Rate the avatar above yours.

Alright, Phreddy boy. I promise never to rate your av more than once.

Vox, 6/10. Would've been higher if the edges around the circle were gone.
...you've seen one stoner avatar, you've seen 'em all. 2/10

Potheaded kids show toons lost their originality ages ago.
It's ok I guess. I think I would have liked it more without the letters.


Not the most original given this is a Fallout forum, but it has two points in favor: this IS indeed a Fallout forum so it is fit, and I always liked power armour, both T51b and Advanced.
Milo said:
cool 8/10

who is this a picture of?

Well, I don't know him, but it is an argentine voluntary soldier.

Duckman: 7/10 For fitting both your nick and the forum.
I know iI have rated yours before but once again I had some good hard luvin with a cougar 2 days ago. She was 39 and divorced recently.

10/10 for cougar action
Hmmmm... Fallouty goodness, Mk2 armor which I've always liked, strong background color... on the other hand somewhat typical, and could be a bit larger...

I'm giving ya a solid 8/10.

And yeah, I'm not into furries, but I've fucked a few cougars myself.