Rate the avatar above yours.

I like your shark av very much. So 8/10 + 0.5 because it's in greytones.
The sig is appropriate, but somewhat... childish.
Change it. Now.
What are you looking at, uh, gecko?

Reptilian avatar 4 teh win!

My new rank is the function of my playing paintball in the weekend, after which my legs ached for four solid days because of the intense exertion caused by running :) The avatar to go with it.

So you have a rare occasion to see me w/o the mask :)

I also managed to knock a capacitor off my motherboard when removing the graphics card, but as you can see, it still works. Must have been some unimportant capacitor.

Old avatar to return soon.
Still ugly background, lawl.

Muff, why not use this avatar? :P


please? that background is burning my eyes ;x

//edit: you're welcome ;)
Madbringer you have just saved me allot of time I was working on something like that but you just saved me the time.


And again Thank you.

It has three of my favorite things, a turtle, a doughboy helmet and bow tie. now all it needs is final fantasy 6 and an accordion.

"the futures so bright, i gotta wear shades"

and its the doomsday clock, as set by The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists’