Rate the above song and post your own.

Good shit, 8/10. Although kinda wished the quality would be a bit better, but I am guessing they're keeping the "kvlt" element that way. :grin:

I am admittedly not very brutal when it comes to metal. This is as much as I dare to go when it to comes to said "brutal" and even then, I am still more interested in the actual lyrics :grin:(which are apparently about the Syrian Ba'ath party).

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I can't get into how excessive it is. Just heavy tones and heavy tones and barely any variation in the song, and I was never a big fan of that really deep voice singing. But I do like all the guitar work a lot. 5/10

Now, I'm not a communist or anything, but here's to the best anthem humanity has ever produced:

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I don't know much about industrial metal (the only bands I know are Ministry and NIN), but this is really good. 8/10

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Stroke/10 - meaning that I felt like I was having a stroke whilst listening.

Local band of mine, I really like em:

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This is why I love the people in this forum so much. I really love the tastes in all your music 10/10 I think it shows me personally how everyone here can appreciate different art styles and find something meaningful related to their own life experiences growing up and how the current day experiences are. I like the diversity here. I'm an old 35 yo goth though and maybe I haven't quite accepted the current pyridine or system in which we live. Rot and Assimilate into this system like everyone else? Or say screw it all and just appreciate the art of breaking apart and being a part of this unending psychological warfare of material, over usage, death, fuel, damnation, change, rebirth and life? Maybe.

I would love to experience more of what you want to share. Keep them coming my brothers and sisters. :ok:
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Skinny Puppy is the shiz, love that song, def 10/10. Really like VX Gas Attack and that whole album, Testure.

I've been listening to this song for a minute now, love it, and I also love the video, set in beautiful LA. I happen to live a little south of there. There is no place like California -- proud Californian here.

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Sounds a little like jpop, just doesn't have the same progressive bend to it. Not terrible, but I generally think the vocals are uninteresting while the music has some promise. 5/10.

Edit - Found another youtube source.
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Above post: 'Video Unavailable' Not sure...

One above that: Really feel good sound to it, video not bad either. 8/10

Heres another band that isn't all well known though they are slowly climbing the ladder. Very similar to Linkin Park and the like.

Gonna stay fairly active on this thread, sharing music is something I love to do, and listening to others' tastes is also great, keep the songs coming NMA.
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7/10. Not bad. I don't know if I would compare them to Linkin Park, but I like the instruments and some of the metalcore(?) influences in there.

Some sci-fi themed Symphonic/Industrial Death Metal for the night. Just discovered these guys and loving their stuff so far.
Some of it reminds me a bit of Fear Factory or the newest Samael.

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I don't know much about symphonic death metal, but this is great. The clean vocals are a little bit too modified on some other songs of the album in my opinion thuogh. 8/10

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Eh. 6/10

Not my cup of tea. :(

Now for some Sleepytime Gorilla Museum. Probably one of the most interesting bands out there.

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6/10 Liked it until the guy started singing. Reminded me slightly of the Dark Ambient I used to listen to when I was a younger man.

Speaking of music I used to listen to.....
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I discovered this cover today and I really like it. I'm not really a fan of the original though.
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Not a perfect circle, in fact not even a complete circle, just two incomplete halves. Good song though, I'm a sucker for songs with an energetic but still mostly somber tone. 8/10

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