Rate the avatar above yours.

10/10 for Lady Liberty - 0/10 for same avatar as another site which shall remain nameless - average of 5/10 for the mathematically challenged.

Oh, and auto-censor...that is SO abandonia.com......

Besides - "wut" is lulzy and makes a good mockery of fanboism.

But thanks for clearing that up BN and....whoever the other guy was.
Wooz, was that you you cute little brown starfish, you?


On topic: 7/10, -3 points for anime hair and eyes.

eenter said:

eenter, stop spamming the boards up with your useless '0/10' pseudo-irritating posts and other e-fecal matter. Start making sense or you're be out on your ass faster than you can spell "Lithuania".
Wooz said:
eenter, stop spamming the boards up with your useless '0/10' pseudo-irritating posts and other e-fecal matter. Start making sense or you're be out on your ass faster than you can spell "Lithuania".

Who are you?
4. Reminds me of that movie about bugs from space. Anything that reminds me about that movie makes me seethe for lack of anything better to seethe about.