Apr 11, 2007 #3,601 monsharen Testament to the ghoul lifespan Staff member Admin Board Cop oTO Orderite Looks like a quarter of a clock. 6/10. Theres like a white border I dont like in it. edit: I've missed my 2 year anniversary! dang it
Looks like a quarter of a clock. 6/10. Theres like a white border I dont like in it. edit: I've missed my 2 year anniversary! dang it
Apr 11, 2007 #3,605 M Muff Water Chip? Been There, Done That 10/10 Hot girl, PM me the link to the rest of her pic's please or email witch ever is easer
Apr 12, 2007 #3,606 N nospaces First time out of the vault 8/10 and for the last time, its not just any clock, its the offical doomsday clock, it was recent bumped up from 7 minutes to 5, the closer we are to midnight, the more likely the missiles start to fly, i bet you can guess what happens at midnight
8/10 and for the last time, its not just any clock, its the offical doomsday clock, it was recent bumped up from 7 minutes to 5, the closer we are to midnight, the more likely the missiles start to fly, i bet you can guess what happens at midnight
Apr 13, 2007 #3,608 monsharen Testament to the ghoul lifespan Staff member Admin Board Cop oTO Orderite Dice, a lobster and toilet paper? Shitty night in Vegas! arrarrarr 7/10
Apr 13, 2007 #3,609 A alec White heterosexual male Orderite The long and winding road... 9/10 for utter simplicity and effectiveness.
Apr 14, 2007 #3,611 Yoshi525 Vault Senior Citizen Orderite 7/10 Guess it's cool, but still don't really get it.
Apr 15, 2007 #3,612 D DoughboyJones It Wandered In From the Wastes lobster dice, possibly something cajun? I like cajun so i'll bestow upon this an 8/10
Apr 15, 2007 #3,613 Yamu Le Fromage Vieux oTO Moderator Board Cop oTO Orderite If that's a picture of you, 5/10 for avatar verite (with points deducted for .jpg granulation). If it's not, 3/10 for the extreme WTF factor.
If that's a picture of you, 5/10 for avatar verite (with points deducted for .jpg granulation). If it's not, 3/10 for the extreme WTF factor.
Apr 16, 2007 #3,615 C Commander Halligan First time out of the vault 8/10 - Looks a bit like a piece from some of H R Gigers work.
Apr 16, 2007 #3,616 1 10mmCurator Mildly Dipped 6-1/2 out of 10 My Avatar isn't Geiger's work but yeah it does kinda look like his work.
Apr 17, 2007 #3,617 M Milo Still Mildly Glowing 9.5/10 Thats one of the better avatars I've seen in a while
Apr 18, 2007 #3,619 M mr. pastorius A Smooth-Skin Looks pretty spooky, and the grayscale increases the overall level of spookiness. God, this has gotta be the weirdest description I've ever written. Anyways, 8/10.
Looks pretty spooky, and the grayscale increases the overall level of spookiness. God, this has gotta be the weirdest description I've ever written. Anyways, 8/10.