Fail second disc.
Weird graphics glitches.
No multiplayer deathmatch.
Load times? Loading doesn't long enough for me to read the single sentence of text it displays. I do have an SSD, but still...
Damn, why do I get raped in the multiplayer?! I could get the second place for a few times but not the first place. Some people are amazing douchebags in the multiplayer. They find a certain strategy and they stick to it like wankers. :evil: