Rate the avatar above yours.


I like a hardcore WW2 sergeant or whatever he is as much as the next guy, but I dunno, it's just not doing a whole lot for me....no offense loot
7/10.. but only cus i likes lobsters...

whats not to get?Its me giving a hearty cheer while the enclave goes BOOM
I guess that it is a GDI logo? Looks a bit like it, though hard to tell because of heavy blue and the static effect.

5.5/10, because it is hard to tell what exactly it is, and it is a bit on the generic side.

I wanted a C&C avatar since C&C3 is coming out, but I couldn't find the GDI symbol in any online avatar collection. Problem was avatar collections didn't have it and if I tried specifically looking for "command and conquer avatars" the search engine brought up links showcasing the new Nod unit the "avatar" in C&C3. I ended up finding a screenshot from C&C3 and took my current avatar from it. It is the GDI symbol, but off of the little radar screen in the corner which appeared to be running some sort of message to the player. That's why I think the image was grainy with static and in a different color.


Always liked that avatar you have. Very unique and thoughtful.


The Vault Dweller
Lobster, dice. I don't really get it. 6/10

Vault Dweller, I created some quick alternatives for you. I also experimented a little with the older GDI logos, the ones in gold and white, but it would take too much work to make them look decent.



I have always liked yours.


This av is an old one, I thought it was more appropriate than Daffy Duck with a Christmas hat :P
Tannhauser said:
Lobster, dice. I don't really get it. 6/10

Vault Dweller, I created some quick alternatives for you. I also experimented a little with the older GDI logos, the ones in gold and white, but it would take too much work to make them look decent.




You are so nice. I don't know how long it took you to make those. You most likely didn't have to use MSPaint like I did so I'm sure it was faster and easier, but I doubt it took less than five minutes. I'll use the top one right now.


Oh and Mr. Pastorius you've blended into the forum so well I feel like you've been here years. Your avatar is good looking and greatly fits the feel. I assume it's from an old animation about teaching children what to do in response to an atomic attack?


The Vault Dweller
Thanks for the nice words, but that's just 'cos I read more than I write, hehe. About the turtle, why yes, it is. How did you guess? :D

Anyway, although I liked your previous avatar better, this one's pretty good too, an 8/10 let's say. However, resizing kinda spoiled it, so it's a 6/10, but since you'll most probably replace it with one of the pics Tannhauser made, I'll stick with an 8/10.