First time out of the vault

mr. pastorius said:Too bright and a bit small, but otherwise it's nice. By the way, what are those question marks for?
Heh ... Thanks. I like "small things" (blame it on Fallout1/2 graphics

Those question marks are there just because I originally made a messenger avatar for me, at work, bit different colored, darker but otherwise the same. At first I had it just like that, just like if someone disturbs me while at work (and at messenger, oh yeah) it kind of gives a silent message: "what??" ... Though I made even better avatar from it to messenger usage at work eventually - no more question marks, but a small text in there, saying "can't you see, I'm at work??".

EDIT: At the moment those question marks seem to be so fitting with the so-called Bethesda situation, too ...