Rate the avatar above yours.

Looks like a quarter of a clock. 6/10. Theres like a white border I dont like in it.

edit: I've missed my 2 year anniversary! dang it
10/10 Hot girl, PM me the link to the rest of her pic's please or email witch ever is easer ;)

and for the last time, its not just any clock, its the offical doomsday clock, it was recent bumped up from 7 minutes to 5, the closer we are to midnight, the more likely the missiles start to fly, i bet you can guess what happens at midnight
Dice, a lobster and toilet paper? Shitty night in Vegas! arrarrarr

If that's a picture of you, 5/10 for avatar verite (with points deducted for .jpg granulation). If it's not, 3/10 for the extreme WTF factor.
Looks pretty spooky, and the grayscale increases the overall level of spookiness.
God, this has gotta be the weirdest description I've ever written.

Anyways, 8/10.