Alec - already rated
Hellion - 6/10
The inverted star inscripted in a circle is one of my favourite symbols. I even sport an inverted Texas Ranger belt buckle. Without the "Tecksas Rayngur" letters, of course.
Few people know that the meaning originally depicted by this sign is a marking of the planet Venus on medieval astronomy/astrology (at that time, it was mostly the same thing) charts. The inverted star in a circle represents Venus, when it's visible as the "evening star", the first visible star on the sky. When the symbol represents an "upwards" star in a circle, it represents Venus as well, the same planet, the same "star", as the "morningstar", a body visible even n the morning at certain latitudes.
This star was also used by missionaries, in several places where pagan astronomical beliefs used to be the main religion, as a symbol of Jesus Christ and as a syncretic parallel, much like the Christmas Tree.
The derogative meaning of an inverted star finds its roots in the modern-day satanist symbol of an inverted pentagram, symbolizing the victory of matter over spirit.
Make no mistake. An inverted star itself draws parallels to the Greek/Roman deity of hawt seckse. [/symbology]
Oh yeah. I don't like blue images on black backgrounds. Tres neon-tacky. Kinda looks like a sign on a peep-show booth in Warsaw's Central Station's hallways.
Syphillis galore.