Apr 18, 2007 #3,623 Madbringer What is it that crawls behind the glass? Orderite Lobstericious. It's so random i just have to give it a high score - 8/10.
Apr 18, 2007 #3,625 D DirtyDreamDesigner Venerable Relic of the Wastes Moderator Who is that? I can't stop looking at her, she's very pretty. 10/10
Apr 18, 2007 #3,626 Madbringer What is it that crawls behind the glass? Orderite Just to clarify - <--- THIS IS NOT A HEADCRAB!!1 It's a fiend from Quake 1. N0obs. Zorak pwns. 9/10
Apr 18, 2007 #3,627 C Commander Halligan First time out of the vault Headcrab or not it's cool 9/10 8)
Apr 18, 2007 #3,628 T Treupp First time out of the vault If it weren't for the gun, I'd give a 6. But it's 8/10
Apr 19, 2007 #3,629 1 10mmCurator Mildly Dipped Mrmmmm raven playing a guitar.... Modern Edgar Allen Poe alright 9 3/4 you git.
Apr 20, 2007 #3,632 F ferrarimanf355 It Wandered In From the Wastes Silencer said: Ohgodpluckmyeyesout/oo Click to expand... ? You get an 8/10
Apr 20, 2007 #3,633 T Tannhauser Venerable Relic of the Wastes Orderite Well, I believe the main elements that make him want to pluck his eyes out consist of the heavy, yellow border and the white background. A tad obnoxious on a dark-colored forum. 7/10 No idea who the character is.
Well, I believe the main elements that make him want to pluck his eyes out consist of the heavy, yellow border and the white background. A tad obnoxious on a dark-colored forum. 7/10 No idea who the character is.
Apr 20, 2007 #3,634 M Muff Water Chip? Been There, Done That 7/10 Robot but it just don't look right to me.
Apr 20, 2007 #3,637 L Loxley Water Chip? Been There, Done That 5/10 Starcraft ghosts allways annoy me with their damned stealth. On the other hand they can launch nukes.
5/10 Starcraft ghosts allways annoy me with their damned stealth. On the other hand they can launch nukes.
Apr 20, 2007 #3,638 T Tannhauser Venerable Relic of the Wastes Orderite 0/0 Hard to rate what isn't there.
Apr 21, 2007 #3,639 F Foul Ole Ron First time out of the vault 9/10 the "expression" of the robot, the droopy antenna, the despondency, the almost utter despair me...
9/10 the "expression" of the robot, the droopy antenna, the despondency, the almost utter despair me...
Apr 21, 2007 #3,640 1 10mmCurator Mildly Dipped 6/10 looks like a Russian booger miner... If his face was dirty and he didn't have good sunglasses I rate it higher......
6/10 looks like a Russian booger miner... If his face was dirty and he didn't have good sunglasses I rate it higher......